and the effect on Gender
Nutraceutical is a term combining the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, is a food or food products and supplements that provides health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. For our purposes, we will focus on 1.Functional Foods that support the conception of your Dream Gender and 2. Dietary Supplements that sway male or female.
Research supporting Diet’s effect on gender determination:
The idea that the pH, or acidity level of the vagina and cervix can create an environment more favorable to male or female sperm relates to the theory that female sperm are more resilient than their faster, smaller male counterparts. If this holds true, then it makes sense that, through our diet, we can control the level of acidity in our bodies and create a more hospitable environment for the gender of our choice. So pH and Diet really go hand-in-hand. You want to try and change the environment where the sperm will pass through as much as you can and douching is only a topical approach. Diet can change some of the body’s secretions and make you more acidic or alkaline.
Since female sperm are believed to have the ability to survive under harsher conditions, women who want a girl are advised to increase the acidity levels in their bodies by consuming more calcium and magnesium. Women who want a boy should consume more sodium and potassium to lower acidity levels.
For a boy, you need to eat Functional Foods that increase your alkalinity and food rich in sodium and potassium. Functional Foods suitable for a boy include meat, salted meat products, sausages, fish (dried and salted fish particularly recommended), rice, pasta, potatoes, beans and most fresh vegetables, peaches, apricots, bananas and most fresh fruits, white bread, croissants, fruit loaf, honey, jam and soup, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks.
For a girl, Functional Foods rich in calcium and magnesium like dairy products should be eaten. These include eggs, milk or milk products, small amounts of fresh meat and fish allowed, no salt in food, tea, coffee, mineral waters, fresh fruit juice, wine, beer, yoghurt, rice, pasta, salt-free bread, ice cream and small quantities of fresh vegetables.
There are multiple studies that show that decreasing the ratios of Sodium and Potassium to Calcium and Magnesium favors girl conceptions.
1. Food restriction or decreasing the ratio of Sodium and Potassium to Calcium and Magnesium in the diet of female rats before conception favored the production of female offspring.
2. Effects of Diet on Sex Ratio in Rats
In group NaK, under sodium and potassium diet, 23 rats out of 24 became pregnant which delivered 164 offspring. Their gender was 91 male and 73 female (55.5% male and 44.5% female). In group CaMg, under calcium and magnesium diet, all of the 24 rats became pregnant and delivered 163 offspring. From all pregnant rats, 66 male and 97 female rats were born (40.5% male and 59.5% female). Finally, in the control group (group C) all of the 24 rats became pregnant and delivered 147 offspring. From all pregnant rats, 72 male and 75 female rats were born (49% male and 51% female).
Group one (NaK) was supplied with drinking water mixed with 1% sodium and potassium, group two (CaMg) was supplied with drinking water mixed with 1% calcium and magnesium diet, and group C was chosen as a control group and pure drinking water was given to them. After 15 days, the rats were mated with male rats and were separated after they were pregnant.
3. You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing fetal sex in humans
Using data from 740 British women who were unaware of their fetus’s gender, they showed that fetal sex is associated with maternal diet at conception. Fifty six per cent of women in the highest third of preconception energy intake (meaning more fat, calories and protein, etc.) bore boys, compared with 45% in the lowest third. Dietary changes may therefore explain the falling proportion of male births in industrialized countries.
4. More proof that for a boy, you should consume more sodium and potassium-rich food and for a girl, more foods rich with calcium and magnesium.
CUTTING out salt and going on a diet of beans and hard cheese gives mothers a better chance of giving birth to a girl, research shows. September, 2010
The right combination of food and the timing of sex are the key factors in determining whether it’s a boy or a girl, the UK’s Mail on Sunday reported. Mothers should cut out foods containing sodium and potassium-rich food such as olives, bacon, salami, smoked salmon, potatoes, blue cheese, meats, bread and pastries. The best foods are those rich in calcium and magnesium. Calcium-rich foods include yogurt, hard cheese, rhubarb, spinach, tofu, almonds, oatmeal, broccoli and oranges. Brazil and cashew nuts, whole wheat cereals, figs and beans are packed with magnesium.
The scientists, from Maastricht University in Holland, also say the chances of having a daughter are boosted if couples have regular sex but not on days immediately before or after ovulation. The findings come after a five-year study involving 172 Western European women aged from 23 to 42 who had all previously given birth to boys but wanted girls. When they were trying for a child again they were told to cut out salt and eat at least a pound of dairy products a day. Almost 80 per cent of the women who stuck to the diet ended up giving birth to girls. A spokesman for the scientists said: “The results show that both diet and timing methods increase the probability of a girl – the impact of the diet being the most pronounced. “It shows a substantial success rate when both methods are applied correctly.”
5. The number one food associated with infant gender- Cereal!
We went on to test whether particular foods were associated with infant sex. Data of the 133 food items from our food frequency questionnaire were analyzed, and we also performed additional analyses using broader food groups. Prior to pregnancy, breakfast cereal, but no other item, was strongly associated with infant sex . Women producing male infants consumed more breakfast cereal than those with female infants. The odds ratio for a male infant was 1.87 for women who consumed at least one bowl of breakfast cereal daily compared with those who ate less than or equal to one bowlful per week. No other foods were significantly associated with infant sex (given the multiplicity of testing, p%0.01 was considered significant), and was also true for the broader food categories. During later pregnancy, breakfast cereal consumption remained considerably higher among mothers of males. There were no differences for any other foods. Our data did not permit us to examine the consumption of breakfast per se, but breakfast cereal is the main food eaten for breakfast in the UK and is only rarely consumed at other times of day.