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  1. #1
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    Fat and 37 and suddenly realize I need a girl!

    Sorry to start a new topic, but I can’t find any other threads with other ladies in my situation. It feels like everyone here is tiny and young. My BMI is 33-34 and I’m 37 years old. If there is a thread out there already on this topic, would you please point me in the right direction?

    For now, here’s my story:

    I’m 37 and knew after my son 2 years ago that I would want to try for a girl before it was too late but my pregnancies (9year old boy and 2year old boy) were very difficult for me. Morning sickness that lasted the whole 9 months; extreme leg swelling after 12 hour shifts on my feet as an RN; required iron transfusions; and an emergency c-section after 30+hours of labor with my last son. He was just positioned slightly off and his shoulders wouldn’t fit to come out. We even got to the point of him crowning and they had to push him back in and rush me to the OR. He’s my “born again” baby, lol!Anyway, back to the subject, I went through two “missed” miscarriages before each of my kids.....devastating to see a heartbeat for each of them one week, and then go on blissfully as if I’m still pregnant only to find out they were dead for the last two weeks at my next checkup. Dang! It still gets to me when I think about it. I required a D&C for the 2nd mc. But I was very blessed to be pregnant again within a few months after each of them and I thank God everyday for them!

    Anyway, this is why it took me so long to feel mentally ready to start trying for that girl. I just ran onto the idea of gender swaying right before my last cycle so I haven’t been gearing my ovaries up for a girl until 4 or 5 weeks ago. This is when I started calcium, magnesium, cranberry, zinc, folic acid, iron for sure this time, and recently found something on taking caffeine pills.

    Before I knew about gender swaying I was slowly loosing my pregnancy weight totaling maybe 20 pounds over 2 years. I’ve also quit my horrible Diet Mountain Dew addiction and won’t go back to that. It’s just too unhealthy. I drank a ton of it when I got pregnant with my youngest so it obviously didn’t help sway pink for me anyway, lol. That’s honestly the only thing Ive done to loose the weight so far. I’m just finding the “exercise enigma” so I haven’t been doing that yet.

    I just ordered some myoinositol from amazon to see if that will help me loose more weight, and keep my blood sugars low (I’m not diabetic, btw), to sway pink.

    As far as my period regular...ness, I’ve been pretty dang regular for the last 2 years which is opposite of how it was when I was a young chick. Don’t know how that happened but I’m happy about it. Haha! It lasts about 32 to 35 days. I spot for 2-3 days then have 2-3 days of heavy to moderate flow then it slows waaay down for the last 2-3 days. I only started LH testing last month (which I spiked on day 20), and this month I’m adding the bbt with it to be sure I’m ovulating. But it sounds like most likely I am because my period started exactly 14 days afterwards. My only concern there is that my progesterone levels never really peaked after my LH spike according to the urine test strips.

    Because of the progesterone issue, I read that Maca root can help with that so Ive been on it for the last 2-3 weeks. I’m thinking that it might push me more into the boy zone, but I would rather have another boy than have no pregnancy at all. And like I said, I’m running out of time and can’t really wait to prep my ovaries. I turn 38 in November.

    Ok, so if I keep on this pattern and make sure my timing is the just once method, and continue to loose weight and add exercise in the mix, do you think I still have a chance for my girl? Any advice would be very much appreciated!

    Oh! I forgot to mention, I started taking ginkgo biloba 3 months before we started trying, and wonder if my ovaries are “impenetrable” for another month anyway. That study was done on hamsters....but that’s another story.

    I ovulate on the 18-20th this month so I wasn’t sure if you would get to me in time if I put in my info for a personalized plan so I am posting this for now. Besides, I’m sure there are a lot of overweight, 35 plus ladies out there that could benefit from this info. If there is already a thread out there that would cover this that I just couldn’t find, let me know.

    I am so very grateful for all the posts and great advice Ive read on here so far. You really seem to care about each one of our concerns and you give truthful advice. I also really appreciate when you aren’t afraid to correct your theories if you find they were once wrong. As an RN, it seems like in the hospital setting people are always too scared to admit if they were wrong. So THANK YOU!!!

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    Last edited by thinknpink1122; February 5th, 2019 at 01:28 PM.
    mmc 7 wks /ds 9 / mmc 11 wks: ds 2 /praying for pink at age 37

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Hi and welcome!

    Why are you taking iron and zinc? Are you deficient?

    Personally I think calcium and magnesium sway blue and got boys with it, then gave it up to get my girl. I understand it's hard to give up on them so it's certainly better to take supplements than to drink tons of dairy (which may sway blue). Be sure your supplements don't have Vit. D in them as Vit. D appears to sway strongly blue (unless you're deficient, in which case you should take some if you need to.)

    I cannot recommend cranberry. We have tracked it in our results and it doesn't work. Plus, the risks and side effects were much more major (including miscarriage) and I have not ever recommended it. For a while we used aspirin in lieu of cranberry, but aspirin didn't work either and also proved to have lots of risks and side effects just like the cranberry. I would have you wean off the cranberry and not replace it with anything, but if you can't stand not to take something

    PLEASE NO CAFFEINE PILLS. (agh I swear just when I think they can't add any worse things to sway supps on other sites, they find some other dangerous thing) We have reason to believe coffee sways pink. Not caffeine, coffee. We get great results with it and I do recommend it for pink. But coffee is not caffeine, it has lots of other chemistry to it and since we get bad results with diet pop and tea, it appears to me to be something in coffee and not caffeine.

    I don't recommend anything beyond safe and sane intake of artificial sweeteners. I even have wondered if high intake of them may sway blue and have talked about that here I got my daughter without aspartame after getting my 4th boy drinking it.

    Highly recommend exercise (and in your situation I'd do even moderate exercise as the benefits to blood sugar control and egg quality are so great they outweigh any potential risk to growing muscle mass). Also would have you use myoinositol. Unlike most of the supps you're presently taking we've gotten good results with it.

    If your period started 14 days after you surged you do not have a progesterone issue. Please no maca, not only does it likely sway blue, we've had some very strange experiences with it including hallucinations and raising FSH through the roof (this is bad for egg quality.) Diet, exercise, and myoinositol are best.

    I would also like to see you on this type of diet as it will help with blood sugar, improve egg quality, and help your sway. If you don't want to do a full on diet that's ok, just please switch from refined grains to whole grains and drop sugar entirely. (this is VERY IMPORTANT and is by far more important than any of the supplements you're taking, both for egg health and for the sway)

    I'm not a fan of gingko biloba when TTC and I'd like to see you wean off that now.

    I think I covered everything - if not, ask ask ask! That's what I'm here for and while I always appreciate custom plans since they enable me to do this as a job rather than work outside the home, I help everyone regardless of ability to pay. I'll answer any questions you have - just let me know what you need.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  3. Thanks thinknpink1122 thanked for this post
  4. #3
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    Iron and zinc reasons: Ive always been on the anemic side of the scale and with my last pregnancy I was so deficient that I required 6 iron transfusions. I think my diet is the typical “American” diet and I also have a hard time eating red meat. It’s just gross. Haha! I try to replace it with legumes and beans when there is an option though. This leads me to the zinc supplement. I figure with my poor diet and my advanced age, it would be good to give my ovaries a boost. It’s in a multivitamin too but I know to stay away from those until after o day. There are all kinds of websites with great references that confirm it will help to make your eggs strong. The most recent one I’ve read: Are you worried it sways blue or something? Why wouldn’t I take it?

    I will take your advice on the diet plan now too. Thank you.

    I will stop Maca root. Should I wean off it though?

    I never started the caffeine pills thankfully. I just read something about that today so I will take your advice. But I won’t start drinking coffee either. The only way I can drink that is by adding so much creamer that there isn’t any coffee in it anyway. It’s more like adding coffee to my creamer, lol! Besides that, my faith disagrees with drinking coffee or tea.

    I will use your moderate exercise advice as well.

    How long would I need to be on mioinositol to sway pink? I ordered some through amazon and it arrives tomorrow.

    I’ve been off the ginkgo for a month but took it for 3 months prior. So I will continue to not take it. . I didn’t wean off it though . Just quit cold turkey but haven’t seen any bad results from it.

    For the cranberry or aspirin, I read in your pink swaying stats spreadsheet that it had high results, so now I’m confused. I realize that it’s to be taken with a grain of salt because of the low numbers of the people who tried it and reported on here, but a lot of other websites agree with these high results. Also, with my 50% mc rate, maybe it would be a good idea to start a baby aspirin and stop the cranberry???

    Do you see many other ladies in my category of being overweight, old, but still wanting a girl? I would love to read other stories like mine!

    Thank you so much for the faster than I expected response! You’re the BEST!

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    mmc 7 wks /ds 9 / mmc 11 wks: ds 2 /praying for pink at age 37

  5. #4
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    2nd attempt at asking my questions. Hopefully no technical difficulties this time. Haha!

    Iron and zinc: yes Ive always been anemic and actually required 6 iron transfusions with my last pregnancy. Zinc is proven to improve egg quality and with my advanced age and “American “ diet, I think I need to keep taking least until after o day when at that point I’ll just take a multivitamin instead.

    Cranberry: I read on your spreadsheet that this and/or aspirin had very high girl results. I’ve kept in mind the low participant rate, but I’ve also read it helps all over the web. Maybe I’ll stop the cranberry, but with my 50% mc rate, do you think I should start a baby aspirin?

    Caffeine pills: I never actually started them so I for sure won’t. But I don’t like coffee and plus my faith doesn’t agree with drinking coffee or tea.

    Artificial sweeteners: I mostly stick to water anyway

    Thanks for the diet and exercise advice. I’ll start on those right away!

    Maca root: I will stop that and start myoinositol as soon as it is delivered tomorrow.

    Question: how long should I take myoinositol to make a difference in swaying pink?

    Ginkgo: I was only on it for 3 months and quit a month ago when I realized how bad it was for fertility.

    Thanks so much for your quicker than expected response!! You’re the BEST!

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    mmc 7 wks /ds 9 / mmc 11 wks: ds 2 /praying for pink at age 37

  6. #5
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    Also, if there are any other ladies with the same situation, I would love to hear their stories and what worked for them. Is there already another thread that you know if that I could go to?

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    mmc 7 wks /ds 9 / mmc 11 wks: ds 2 /praying for pink at age 37

  7. #6
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    Sorry for ANOTHER message. You don’t even need to read my other ones if you just read this one.

    After reading the diet suggestion you gave me (swaying under special circumstances part 1- blood sugar issues), it makes me feel like I am naturally already on the right track. Lots of empty carbs and hardly any meat. I do however tend to eat breakfast cereals a lot of the time as a meal....anytime of the day, not just breakfast. So I guess cereal along with the skim milk I’ve always preferred for years is definitely something I should cut out until I get my bfp. Is skim milk bad even after my bfp?? Seems like I read that it’s not healthy somewhere recently, but I really like skim over the other fat milks.

    I’m also thinking that my age is something I have going right for me as well to sway pink.

    Is it still believed that being underweight or overweight sways girl? If so, I’ve got that going for me too! BUT I strongly believe in the exercise thing to put my body into a little shock since I’ve been overweight for so long. Is there is a link for the “even moderate exercise “ suggestion you gave me?

    So here’s my new pink sway plan:

    -cut out breakfast cereals and milk all together
    -stop all supplements and start myoinositol
    -exercise with an even moderate routine (starting tonight with my dh )
    -stop grazing all day and focus on having 3-4 or even 5 small meals /day so my blood sugar isn’t constantly elevated
    -bd only once....a day or two before o
    -keep doing all the other things I’m already doing to keep it simple to prevent stress

    For dh:

    -He’s been losing weight so I’ll get him to exercise with me
    -have him start olive leaf extract (thoughts on that?)

    If I don’t get my bfp in 2 weeks with this sway, then I’ll be more likely to sway pink next month since I will have been doing all this stuff for a longer amount of time.

    Let me know if any of this is wrong. Thanks again?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    mmc 7 wks /ds 9 / mmc 11 wks: ds 2 /praying for pink at age 37

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