- Welcome to swaying!
- No-Fault Swaying!
- another way to look at the swaying odds
- How should I sway?
- complete guide to swaying and yeast infections
- why does gender run in families?
- Timing and hormon question
- How do Sperm Come to Life?
- Lower sperm count favors females.. some rambling
- is it a good idea to sway while going HT??
- what is the BEST way to lower testosterone?
- you "can't" carry a baby of that gender!
- Sex ratio total population per country
- Zyrtek really DOES work!
- How long does it take to lower testosterone??
- Saw Palmetto help
- Does Low Carb Sway One Way or Another?
- Boosting Testosterone
- Has anyone heard of/tried gender swaying program A-GENDER???
- Body Hair!
- Odds of having boys, girls, mixed gender family- old statistics thread by lindi
- update on me
- Boosting egg quality
- how hairy are YOU?!
- Dr Potter post in HT forum
- Heprin injections when swaying?
- Is douching safe?
- Ph levels
- Survey!
- home hormone level testing
- Guide to Replens and RepHresh (Part 1)
- measuring pH
- Conceiving twins!
- How important are ph levels?
- Testosterone Levels - strange question!!!
- pre-O temps
- The lure of Lubes!!
- Aci-jel and Sylk
- Best sex positions for babies of a particular gender, or just getting pregnant!
- Question about Vitex
- mood = gender?
- clomid
- Clomid
- overkill?
- What does it really MEAN to have high (or low) testosterone?? Scientifically??
- Is there anything I can do to make my cycles shorter???
- Ugh I cut myself with my digi tester...
- O+12
- light blood in ewcm before/at ovulation...is this normal???
- Does breastfeeding sway pink or blue?
- Inducing AF with parsley?
- okay.. timing
- some thoughts on calcium?
- decaf coffee OK every now and then?
- Just cannot go HT...
- Shettles method of timing for boy and girl Part 1
- ATOMIC-that light thing you were talking about to regulate cycles(full moon)
- Skrimpi!!!
- Farewell ladies!
- why do vegetarians have more girls???
- The Kitchen Sink, the Mellow Yellow, and the 80-20 rule UPDATE Dec. 6 2017
- DHEA experience, anyone?
- The Exercise Enigma - both genders
- Moon theory?
- Lunaception
- OPKs...do more + days mean later ovulation?
- Does anybody know if Vitamin K is the same as Potassium?
- If you ever see a mistake...
- READ ME FIRST - This isn't what they said!
- Comic relief for swayers....when things like this happen!
- Old article about the French Gender Diet from People Magazine!
- Complete guide to taking supplements!
- Tracking the three primary fertility signs (BBT, cervical position, and CM)
- i read that taking clomid days 5-9
- I'm very tempted to just go for it!
- DH vegetarian TTC blue
- ovulation pain and spotting - in depth
- Ovulation and temps after m/c at 5 wks
- WHOA....opk is + on CD11 now...is this normal?
- the seasons and swaying
- Tea??? TTC boy
- Question about OPKs and how to read them
- pH test strips
- Could this be my cervix?
- What is your take on BDing....frequent for ttc blue ok?
- getting started with OPKs
- is anywhere to get cranberry tablets with out
- was anyone able to find the french gender diet?
- If you are interested in a FB swaying buddy group
- Calcium supps raising PH?
- Food and supplements for the 2ww?
- What kind of cut-off is this?
- Diva cup half off today only 3-7-2011
- Is suddenly getting a cold a sign of early pregnancy?
- TBM question
- Many Marvelous Milks! For Pink and Blue.
- Living in Australia and ions/seasons
- I ordered the French Gender Diet book!
- 1
- Natural ideas for combatting a cold/sinusitis in 2ww/pregnant?
- Super Soy for a girl or a boy!
- Do Tylenol, Advil and Mortin sways blue ???
- 1
- About to O and starving
- Anyone Uses/Tried a Ovulation Watch?
- Soy Isoflavones and cysts
- Rephresh or replens??? Tcc girl
- Prenatal Vitamins
- blue dye pg test?? got a pos heard they have evaps
- Solar flares
- Ovulation Monitors and share your experiences here!!
- I got a BFP!!!
- when to stop baby aspirin when you are pg??
- can someone do biorhythyms for me???
- Sweetening up your sway! For pink and blue!
- 1
- How to check pH for DH and DW
- Abbreviation Translation!
- I just wanted to say
- TTC Girl sway by breast feeding?
- Are these supplements ok?
- Is it ok to use Rephresh and Sylk while swaying PINK?
- HELP DH ph soooo not girl friendly
- Coke - good or bad for any sway?
- 1
- Humid weather
- Boyjoy's link about caffeine amounts in various drinks
- Water, water everywhere! For pink and blue!
- List of LOW and HIGH Potassium foods!!!
- Calcium Rich Foods
- Does recent surgery sway?
- Info on Swaying While Breastfeeding!!!
- Info on Vitamins and Mineral Sources!!!
- Where do you get vitex?
- swaying while breastfeeding
- Eclipse and Swaying???
- My French Gender book came today!!
- How long does one sway beofre TTC?
- Choosing Your child through Diet- The French Gender Diet Introduction
- Great Calcium Info... useful for Boy or Girl swaying!!!
- Exercise question for TTC pink -- calorie goal?
- Looking for plug in ion purifier
- Can DH take Licorice root and Soy?
- ready to plan my new attempt!
- Supplement for DH
- Iluvmman's TTC Boy Sway Plan for May 2011
- Have you ever asked about your mother's diet/what/how she ate before conceiving you?
- Basic Breads for pink and blue
- What about skipping breakfast sways pink?
- It is time for a little housekeeping 4-3-11
- Sun beds
- How does high testosterone in dh sway blue? or does it even?
- Does lack of sleep sway?
- Does sudfed/zyrtec etc affect Men?
- Pool..does it sway?
- Is this normal? (re: dietary changes)
- cervial errosion
- got my publix bakery to make me some no salt bread!
- Having trouble with a digital ph tester
- Do you or partner have hayfever
- Spotting before AF
- any all girl mamas eat things like... popcorn, fries, or chips...
- Iron tablets
- links to survey threads
- Should I do Shettles, O+12, or what!!!
- DH wont do diet ....
- Blue: Diet and mistake foods?
- ??? Amounts of sex to have a gender ???
- How long do antibiotics take to get out of your system?
- Fertility Stones... Do they work???
- Statistics on Sway and Outcome??
- If we can get DH to change one thing.....
- Acidic/Alkaline Chart?
- How long are you doing diet, etc. before your attempt?
- Does when your AF start predict when you'll O?
- tea....
- Eggs
- Swaying -quick sway/diet description page?
- digital ph meter can not afford - what about ACCURATE PH stripes ?
- paging all Hanna and ovulation monitor experts
- Diet options for swaying
- is there something i can safely take while bf and swaying to decrease appetite?
- HELP PLEASE!!! Advice needed on my sway plan after two losses
- Atomic would you weigh in on this water for ttc girl please?
- 1
- Info on pH digital tester
- Ph testing??
- TBM Lowdown...
- I hope i'm putting this in the right spot...if not you can whip me
- Ph Paper Vesus Digital
- The MOST dangerous things for swaying
- Magnesium Rich Foods
- Starting vitex in the middle of a cycle?
- how to do TBM and why you probably shouldn't do it for gender swaying
- Need cm info???
- Moon Phases for 2011.. trying to concieve a girl!
- Someone please help a confused mum for ttc girl
- OPK's
- A Little Sad Right Now!!!
- If you got pg with a 2-3 day cutoff...
- Iron is just as important as Folic Acid...
- Dr.Elchuri's recipes for CONCEIVING
- Anti Depressants and swaying
- Site may be offline tonight for an upgrade!
- DH liquorice root
- Sits is going down this afternoon for upgrade!
- Sway is working...
- Does Maca Sway?
- Fast during 2WW and swaying
- Biorhythms and jonas calculator
- Probiotics (posted again)
- pH meters
- pH Questions...How often to test, fluctuations, etc.
- Now solar flares to worry about!
- Aquafina Vitamin Water....
- A newbie ttc boy in october
- Atomic...anyone...questions:)
- Kristin (atomic) is out of town... FYI
- Weight Watchers
- I found an online store:) Pretty great deals if you ask me!
- Is low vaginal ph during pregnancy indicator of girl at all???
- South beach diet?
- Your daily stress level
- Conceive plus lube?
- antibiotic question
- 1st TTC Boy Attempt this week - need blue dust!
- sex ratio linked to mothers age when she began menstrating.
- Calling Mums with Twins.
- Any last minute advice??
- mineral ranges question
- Just stumbled across this product, any good for pink swayers?
- The LAZY Swayers
- RePhresh question... and pH after BD!
- Solar flairs and when to start ttcing
- Anyone had side of implantation cramps later confirmed by 6-8 week scans? Ramzi Theory?
- what do you guys think of this plan AND now taking suggestions!
- Things We Learned The Hard Way - List things we learned when trying to put sway plan into action
- Red Bush Tea RooiBos tea which sway is it good for
- Anyone try babyman.net?
- Anyone not going to do the diet?
- Ovulation and increase bm
- what is Vitex?
- Beyond the cookie cutter - Personalizing your sway
- Is More better?
- Saw palmetto & Clomid
- Laser Hair Removal
- Antihistamines/Robitussin
- big girls, little girls, and baby girls (and boys!!)
- Spotting?
- Happy Mother's Day Everyone