TTC a Girl Sway Attempt
Gender Result: Unknown
DW Age: 40
DH Age: 38
Current Children's Gender(s) BBBGB
Number of Months TTC 3
Did you purchase and follow a GD Personalized Plan? Yes
Did you follow a diet plan? Yes
If yes to diet, which one did you most follow?
Comments regarding DW's diet changes- PCOS LE
I didn't exactly skip breakfast but I did work up to delaying it about 2hrs to my normal.
I typically ate 4 meals a day around 400cals each plus drinks, and a tiny snack at bedtime if I was starving.
If diet was used, length of time before attempt? 28 weeks
Did you skip breakfast regularly? No
Did DH change his diet with you? No
Comments regarding DH's diet- He didn't take supplements. He did choose beer over spirits more but drank quite a long in general! I think his meat intake dropped a bit because of my diet. He had had knee surgery when we concieved and had been on alot of painkillers. Due to his injury he hadn't been playing football which had led to some increased bodyfat.
DId you consume alcohol?
DId you try to limit caffeine? No, I drink caffeine regularly
Any Diet Details? Gluten free
Tried to get carbs from fuits, vegies and pulses but due to large amounts of cardio I had to eat grains to keep my cals up or I lost too much weight/was starving and dizzy.
I wanted to give up dairy like with my dd but in the end kept it in.
I increased my coffee intake from my usual but added in decaf so my actual caffeine intake was about the same.
Any Diet Comments/Additional Info? I usually take alot of supplements and had to wean off and readjust to not taking them which was challenging but also rewarding in the end.
I was on metformin 500 2x day. Inositol 500 1x day.
What did you weigh/BMI do leading up to O? 19.5
Any Weight/Exercise related additional info/comments? Did cardio on a stationary bike on average 5 days a week. Sometimes only 40mins if that's all I could fit in. Probably 4x a week was 60mins.
pH Before Starting a Sway Program, if known NA
Any VG potions used?
CM pH at attempt used a tiny bit of Sylk for comfort only as I'd had 3 red wines at a dinner out, I was a bit dry.
DH pH -
How many BD attempts did you make for the BFP cycle? 1
BD Dates according to Ovulation
Any additional comments? I took letrozole for the 3 cycles ttc. The first two starting day 3. The successful cycle starting day 5. My O day was far earlier on the successful cycle.
We had not been releasing for DH every few days as previously due to his surgery. We did have him release 2 days before our attempt though.
DH Info about Swimmers
BD Position -
Did you Jump and Dump?
Any relevant attempt details? Position woman on top same as my dd. Was more because my dh was injured and couldn't do anything else lol.
DW Supplements
DH Supplements -
Any additional supplement info? I had been on antibiotics in the week before our attempt and had been taking probiotics that week.
Did you do anything with Ions? Salt lamp on pretty much 24/7.
Lavender oil on wrists or on oil warmer most nights.
Moon Phase during conception? First Quarter
Did you use any Old Wives Tales? Pink prayer cloth under my side of the bed.
Painted nails pink in the 6 weeks before.
Things that make me feel great about my sway: This sway had the most exercise and the least supplements of all my sways. We got preg on one attempt with no O for DW.
Things that make me nervous about my sway: The cycle before I fell off the wagon a bit with my diet after ovulation and binged a bit on protein and fat.
The week before ovulation being on probiotics.
Things worth mentioning: 3 cycles is the longest its taking me to fall preg with my dh.
I basically used the plan I had with my DD but did get coaching again.
Hi ladies 💗 Got our BFP at 10dpo! Swayed girl & ate the LH diet for 4+ months! Just wanted to get some opinions on my line progression from 10-12dpo. It’s getting darker right? For some reason my...
Line Progression