If you are hoping for a son or a daughter for your next child, you have come to the right place.
In our Gender Dreaming Discussion Forums, you can find up-to-date gender swaying information and specific Gender Selection(IVF, PGD,Microsort) information that you can use to sway the odds or guarantee the gender of your next child. Our swaying information is based upon scientific research which is detailed in the forums. We have over 140 Family Balancing IVF cycles and countless Gender Swaying attempts from 2012 chronicled in our forum to help you learn about the process.
If you are interested in a guarantee of gender for your next child, then IVF with PGD is your only option. Microsort is no longer available within the USA. Within the IVF world, there are several clinics in the USA and Internationally that offer Family Balancing. It is illegal in Australia and Europe but still offered in a limited capacity there.
Our site is frequented by people from all over the world, many from Australia and the UK, and most families are seeking a GIRL to add balance to their families, whether through at-home swaying methods or IVF with PGD. With over 140 IVF cycles in 2012 chronicled in our Gender Selection Forums, we are the Gender Selection Experts of the Internet.
The range for average cost in the USA is around $12,000-$20,000 per attempt with IVF for Gender Selection depending on where you cycle and which clinic you select.
So, if any of the above sounds like what you have been searching for, we would love to help! Forum registration is free and we are happy to see you here!
– Jane, Founder and Site Owner of GenderDreaming.com
The Options:
High Tech Family Balancing- Elective IVF
You can guarantee the gender of your next baby using Elective IVF with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis(PGD). We call this High Tech Family Balancing(HT). This site contains information that will discuss your options, including where IVF/PGD is offered, how it is performed and how much it costs. We also provide support fourms where you can ask questions of other members who have already been through HT and can help you navigate the path to your dream gender.
Family Balancing is also available for those for couples who would like to reduce the inheritability and/or the health impact of sex-linked or sex-limited genetic diseases in their children using MicroSort sperm sorting.
Family Balancing is NOT, however, the creation of “Designer Babies”. All science is capable of analyzing are chromosomes which include the sex chromosomes X and Y. You cannot select eye color, hair color, intelligence, etc. Family Balancing is just that- balancing out your family a bit. It is not gender selection of a first child unless there is a medical need. It is for those that already have at least one child of a one gender that wish to have a child of the opposite gender. Most families have 2,3,4+ children of the same gender that seek out this service.
High-tech Family Balancing Forums
An example of Family Balancing at its best-
After 7 Sons, a Daughter! One of GenderDreaming’s own forum members, cloverbear
Natural Gender Swaying:
Gender Swaying is implementing natural methods in the privacy of your own home to help increase your odds of having a boy or a girl. We have taken the time to collate the various scientific studies that are available that show what factors can sway your odds at having your dream gender. There is no guarantee to this approach but you can help sway your odds by implementing some of the changes into your diet and lifestyle that these studies uncover. Swaying elements discussed include supplements, timing, diet changes, pH changes and more. Find out what is scientifically studied and shown to work and what is not. There are forums for support and discussing your options and approach and we are constantly looking for ways to help sway your odds so check back often!