- Dr Potter can help Infertility gals too
- Help with TTC
- Support for dealing with Grief and Loss
- Supps that are Ok on a medicated cycle???
- Tracking the Three Primary Fertility Signs!
- Interesting and weird article about sperm count and fertility.
- Can i take evening primrose or green tea on clomid
- interesting article about male factor infertility and nutrition
- Midcycle spotting/bleeding: PCOS?
- getting pregnant while breastfeeding
- OPK help
- Cycle day one??
- Can anyone help with my Cue readings?
- Improving egg quality
- Think I have high FSH now....what to do?
- pre ttc diet question?
- Hi everyone! I have a question when to do OPK again?
- OPK and cue help
- ttc boy supplements question, please help
- Atomic, please help. re: Glutamic acid
- I think I messed up my BD timing :(
- Cycle day 21 progesterone
- TTC after IUD
- Low vaginal high readings on cue
- hsg-tubes flushed
- TTC Over a Year Thread
- luteal phase dip
- Short luteal phase
- Recurrent MCs and 5 mg of folic...?
- ttc after pelvic inflammatory disease
- Clomid + Estradiol anyone? Experiences? Successes?
- DH's semen analysis is in.....it's bad. Anyone have any low count miracle recipes?
- pcos
- Recurrent miscarriage and progesterone supplements
- cp and cm and temp not agreeing
- White horehound tea
- BBT ?
- cycle length and gender?
- Ovulation question
- Suggestions for charting?
- Need Help Picking a Fertility Drug!
- WHEN USING THE CBFM AND OPKS do you ovulate after the lh / test line has faded?
- AF-Type Cramps and Ovulation?
- Producing VERY low to no hormones, no periods?
- Low motility
- Questions Questions Questions
- new to this
- Great post about how to help sperm morphology from our own Dr Wegner of The Fertility Lab Insider!
- What time during day to do OPKs?
- Help put my mind at ease please :) !
- vit. d and recurrent miscarriages
- Clomid question
- Strange AF.
- Sperm count 1 million - feeling hopeless even to try
- Endometrial polyp
- Help for my auntie & uncle ttc
- New dilemma for the day! PLEASE LOOK!!
- Pre O Wait Feb
- What is happening to my body this month?
- Advice for someone who has low sperm count
- Did I miss O?
- Did I o, didn't I o, did I o, didn't I O?
- LolaInLove's Infertility Journey
- Very short luteal phase..
- Evening primrose oil, what time of the day is the best time to take it?
- OPK help please - picture attached
- Really need advice please!!
- Chart question chart added
- Cyclogest pessaries
- Fertility sign confusion
- Giuliana is having a baby!
- Migraine on ovulation
- HELP for someone with PCOS trying to sway PINK.
- No AF after Primolut
- Which painkillers are safe during ovulation?
- TR & Swaying, IVF or HT??
- Back to business!!!
- Need info on financing
- high FSH & low AMH.....any advice?
- ttc for 3 years...success stories w/ soy isofl???
- Cheapie OPK Ebay Combo That I Bought Every Month-2 Months
- Positive OPK but temp is high?
- Not ovulating or low progesterone?
- Looking for input on cycles (kinda long and TMI)
- Question regarding difference between estrogen and estradiol?
- Anyone else here TTC with autoimmune disease?
- Ovulation pain?
- After 2 Chemicals need help understanding thyroid
- When did i o?
- Taking a break
- Ready to scream!
- Question about Endometriosis
- Ovulation from left AND right??
- Anyone ever use a "sunlight" light?
- what else can i try to finally get pregnant???
- Needing info on clotting
- Am I over reacting?
- Do you think i missed it?
- Sperm Analysis Help
- Please help me calculate O day
- any one ttc in jan?
- Smoking and TTC BOY, please help!
- Never get a +ve OPK, please help!
- Soy and cycle day confusion.
- Confused about O day, plz help!
- Daughter AF help.
- Thinking I should be in this thread...
- I never thought I would be so jealous
- Hope it's ok if I post here
- Perfect Hormone Balance for fertility
- Low Ovarian Reserve
- IVF or Adoption?
- Has anyone here ever had an HSG? *Update and a new question*
- where O where are you!?! mid-cycle spotting and erratic BBT :(
- Bleeding and progesterone help
- Help with taking Clomid please!
- I only see CM once a day?
- Ladies who BBT chart--Question about pre-O dip!?
- "Sperm Meets Egg Plan" question
- Hormone Levels & a Cramping Question!
- Positive OPT for two days. When is O?
- when did you ovulate on clomid?
- Anyone want to stalk my charts and help me figure out what is wrong with me?
- Hypothalmic amnorhea
- asking for my sis
- having a drama with the CBFM
- varying LP and breastfeeding?
- need some help please?! hcg shots
- The Great Sperm Race
- Help with Clearblue Digital Opk please!
- opk help
- 98 temp at cd 27?????
- Short Luteal Phase on Clomid?!
- Period after ovulation question
- Opk's have me extremely confused. Need Help Asap Please!
- Zzzquil...
- Too much Vit B6?
- Short LP phase help!!
- Cycles changes...
- Mother after 35
- Ovulating?? Never can get a positive OPK but clear temp spike
- Has anyone tcc when their partner has Crohns? Meds supposedly interfere with male fertility?
- Advice please.....
- How many you think will make it to IUI?
- CBEFM help...Atomic or anyone?? When did I ovulate?
- Jellyfish Like cervical mucus! 13 dpo
- my blood results, can anybody see if they're ok?
- Differences between Clear Blue Digital Ovulation sticks and CBFM reading.
- CBFM vs regular opks
- Please check out my chart. When do you think I ovulated.
- OPK question
- Consistent temo rise before O dip?
- Opinions on my OPK'S please ladies :)
- Male hormone testing abbreviation help please.
- opk question
- Can someone help me interpret this semen analysis?
- Is late ovulation potentially preventing my BFP?
- Follicle Growth Question
- OPK's Query? (not positive when ovulation occurs)
- Does spotting mean no ovulation?
- After opinions on my OPK'S.
- Need some charting bbt help please
- Ttc help :)
- At home SA Kit
- Many positive OPKs---sorry, I am sure this question has been asked a hundred times
- Pregnitude
- dealing with emotions
- Experiences with Infertility
- progesterone...The Dreaded hormone...help!
- When to just quit.
- Hysteroscopy
- Pessaries a must??
- Day 3 and day 21 bloods.
- CD 3 tests
- super high Lp temps--fever or triphasic?
- things just got worse
- Still No O
- progesterone supps vs prometrium
- Cycle thoughts?
- BBT temps
- Sperm meets egg plan question
- Why!!
- Charting experts
- Soy Isoflavones while bf?
- CD8 Fertility Hormone Test Results - any input?
- Experiences after miscarriage?
- femera and ovidrel (trigger)
- Gonal f and trigger
- Every other day?
- Need opinion on my FSH/ AMH levels
- BBT External Influences?
- Anyone do Femara/IUI
- Gender Desire
- Clomid's affect on OPKs and monitors? Reliable?
- Getting mirena out, any tips?
- Anyone dealing with secondary infertility and swaying blue?
- Can anyone help me understand
- Best place for egg freezing in MD?
- IUI and clomid
- IUI support thread!
- Acupuncture for secondary unexplained infertility anyone?
- Need advice on BD
- Progesterone ???
- Clomid vs. Femara
- Is this too many mature follies? Need advice whether to go with IUI
- third month of cd21 testing
- Clomid cramping after ovulation?
- Negative ovulation test after Pregnyl trigger
- Feeling defeated
- FF vs. OPK - when the heck did I O?
- Should I go straight to IVF or try medicated/monitored IUI first?
- Weird cycles length and lp
- Devastated! Too low sperm count - doc said ICSI
- Positive OPKs days apart?? Help!
- Any chart stalkers out there?
- Weird cycle after stopping birth control
- Feeling defeated and crushed!
- TTC questions, trying to plan a couple months ahead
- Just starting Cycle #8 TTC, any thoughts?
- Charting question help!!!
- From girl sway to secondary infertility with Mfi - please help atomic!
- CD15 11mm follicle - continue gonal f till cd21?????
- Confused on O date
- Light spotting on Clomid
- what can be causing my chemicals??
- Femara /iui advice -need opinions!
- High fsh low amh
- Check my chart please....? :)
- HSG experiences?
- Not ovulating & Too low of calories?
- When will I ovulate, or have I?
- Fsh injections for infertility
- Seriously, I need serious chart help please! I'm worried I got pregnant ALREADY
- Help with clearblue fertility monitor
- Luteal phase
- Charting Post-Mirena... help?!
- Any advice on help you have received from gp
- Ovusense Ovulation App - Internal Thermometer
- Recurring miscarriages HELP for a dear friend
- Questions for the next step in TTC testing
- Interpreting ultrasound results cd9
- Bloodwork results
- Help needed - IUI and swaying
- Possibly trying IVF, unsure if I should proceed or not
- I'm BACK! And totally ready for advice!