- Hey all you natural swayers!
- Products we LOVE for TTC Pink
- New study about diet & timing in relation to gender..
- Lowering testosterone levels
- Blood Sugar Levels - help!!!
- Does PCO/S sway Blue?
- the calcium conundrum - CONTROVERSIAL
- things that definitely sway pink?
- Starting to feel a bit better about swaying
- Swaying for a Girl - Diet Help please
- Swaying-gurus - what do you think of TBM for a girl?
- Has anyone ever experienced really long menstral periods whilst swaying for a girl?
- Does Evening Primrose sway girl or boy or is it Neutral?
- Soy milk for DH?
- Quorn for DH whilst TTC Girl
- Would love your opinions on adding calcuim to a douche or to replens/acijel.
- the vinegar/ calcium/ lime douche anyone done it? know how?
- is there any kind of liquid calcium dh could take?
- soy isoflavones or vitex?
- peppermint tea
- confused about something (diet)
- another question (sorry) about weight loss
- ok last one today i swear! calcium pill vs calcium in food
- so bummed about microsort
- um this girl diet is bonkers
- when to take supps
- are there ways to lower estrogen???
- what do you think about chocolate??
- aatomic- or anyone else
- supplement help?
- what brand or type of magnesium or cranberry are best?
- Opinions on using lavender to sway pink please
- Opinions on using spemricides to reduce sperm count and sway pink please
- represh question
- any other pink swayers with Mitral Valve Prolapse?
- pH products
- supplements- these ok?
- lemon oil/ orange oil
- hmmm.. you might be right about calcium atomic!!
- Energy Drinks and DH.... Also smoking question... Drinking
- cayenne pepper for ttc girl?
- what do you think about sylk or aci jel?.... diva cup
- rice milk or regular milk? in the middle.
- spacing children and gender
- magnesium stearate
- Soy Isoflavones and gender swaying
- what can lower estrogen?
- last q of the day lol clomid
- peppermint oil to increase progesterone
- need advice and thoughts on early ferning
- this whole swaying thing...!
- gymnema sylvestre
- Calcium Citrate supplements ARE alkaline
- Can yogurt or keifer raise your ph? why cant i get my ph down??
- peppermint tea??
- Milk and cholesterol??? Atomic need your advise!
- acijel help needed! how much and how often?
- % and clomid
- Please help me figure out a diet plan! whats your daily diet?
- checking pH
- Thankyou
- Critique my girl diet?
- Is oatmeal okay to eat???how about pudding?
- supplement help
- Does anyone else have 1 dd and swaying for another one?
- How long does it take this diet to start lowering your ph???
- Why only greek or organic yogurt??
- thought I'd share- decrease test. and estradiol, increase progesterone?
- rePHresh tampons?
- Cut off?
- any idea how to get my period going? breastfeeding
- Cranberry juice???
- Atomic or someone, question for you
- Is this 0 sodium break okay??
- what does unisom (doxylamine) and nyquil sway
- macrobid... is it safe to take for a uti?
- I think I found how to make my PH go down...barely eat anything!!!
- What does becoming a dream member give you??
- does xanax sway? I found out tylenol and ibuprofen sway girl1
- Does xanax sway???
- Medications that sway girl thread (tylenol and ibuprofen sway girl!)
- Where did that thread go?
- PCOS diet...
- Alcohol
- Kefir? what do you think of it?
- cut-off....abstinence or frequent BD??? cut off or BD AF-O?
- Honestly what do you think of this idea? is this boy territory?
- Is this right? Longer luteal phase, later ovulation better chance for a girl??
- Im O'ing to late! help! what CD do you O on, and how long is your cycle?
- Keeping blood sugar low and swaying girl? please explain this to me
- After 6 weeks quit supps O-AF....my ph has gone done drastically!!!!!!!
- Rice Krispies cereal
- Cardio Exercise
- what anthisthimine besides sudafed drys up ewcm?
- cranberry pills
- diet
- Thank you Atomic!!! Your Rephresh post, has worked for me and several others!!!
- I need diet ideas....low protein foods,, what should I eat?what do you eat?
- Another medication question
- repHresh question (asked in separate thread)
- My thoughts of why BD AF-O may not be good, any thoughts?does this make sense or no?
- Hi ladies
- cant use baby aspirin and cranberry,which should i use??
- how low is too low??
- how many days in a row is considered frequent release/attempts?
- my aci jel got here today!
- Sylk made my ph rise...now what am i gonna use for lube?
- are these foods okay to eat??
- TBM & Jump & Dump?
- Help why am i gaining weight???
- ? about aci-jel??is this normal???
- Lindi and mommy duke!
- Hormones for TTC Pink
- so confused,everyone telling me NOT to do cut-off....advice please
- what I have noticed-moms weight and gender
- Rephresh does NOT have acetic acid
- Do NOT order "pick the gender of your baby by ashley spencer"
- Im done stressing about swaying,im to stressed out
- 2WW and maintaining girl diet?
- I'm swaying this month! *Nervous*
- READ ME FIRST - Planning Your Pink Sway
- I have a plan but..
- why can clomid and vitex not be taken together?
- if im wanting to start trying the first of may
- Maybe it's not the calcium after all, a theory
- Question: testosterone, frequent release, and the Big O (hormonal issues)
- help! got my BBT but dont know where to start!
- Femara
- Recommended Fibre Supplements??
- confused.... diet questions
- How would you recommend using these things....
- Clomid or Vitex
- does keeping ph down from cut-off-O really matter?
- Rice milk
- Fasting? DH diet?
- vaseline as a lube for TTC girl???
- Do you think I should try vitex or no???
- US Presidents and their kids
- Is lactaid (lactase enzyme supplement)ok to use TTC girl??
- would ky sensitive jelly be okay as a lube???
- Okay aci-jel,works for me. Need to know how much to use, when to use, before BD etc
- Hi new and could do with some advice
- Aci-Jel?
- My first Real attempt tonight.....adivice needed.
- Im thinking BD'ing AF-O is NOT the way to go
- Sylk kills sperm???
- fish oils and flaxseed oil?
- starting the diet tomorrow!
- a few more diet questions
- oil/ butter
- Better than Acijel??????
- Moon phases?
- food / eating / time
- When to douche?
- Saw Palmetto AND Licorice Root question.
- Another proof about weight and conceiving girls
- does magnesium need to be taken with calcium?
- Folic acid
- if im not eating 100% off the diet
- Ugh how my attempt went
- Yogurt? Low sodium bread?
- Late ovulation=more girls? (was looking through fertility friend charts)
- what do you think of this lube?
- ions, how long do you spend in the shower and do you linger after?
- Diet and weight
- How we made girls...by girl moms! (PINK DUST!!!)
- Skipping breakfast
- yeast infection
- 1
- ? when to take Zyrtec
- Oh man I hope I didn't mess things up!
- if i start the diet 100% tomorrow
- 3 Blue.. 1 Pink.... Can I be blessed Pink again?
- Best Advice you can give me to SWAY PINK <3
- 1
- can you take a peek at my chart
- 1
- atomic need your advice about represh or replens please
- Diet question
- My BD'ing plan for next month if im not pg, thoughs please
- Acidic diet vs IG/french gender diet what do you think atomic? or anyone?
- blood sugar? craving sweets at night?
- eggs
- trying for a cut off and not sure when to bd
- What's for dinner tonight? (or any other meal)
- Cinnamon?
- How bad is chocolate?
- Cleaning products and swaying!
- diet and supplements during 2ww
- well i just suck at this diet
- Losing weight
- Steroid creams
- Is watery CM classed as EWCM?
- Swimming
- *Pink Summer Swayers!*
- Hi all! Intro from a newbie
- I have four daughters and this is my background!
- Read on another forum that B6 sways BOY! Freaking out now!
- Please help with vitex and Saw Palmetto Questions
- Am I out this cycle?
- 1
- Rephresh and replens.... Can I use both during cycle?
- Please look at my plan
- Questions???
- ttc girl what kind of water are you drinking?
- Please give thoughts on my Girl Sway Plan!
- Alcohol? Hot baths?
- Any input on my sway for late April?
- Rephresh - is this normal??
- Vitex or Saw Palmetto?
- Girl diet and meds question?
- Re-Evaluating My Sway..Help Please!
- My Girl Swaying Diet While Breastfeeding!!!
- TBM?
- Question on Peppermint Tea and Hormone Supps
- My planned sway
- First day tracking on Fit day and I am more confused then ever! HELP please! LOL
- New with a question about my sway!
- hungry all the time
- Atomic, advice wanted please!!!!
- Cervical mucus
- Antibiotics and pink sway
- Good results from Refresh and aci-gel
- OPK Fade in pattern?
- how i made my girls
- What should your natural (not swaying) pH be?
- Oil
- Can I take 200 mg of b6?
- Male dominant families
- Crystal light
- RE's opinion on swaying
- if i eat breakfast or an early lunch...
- Stress about sway delaying O?
- Slight change of plans.
- What can I put on my pasta?
- Pregnant friends
- Best time in cycle to have a diet break
- X rays
- Question about Rephresh, Replens, Aci-Jel, and Sylk
- Last Minute Questions!!!
- A little confused...
- girl Month or diet more important...please read and give opinion
- Almost 100% sure I O'd yesterday...when is O+12?
- Ovulation day confusion!
- My NEW breastfeeding sway!!!
- Bizarre question, so I do apologize! Sperm viability that is kept outside the body?
- Girl Diet help
- aspartame
- lower ph of CM but higher of saliva
- question about dh