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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
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    Sora TTC a Boy Sway Attempt

    Gender Result:

    DW Age:
    DH Age:
    Current Children's Gender(s)
    Two daughters
    Number of Months TTC
    Will start in July
    Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan?


    Calcium Intake(Please describe)
    One a Day Woman + what's usually found in food and water.
    Magnesium Intake(Please describe)
    None for now outside of what's usually found in food and water.
    Potassium Intake(Please describe)
    Took some all spring long. Will run out of it before summer.
    Sodium Intake(Please describe)
    Add a bit of salt to meals especially vegetables or soup. Also the mineral water brand I drink has a good amount of sodium.


    DW Supplements

    One a Day Woman
    Vit D 1000ui
    Omega 3 (fish oil)
    B9 400 mg, may up it to 800mg
    Coq 10 200mg

    DH Supplements

    One a Day Men 50+

    Any additional supplement info?



    Did you follow a diet plan ?

    If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?

    Comments regarding DW's diet changes-

    A total 180° turn as I had been a vegetarian for more than 15 years with a heavy consumption of dairy, cereals, and a no meat nor fish policy. Now it's red meat or white chicken at least twice a day.
    Fish once a week.
    Will be carefull about fruit juices this time around as to not gain too much weight but will still count on it a bit especially since we have a new brand made with coconut water instead of simple water now. Trying to get 9 servings a day.
    Went back to beans and peas regularly. Lentils were already a given.
    Trying to do figs, dates, dried fruits and chestnuts once a week.
    Still a bit suspicious of dairy since I had lots of it with DD1 and DD2. Will try whole milk anyway for breakfast and give preference to gratted parmesan and yoghurts since they seem to be a favourite of boys' moms.

    If diet was used, length of time before attempt?

    The diet will start back in May so it will be 6-8 weeks before TTC.

    Did you skip breakfast regularly?

    I do usually. Will not during diet and as of April, I've started breakfasting again.

    Did DH change his diet with you?

    Not really. He's already more on a blue diet than I am.

    Comments regarding DH's diet-

    DH is a meat and fish lover but eating much more vegetables now, trying to loose weight.
    Loves grilled almonds, dried grapefruits, nuts, figs and dates. He has been practicing martial arts all year-long, once a week. Gained more muscles. Will do weights again with me.

    DId you consume alcohol?

    No. I'm no drinker. Thinking about it, I drink alcohol no more than five times a year.

    DId you try to limit caffeine?

    Hate coffee so no need. Tea drinker though, once a day at least.

    Any Diet Details?

    The brand of mineral water I drink is one of the few in France to have a good amount of potassium, higher than calcium and magnesium which are still present.
    It also has high levels of sodium and is alcaline.

    Any Diet Comments/Additional Info?


    What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O?


    Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments?

    Will try doing weights everyday but it's hard to find time.


    pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known

    It has always been around 5-6.

    Any VG potions used?

    CM pH at attempt
    DH pH


    BD Pattern


    DTD through Ovulation


    BD Dates according to Ovulation


    BD Position


    Any additional comments?

    Any relevant attempt details?
    Did you do anything with Ions?
    Moon Phase during conception?
    Did you use any Old Wives Tales?

    Things that makes me feel great about my sway:

    I was in need of more potassium, levels were abyssmaly low while calcium was through the roof.
    Feel some changes too. Sleep better, move better.
    Happier now with supps. Skin is more tan and smooth.
    I like eating more meat, fruits and nuts even if the effects are horrible on my purse. Didn't think I was able to eat more than 2 servings a day. Dried meat is great !

    Things that make me nervous about my sway:

    DH and I have always been the type that gain weight easily but don't loose it so easily. I never quite lost the weight from DD2 and have become more heavy with my last attempt at swaying. I fear it will get us an opposite.

    Things worth mentioning:

    Learned a lot coming here, especially on timing and frequency since at home, the old beliefs still prevail (Shettles and co). It helped me a lot with vits and supps too. In France, we're simply not used to take them if we're not sick or pregnant. Also the amounts (both in calories and supps) are much lower than what I've read here. Most women in France eat around 1000 to 1400 kcals a day to stay as thin as possible and never take supps, not even when pregnant except if they are suffering from some medical condition. What they do take (and more often than not when pregnancy is already on the way, not before) amounts to 80mg of iron, 400mg of folic and a bit of fish oil. I was the same for both my pregnancies except for DD1 (started taking folic before TTC).
    I hope the changes and the vitD (which is quite forgotten in my home country) will help me this time around.

    This forum is known in France but most swayers shy away from it cause bad at english.
    Last edited by Sora; April 12th, 2019 at 03:18 AM.
    2014 ------- surprise 2016

    Dreaming of a

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Good luck I was vegetarian when I conceived 4 of my 5 girls but I still can't face red meat. I ate chicken most days and salmon oncea week and I am having a boy. Atomic recommends full fat dairy, no almond milk or any other milk substitute. Good luck
    Mummy to

    born Aug 2018


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  4. #3
    Big Dreamer
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    Hey fellow vegetarian and thank you !

    I so want a boy that I'm ready to face lots of meat red and white if it will bring him to me ! Fortunately, before turning vegetarian, I was greatly in love with viande des grisons (air-dried salted beef meat) and just picked it back again. It has the benefit of bringing good nutrients while not causing weight gain. It's pricey but oh well...
    I eat canned tuna everyday, maybe I should do it less often though ? Too much fish isn't good either... idk...
    Well still can't shake my fear of conceiving another daughter if I go back to dairy, especially since I used to love full fat so much ! Didn't help me in the long run
    But I know about the milk substitute, the doc behind the French Diet has warned me off it. He too has noticed a trend of failed sways in women drinking these... So I happily stay with fruit juices and water !

    Hope to be as lucky as you
    2014 ------- surprise 2016

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  5. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  6. #4

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    For what it’s worth I had given up dairy completely when I conceived my boys and now I’ve tried to conceive a girl I’m worrying that the full fat dairy will put me back in boy territory so I’m glad to hear you had lots of it with your girls! I drank lots of oat milk with both my boys

  7. #5
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    Good luck and blue dust! We can actually start you guys your own French thread if you would like us to - we have at times in the past had Dutch and German threads that were very active and we'd be happy for you ladies to join us!! That way you guys can have a place to chat together in French and then I"d be available to answer any questions and anyone who is bilingual could help us translate.

    WOW that is crazy your doctor also observed many opposites with the almond milk! I also noticed that same thing and we have not been using that any more for blue sways!! Thanks so much for sharing that!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

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  9. #6
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    A French thread would be great for many of them, to get tips from other countries who have had different research on the subject and different attempts. And to be informed about the debunking of some old theories. It would be a little hard to get them there though, most tend to go into catatonia at the first english word

    Also I'm glad I can help the other way round, having recently met with the creator of French Diet and knowing about the recent changes to it since 2011. Some observations do cross paths with what you may have noticed too like the prob with almond milk... For example, potassium pills are not recommended anymore for blue swayers. They noticed it doesn't really make a difference (too much, too suddenly, the body can't keep it all) and getting potassium through diet is way better. I would say the same goes for cal/magnesium tabs for pink swayers since it's better to get them from meals.

    Doc thinks the prob with milk substitutes may comes from them often being artificially enriched since they are supposed to help vegetarians/vegans go through the day without meat and dairy and some of what's added may disturb the swaying, either through some chemical reaction or by causing the draining of minerals and other nutrients that may have helped otherwise. He also noticed that some failed sways have to do with dieting and/or frequent intakes of draining, detox-type drinks.
    2014 ------- surprise 2016

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  11. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ohdeer View Post
    For what it’s worth I had given up dairy completely when I conceived my boys and now I’ve tried to conceive a girl I’m worrying that the full fat dairy will put me back in boy territory so I’m glad to hear you had lots of it with your girls! I drank lots of oat milk with both my boys
    Oh yes, I was (still am) crazy about dairy. I've been drinking one bottle of milk a day since I was 10. Whole, skimmed, cow, goat, sheep, even mare, doesn't matter, love them all. We have a wide array of cheese here too so cheese everyday except blue cheese which can cause life-threatening infections to the fetus. All kind of yoghurts too. Most mothers of girls I know are huge milk lovers. We usually frighten boy-moms with how much milk we can drink without getting sick.

    I do think timing and frequency may have played a bit too.
    2014 ------- surprise 2016

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  13. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sora View Post
    Oh yes, I was (still am) crazy about dairy. I've been drinking one bottle of milk a day since I was 10. Whole, skimmed, cow, goat, sheep, even mare, doesn't matter, love them all. We have a wide array of cheese here too so cheese everyday except blue cheese which can cause life-threatening infections to the fetus. All kind of yoghurts too. Most mothers of girls I know are huge milk lovers. We usually frighten boy-moms with how much milk we can drink without getting sick.

    I do think timing and frequency may have played a bit too.

    Now that‘s interesting!
    I have two boys, the first one concieved at a „normal“ diet, let‘s say not very healthy though, and I had just given up smoking a few months before my bfp.
    The second one I concieved as a (mostly) vegan, and I consumed a rather healthy (aside from much sugar...) diet, the only dairy I ate was through chocolate.

    I find it very interesting, that there are even doctors in France who support gender swaying! Is the FG Diet that common in France? I have an appointment at my gyn tonight because of my short luteal phase and delayed O with much cramps, but i don‘t dare to tell her WHY my cycles are so wonky at the time...
    Does anyone do another kind of swaying diet, or is it only FG?
    And why is it taboo though...?

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    ttc in June

  14. #9

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    Great - I’ve had a lot of full fat dairy, especially Greek yoghurt. And cheese! I feel for you having to give it up. I found oat milk to be the best substitute in drinks ie tea and coffee. It is the most like skim milk of all the non dairy milks. I was also eating it in porridge made with rolled oats for breakfast (it was winter time then!) Good luck, I hope you get your boy!

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  16. #10
    Big Dreamer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Linni View Post
    Now that‘s interesting!
    I have two boys, the first one concieved at a „normal“ diet, let‘s say not very healthy though, and I had just given up smoking a few months before my bfp.
    The second one I concieved as a (mostly) vegan, and I consumed a rather healthy (aside from much sugar...) diet, the only dairy I ate was through chocolate.

    I find it very interesting, that there are even doctors in France who support gender swaying! Is the FG Diet that common in France? I have an appointment at my gyn tonight because of my short luteal phase and delayed O with much cramps, but i don‘t dare to tell her WHY my cycles are so wonky at the time...
    Does anyone do another kind of swaying diet, or is it only FG?
    And why is it taboo though...?

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    I find it interesting too. DH and his brother, who are from a boys-only family, have been conceived while their mother was heavily smoking and drinking and taking BC pills. They are also all quite the meat lovers. Both DH and his brother have been introduced to red meat (adult portions) as early as 6 months-old by their grandparents who still had bad memories from WW2.

    Most vegans I know (veganism has been booming in France lately) have boys while vegetarians tend to have more daughters. Also some people I knew who were meat lovers and became vegetarians had daughters following their diet changes while they only had boys before. But it's hard to say if it's only due to what they eat or if it comes from other things (timing, stress... ?).

    The specialists supporting gender swaying in France amount to 2 or 3 but are heavily criticized and even ostracized by the rest of the french scientific community. Doesn't keep them from writing books, making appointements and giving interviews but they have to face accusations of being nazis eugenists...

    ... and there you have one half of your answer about why gender swaying is heavily taboo in France, why docs and gyns who agree with it (and it seems there are quite a few) keep silent and only the French Diet and Shettles are known to the general public.

    People, here and in other European countries, are still deeply traumatized by the eugenic madness of neighbouring Germany during WW2. Any attempt at influencing gender (chromosomes XX and XY), for any reasons other than looking for some cure to terrible or life-threatening illnesses, are seen as advocating nazism. High-tech swaying such as Gender Selection IVF is illegal, prenatal genetic testings are only available to mothers with a history of dangerous medical conditions and/or high-risk pregnancies (or if something seems really wrong during ultrasounds)... And even then, gender is hidden from them as the docs running the tests are required by the law to refuse to answer any question about it. So the only way to know the sex is to wait for the 20-weeks or so ultrasound. Some docs and gyns do cheat and tell the parents but it's a rare thing. Most will act very coldly and even openly despise you if you dare ask.

    Even when swaying naturally, you can't speak openly about it. Women who do often face accusations of secretely wishing for Aryans babies, of lowering themselves to "buying a gender"... It can go as far as accusing them of secretely dreaming of killing their children of opposite genders.

    Blue swayers have it the hardest. We have China and India thrown in our faces, are accused of supporting gynocide (even though we have 2, 3, 4 adorable daughters ) and our DH are suspected of harboring misogynistic tendencies... cause "the ultimate gift for a mother is a daughter and she should not wish for any other child if she is already blessed with one... so if there's any longing for a boy, it MUST come from the horrible patriarchal husband".

    Even in our forums we get attacked by parents who have children of both genders (of course, hypocrites much ?) or by people diagnosed with infertility... which is ironic since a large chunk of swayers ARE people going through IVF for medical reasons and trying to get their chances up for both genders since they will only have a few shots at TTC.

    Hope I answered your question.
    2014 ------- surprise 2016

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