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  1. Welcome to GenderDreaming!
  2. Gender Swaying Information
  3. Hi-Tech Gender Selection - IVf/PGD Information
  4. Personalized Swaying Plans
  5. Ultrasound Gender Determination Forum- Nub Guessing
  6. Gender Desire and Gender Disappointment
  7. New Location Services for finding an IVF/PGD Clinic!
  8. Dream Member- Accessing Private Forums
  9. Do I need a Dream Membership to access everything? I've bought a Customized Swaying Plan already...
  10. How do I access my Personalized Sway Plan?
  11. Hello ladies, just introducing myself:)
  12. New!! How do I set up my signature?
  13. cycling Genesis August 2013
  14. Question?
  15. 13wks 5days, please help with gender! tech said boy, could she be wrong? please help!!
  16. Newbie, Need help deciding on a clinic to cycle with!!
  17. Picture upload problem
  19. Temping question for boy sway
  20. any blue swayers TTC in dec 2013
  21. Traveling from London - PGD advice needed!!!
  22. Has anybody ordered a GENDER SPELL?
  23. Boy or girl please have a guess
  24. Blog Query
  25. Blog?!?
  26. Only 1 girl to transfer and Im feeling hopeless :(
  27. Gender guesses pleeeeaaaaassssseeee
  28. New to site! Which plan should be selected for me?
  29. Purchased the bundle/can't find the questionnaire!
  30. Nub at 13 weeks and 3 days
  31. слизал сперму лю
  32. Boy Or Girl
  33. natural killer cells and clotting blood tests
  34. Nub available or not
  35. Journalist interested in your testimonies and experiences with PGD
  36. Meal Plan Access
  37. Anyone had a clairvoyant reading done?
  38. Howdy! RNY patient hoping to swing PINK!
  39. Hello! I`m a new member. I'm looking for my daughter
  40. Hello I'm nee
  41. Just curious as to when I conceived. Now 21 weeks and 1 day pregnant
  42. Key to forum symbols - envelopes, stars etc
  43. Curious
  44. Morning sickness and gender questions
  45. Hi
  46. Personalised plan
  47. Purchased a plan..what next?
  48. Dream member???
  49. Delete profile
  50. Just purchased a personalized plan
  51. Changing my username.
  52. Just for fun, any guesses?!
  53. how do you put your signature in?
  54. How do i change my signature
  55. Anyone doing/done IVF for sex selection only?
  56. asprin once pregnant
  57. Boy or girl? Tech said she is 99% sure
  58. New paypal account
  59. Gender guess Please!!!!!!
  61. duh. how to put a picture on my avatar spot...
  62. Gender predictions from 12 week scan.... Any guesses???
  63. I have registered and I still cannot post, reply or purchase a plan- WHY?
  64. HT Diet
  65. Mailbox full can't send any messages
  66. Help please! Have purchased plan but what happens now??
  67. Close account / cancel subscription
  68. How to change user name?
  69. Buying Meds - International
  70. Member question
  71. Hi All I want to post a new thread, but only seem to be able to here.
  72. LE diet
  73. Nub guesses please, 12weeks 5days ultrasound 💕💙
  74. when will i get the plan
  75. TTC girl and exercising
  76. Traveling from Australia to HRC for IVF/PGD
  77. Preseed? Does it help gender sway?
  79. Plan purchased.dont know where to start.
  80. Calcium and Magnesium results good in sway stats
  81. Actually, I quite like the kids
  82. LR liquid extract ok to use instead of capsules?
  83. Help with all of these acronyms/jargon?!
  84. RePhresh - is it still recommended?
  85. What was your diet focus Succesful pink swayers?
  86. How far in advance should DH start OLE?
  87. Can a few weeks on diet shorten a cycle?
  88. Can a couple of weeks on diet change cycle length?
  89. ttc pink
  90. Shettles
  91. Sudafed?
  92. Sudafed?
  93. Confused about timing- ttc a girl
  94. A golden egg ?
  95. 2 ww and sex
  96. post approval by moderators?
  97. Help!
  98. Accuracy of gender by moon signs
  99. Over 40 yrs
  100. Boy or Girl - what do you guys think
  101. NEWBIE!! Suggestions welcomed!
  102. Help downloading/accessing the bundle
  103. Weird thing happening with my username.
  104. Anyone sway without diet?
  105. Hello, I'm new here
  106. Delete Post
  107. Fiber and peppermint tea...
  108. Opk and timing help please!
  109. New to this. Gender prediction??
  110. Is it possible to have IUI/Ericsson Method without taking hormones?
  111. Ovulation question!
  112. How to add your FF chart link to your tapatalk signature for phone users
  113. Automatic payment renewal but no gold access
  114. Help please... Personalised plan
  115. Clinic O- reason for Pgd if under 35????
  116. Prenatal Genetics Center
  117. Girl sway, 1st Positive OPK - BD tonight or not??
  118. Help please...
  119. http://genderdreaming.com/forum/images/icons/Happy-Wink.gif
  120. Cant view anything
  121. New plan purchase
  122. Girl or boy? Any guesses? 13 week 2 day ultrasound
  123. Need advice please
  124. Swaying for a boy
  125. New thread
  126. Gender Prediction: Is it a boy or girl?
  127. Trying to make sure this is a positive ovulation strip!
  128. How I got 4 girls..
  129. So disappointed thought it was pregnant but maybe I'm not
  130. Moving onto August for my boy sway...😊
  131. Best supplement Brands to buy from Walmart
  132. Should I be taking more Folic Acid for boy sway?
  133. New to Tapatalk. How to reverse like or thanks
  134. Posted on the wrong forum. Please delete. Thank you.
  135. Not sure if I am asking in the right place or not?...
  136. Dream member
  137. NUB theory - guess my baby's gender from ultrasound
  138. Acronyms used on this site
  139. why does SMEP sway blue?
  140. I can't reply on a forum?
  141. Dying to know
  142. Girl or boy nub at 12 weeks guesses please?
  143. Purchased the Girl Bundle, but cannot access?
  144. Please help me to guess the gender
  145. New pink swayer - looking for advice please
  146. TTC a boy
  147. Gender prediction help
  148. How do I change my signature
  149. Help with changing user name
  150. Unable to cancel subscription
  151. Subscribed as a dream member but cannot access private forums
  152. probiotics --swaying for girl
  153. Girl Sway--- what foods to buy ?
  154. I need help!!!! Swaying Pink this Weekend
  155. Hello from the other side :)
  156. help!!! DH professional rugby player and high testosterone ! Girl sway!
  157. Clomid and timing / frequency for girl sway
  158. TTC after vasectomy reversal swaying pink
  159. Help! Coming off implant and clomid !
  160. First period after implant? Help
  161. Why does bd every four days sway girl?
  162. 13 weeks. Anyone got a good guess on the gender?
  163. First time member!
  164. Difference in gender sway plans!
  165. How much does husband's Ph make a difference? First suggestions?
  166. Ttc After Mirena
  167. Following threads
  168. Following threads
  169. Can't access private
  170. Girl sway, lime douchee dangrous? am i strict emough
  171. Girl diet, too much starch?
  172. Any statistics for no exercise girl sway
  173. Help frequency help! Girl sway - how many times to bd before fertile window?
  174. Pos opk - what does this mean for girl sway
  175. Urgent help! Bd and diet, unexpected pos opk
  176. How do I make my thread a sticky?
  177. 2ww, clomid symptoms or pregnancy symptoms
  178. Ph balance and diet
  179. Girl sway, symptoms
  180. Bfp but timing worry, girl sway
  181. Gender predictions making ne nervous wreck!
  182. Paid for Dream membership but can't seem to access.
  183. Help :/ TTC a girl. new & confused!
  184. Girl sway timing attempt. Help ASAP!
  185. Not sure if I'm posting in the right place.. but gender guesses!!
  186. Purchased the TCC Boy plan was charged and have not received an email or access...
  187. Purchased a plan... how long before I get any conformation/info?
  188. Can't access TTC girl 5 day meal plan
  189. Newbie at pink sway
  190. Confused 🤷*♀️
  191. Just purchased plan and can't submit forms
  192. Membership subscription
  193. Dream Membership not recognized?
  194. Pgd Cyprus
  195. Paid for dream membership 2 days ago
  196. Girl sway plan please! :)
  197. Help! Paid for my personalized program and can't access anything
  198. Paid for dream membership a month ago and still can't access private forums...
  199. Purchased! Can't access anything! Help!
  200. Want an Only Child -- Now What?
  201. Help getting started - TTC a girl
  202. Can't access 21 day LE diet
  203. Questions about Girl sway plan
  204. Just decided to go through Dr Rainsbury and Crete fertility centre for PGD - anyone here done it?
  205. Girl sway - First draft - Suggestions please!
  206. Help! Baked beans for girl sway?
  207. Anyone else using my fitness pal on the Girl sway diet?
  208. LE diet calorie amount- Should it be unique to based on my BMI?
  209. Toronto- Frozen Embryo for Gender Determining in USA
  210. How long of LE diet before TTC?
  211. Can't Access Dream Member Forums
  212. How to delete my account
  213. Cant lower ph. Help!
  214. Newbie so not sure how this works !
  215. Questions on TTC Girl
  216. Cannot find questionnaires / subscription info
  217. Cancel membership
  218. Told boy at 17w and 23w but possible girl at 32 week, HELP!
  219. Meal plan ?'s
  220. change username?
  221. pre testing
  222. Newbie ttc a boy - feedback greatly appreciated!
  223. Newbie ttc a boy - feedback greatly appreciated!
  224. Girl sway questions after having 2 boys
  225. Looking for advice, not in a hurry :)
  226. need help to buy a plan
  227. Can not access private forums. Help.
  228. New member help?
  229. Can't access purchased materials
  230. Question about irregular periods
  231. Which plan to purchase?
  232. Paid for Membership and no access still
  233. Help accessing paid subscription
  234. 7 week scan
  235. Swaying girl
  236. How do I post a ultrasounds pic??
  237. Would "newer" sperm sway boy or girl?
  238. DH varicocele surgery
  239. TTC a girl after M/C
  240. Paid for memebership but can't see private forums
  241. TTC a girl- help with frequency please!
  242. 12weeks4days Ultrasound. Boy or Girl!?!?!
  243. Newbie - TTc a girl - Factors & selecting a plan
  244. TTC Girl - how often to BD
  245. Did I blow it? Lost, preg, regained, miscarried, what do I do now?
  246. TTC Baby GIRL!
  247. Second day positive opk - help and quick question!
  248. Trouble finding info, please help
  249. Girl or Boy - please guess for me x
  250. Sway plan help.