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  1. Dr Potter can help Infertility gals too
  2. Help with TTC
  3. Support for dealing with Grief and Loss
  4. Supps that are Ok on a medicated cycle???
  5. Tracking the Three Primary Fertility Signs!
  6. Interesting and weird article about sperm count and fertility.
  7. Can i take evening primrose or green tea on clomid
  8. interesting article about male factor infertility and nutrition
  9. Midcycle spotting/bleeding: PCOS?
  10. getting pregnant while breastfeeding
  11. OPK help
  12. Cycle day one??
  13. Can anyone help with my Cue readings?
  14. BCP
  15. Improving egg quality
  16. Think I have high FSH now....what to do?
  17. pre ttc diet question?
  18. Hi everyone! I have a question when to do OPK again?
  19. OPK and cue help
  20. ttc boy supplements question, please help
  21. Atomic, please help. re: Glutamic acid
  22. I think I messed up my BD timing :(
  23. Cycle day 21 progesterone
  24. TTC after IUD
  25. Low vaginal high readings on cue
  26. hsg-tubes flushed
  27. TTC Over a Year Thread
  28. luteal phase dip
  29. Short luteal phase
  30. Recurrent MCs and 5 mg of folic...?
  31. ttc after pelvic inflammatory disease
  32. Clomid + Estradiol anyone? Experiences? Successes?
  33. DH's semen analysis is in.....it's bad. Anyone have any low count miracle recipes?
  34. pcos
  35. Recurrent miscarriage and progesterone supplements
  36. cp and cm and temp not agreeing
  37. White horehound tea
  38. BBT ?
  39. cycle length and gender?
  40. Ovulation question
  42. Suggestions for charting?
  43. Need Help Picking a Fertility Drug!
  44. WHEN USING THE CBFM AND OPKS do you ovulate after the lh / test line has faded?
  45. AF-Type Cramps and Ovulation?
  46. Producing VERY low to no hormones, no periods?
  47. Low motility
  48. Questions Questions Questions
  49. new to this
  50. Great post about how to help sperm morphology from our own Dr Wegner of The Fertility Lab Insider!
  51. What time during day to do OPKs?
  52. Help put my mind at ease please :) !
  53. vit. d and recurrent miscarriages
  54. Clomid question
  55. Strange AF.
  56. Sperm count 1 million - feeling hopeless even to try
  57. Endometrial polyp
  58. Help for my auntie & uncle ttc
  59. New dilemma for the day! PLEASE LOOK!!
  60. Pre O Wait Feb
  61. What is happening to my body this month?
  62. Advice for someone who has low sperm count
  63. Did I miss O?
  64. Did I o, didn't I o, did I o, didn't I O?
  65. LolaInLove's Infertility Journey
  66. Very short luteal phase..
  67. Evening primrose oil, what time of the day is the best time to take it?
  68. OPK help please - picture attached
  69. Really need advice please!!
  70. Chart question chart added
  71. Cyclogest pessaries
  72. Fertility sign confusion
  73. Giuliana is having a baby!
  74. Migraine on ovulation
  75. HELP for someone with PCOS trying to sway PINK.
  76. No AF after Primolut
  77. Which painkillers are safe during ovulation?
  78. TR & Swaying, IVF or HT??
  79. Back to business!!!
  80. Need info on financing
  81. high FSH & low AMH.....any advice?
  82. ttc for 3 years...success stories w/ soy isofl???
  83. Cheapie OPK Ebay Combo That I Bought Every Month-2 Months
  84. Positive OPK but temp is high?
  85. Not ovulating or low progesterone?
  86. Looking for input on cycles (kinda long and TMI)
  87. Question regarding difference between estrogen and estradiol?
  88. Anyone else here TTC with autoimmune disease?
  89. Ovulation pain?
  90. After 2 Chemicals need help understanding thyroid
  91. When did i o?
  92. Taking a break
  93. Ready to scream!
  94. Question about Endometriosis
  95. Ovulation from left AND right??
  96. Anyone ever use a "sunlight" light?
  97. what else can i try to finally get pregnant???
  98. Needing info on clotting
  99. Am I over reacting?
  100. Do you think i missed it?
  101. Sperm Analysis Help
  102. Please help me calculate O day
  103. any one ttc in jan?
  104. Smoking and TTC BOY, please help!
  105. Never get a +ve OPK, please help!
  106. Soy and cycle day confusion.
  107. Confused about O day, plz help!
  108. Daughter AF help.
  109. Thinking I should be in this thread...
  111. I never thought I would be so jealous
  112. Hope it's ok if I post here
  113. Perfect Hormone Balance for fertility
  114. Low Ovarian Reserve
  115. IVF or Adoption?
  116. Has anyone here ever had an HSG? *Update and a new question*
  117. where O where are you!?! mid-cycle spotting and erratic BBT :(
  118. Bleeding and progesterone help
  119. Help with taking Clomid please!
  120. I only see CM once a day?
  121. Ladies who BBT chart--Question about pre-O dip!?
  122. "Sperm Meets Egg Plan" question
  123. Hormone Levels & a Cramping Question!
  124. Positive OPT for two days. When is O?
  125. when did you ovulate on clomid?
  126. Anyone want to stalk my charts and help me figure out what is wrong with me?
  127. Hypothalmic amnorhea
  128. asking for my sis
  129. having a drama with the CBFM
  130. varying LP and breastfeeding?
  131. need some help please?! hcg shots
  132. The Great Sperm Race
  133. Help with Clearblue Digital Opk please!
  134. opk help
  135. 98 temp at cd 27?????
  136. Short Luteal Phase on Clomid?!
  137. Period after ovulation question
  138. Opk's have me extremely confused. Need Help Asap Please!
  139. Zzzquil...
  140. Too much Vit B6?
  141. Short LP phase help!!
  142. Cycles changes...
  143. Mother after 35
  144. Ovulating?? Never can get a positive OPK but clear temp spike
  145. Has anyone tcc when their partner has Crohns? Meds supposedly interfere with male fertility?
  146. Advice please.....
  147. How many you think will make it to IUI?
  148. CBEFM help...Atomic or anyone?? When did I ovulate?
  149. Jellyfish Like cervical mucus! 13 dpo
  150. my blood results, can anybody see if they're ok?
  151. Differences between Clear Blue Digital Ovulation sticks and CBFM reading.
  152. CBFM vs regular opks
  153. Please check out my chart. When do you think I ovulated.
  154. OPK question
  155. Consistent temo rise before O dip?
  156. Opinions on my OPK'S please ladies :)
  157. Male hormone testing abbreviation help please.
  158. opk question
  159. Can someone help me interpret this semen analysis?
  160. Is late ovulation potentially preventing my BFP?
  161. Follicle Growth Question
  162. OPK's Query? (not positive when ovulation occurs)
  163. Does spotting mean no ovulation?
  164. After opinions on my OPK'S.
  165. Need some charting bbt help please
  166. Ttc help :)
  167. At home SA Kit
  168. Many positive OPKs---sorry, I am sure this question has been asked a hundred times
  169. Pregnitude
  170. dealing with emotions
  171. Experiences with Infertility
  172. progesterone...The Dreaded hormone...help!
  173. When to just quit.
  174. Hysteroscopy
  175. Pessaries a must??
  176. Day 3 and day 21 bloods.
  177. LOW AMH
  178. CD 3 tests
  179. super high Lp temps--fever or triphasic?
  180. things just got worse
  181. Still No O
  182. progesterone supps vs prometrium
  183. Cycle thoughts?
  184. BBT temps
  185. Sperm meets egg plan question
  186. Why!!
  187. Charting experts
  188. Soy Isoflavones while bf?
  189. CD8 Fertility Hormone Test Results - any input?
  190. Experiences after miscarriage?
  191. femera and ovidrel (trigger)
  192. Gonal f and trigger
  193. Every other day?
  194. Need opinion on my FSH/ AMH levels
  195. BBT External Influences?
  196. Anyone do Femara/IUI
  197. Gender Desire
  198. Clomid's affect on OPKs and monitors? Reliable?
  199. Getting mirena out, any tips?
  200. Anyone dealing with secondary infertility and swaying blue?
  201. Can anyone help me understand
  202. Best place for egg freezing in MD?
  203. IUI and clomid
  204. IUI support thread!
  205. Acupuncture for secondary unexplained infertility anyone?
  206. Need advice on BD
  207. Progesterone ???
  208. Clomid vs. Femara
  209. Is this too many mature follies? Need advice whether to go with IUI
  210. third month of cd21 testing
  211. Clomid cramping after ovulation?
  212. Negative ovulation test after Pregnyl trigger
  213. Feeling defeated
  214. FF vs. OPK - when the heck did I O?
  215. Should I go straight to IVF or try medicated/monitored IUI first?
  216. Weird cycles length and lp
  217. Devastated! Too low sperm count - doc said ICSI
  218. Positive OPKs days apart?? Help!
  219. Any chart stalkers out there?
  220. Weird cycle after stopping birth control
  221. Feeling defeated and crushed!
  222. TTC questions, trying to plan a couple months ahead
  223. Just starting Cycle #8 TTC, any thoughts?
  224. Charting question help!!!
  225. From girl sway to secondary infertility with Mfi - please help atomic!
  226. CD15 11mm follicle - continue gonal f till cd21?????
  227. Confused on O date
  228. Light spotting on Clomid
  229. what can be causing my chemicals??
  230. Femara /iui advice -need opinions!
  231. High fsh low amh
  232. Check my chart please....? :)
  233. HSG experiences?
  234. Not ovulating & Too low of calories?
  235. When will I ovulate, or have I?
  236. Fsh injections for infertility
  237. Seriously, I need serious chart help please! I'm worried I got pregnant ALREADY
  238. Help with clearblue fertility monitor
  239. Luteal phase
  240. Charting Post-Mirena... help?!
  241. Any advice on help you have received from gp
  242. Ovusense Ovulation App - Internal Thermometer
  243. Recurring miscarriages HELP for a dear friend
  244. Questions for the next step in TTC testing
  245. Interpreting ultrasound results cd9
  246. Bloodwork results
  247. Help needed - IUI and swaying
  248. OPK
  249. Possibly trying IVF, unsure if I should proceed or not
  250. I'm BACK! And totally ready for advice!