2013 has been an excellent year for swayers! We have seen excellent results with our Personalized Plans that you may now access with no wait by downloading our General Swaying Plans in our new SHOP!! Our TTC a GIRL and TTC a BOY Plans are located there as are the 21-days of meals for Pink and Blue. We have just added our Guide to Understanding your Cycle and using OPKs to Sway book that will surely help those both new to swaying and those that have been trying for a bit that haven’t gotten the hang of managing their cycles. It answers many of the questions that we see posted in our forum.
With 2014 quickly approaching, it is our wish that everyone gets a chance to complete their family with their Dream Gender and welcome that little boy or girl that you have long been dreaming of. Let us help you. We KNOW swaying. We really do. We are here to help give you the plan AND to help coach you through the process. Please join us in our forum and let’s get started on your swaying plan today!