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  1. 9dp5dt beta, bfp
  2. OPK as HPT picture included
  3. Its a BFP!! 11dpo
  4. BFP for me at 11 DPO
  5. BFP at 10dpo (stick, baby, stick!!!)
  6. BFP!!! 10dpo
  7. Anyone ever get extreme faints on a FRER???
  8. BFP...but cautiously optimistic!
  9. After 5months TTC we have a BFP!!!!
  10. How long did you actively TTC for before your BFP?
  11. BFP, but light pink spotting :-/
  12. OMG bfp 9 dpo cant cant stop shaking lol
  13. Shocked: BFP after 19 drops of lime & unknown timing!
  14. PH strips
  15. Hey ya'll I'm back and with some news...
  16. BFP Question!
  17. Wow!!
  18. YA MAY BABY!
  19. Shock BFP!
  20. Um ....
  21. BFP!
  22. BFP at 9dpo
  23. BFP...right??
  24. Oops
  25. BFP - worried though forgot to take the b6!!
  26. Pregnant naturally after our 3 x HT attempts
  27. BFP!
  28. Got my BFP this morning
  29. BFP!
  30. Those with BFP...cm question...please...
  31. BFP this moring :)
  32. Confirmed beta today!
  33. Surprised, Happy, and Nervous
  34. Dating Scan 6w 3d.
  35. white line on first response test??
  36. BFP - We found out on Valentine's Day!
  38. MY BFP this morning :D
  39. BFP at 10DPO
  40. BFP (hopefully a sticky )
  41. BFP!!!
  42. .
  44. Holy Cow! Did NOT expect this.
  45. Finally!!!!!
  46. BFP due in dec!
  47. Lovely lines and what an EDD!!!
  48. BFP!
  49. So excited that I forgot to post
  50. HOLY SHEEP>> MY BFP!!!
  52. progression of BFP results just to help anyone for reference....
  53. BFP - hope it sticks!
  54. BFP - Pray for sticky bean
  56. BFP Progression
  57. seriously what are my chances?
  58. how do I get a ticker
  59. I'm Back In The Club!!!!!!!!!
  60. I'm back...with a whoops/suprise...it's bad =(
  61. Omg omg omg finally able to say I GOT MY BFP !!!
  62. BFP FOR ME!
  63. vitex Question for Pink Sways
  64. BFP for baby number 6!!!!
  65. Surprise BFP during ER visit
  66. Question about pregnancy test
  67. yeah BFP
  68. My long awaited BFP :)
  69. No WAY!!! Omg I can't even believe it!
  70. Cinss BFP Finally :)
  71. 8dpo - is there any other reason why an IC test would look like this?
  72. YAY! BFP at 9DPO! :)
  73. yay!!
  75. My surprise BFP!
  76. This could be it ?
  77. BFP!! OMG!!
  78. Starting to get a bit darker. Late afternoon 10dpo with 3 hour pee hold..
  79. BFP!! Third time was the charm!
  80. After 7 cycles we finally got our BFP!
  81. POLL: How early / Late did you get your BFP ?
  82. Anyone conceive a girl with pre-seed?
  83. A little worried
  84. Late BFP
  85. Anyone get flu like symptoms before their BFP?
  86. BFP!!!
  87. Singleton or twins? Boy or girl?
  88. Clomid BFP's - hands up!
  89. Can't believe I'm posting here after TTC for a year and a half!!
  90. My BFP at 10 DPO FRER
  91. In denial BFP
  92. I know you all already know BUT - Im pregnant !!!! YAY
  93. Total surprise! BFP so nervous.
  94. POLL: TTC girl how long did it take to get pg?
  95. BFP after BFN
  96. BF?
  97. BFP Progression
  98. 3.5 weeks pregnant and weaning of baby aspirin
  99. Spotting and Cramps... normal?
  100. Bfp
  101. Giving up LE
  102. My BFP progressions
  103. Omg BFP
  104. Subchorionic Hemorrhage at 6 Weeks, 4 Days. Scared! Anyone???
  105. BFP!!!!
  106. I GOT MY BFP @ 8DPO!!!
  107. Had forgotten about this thread ;-0
  108. possible BFP at 7dpo
  109. I believe it now 10dpo
  110. BFP!
  111. It's probably a boy, but I don't care!
  112. Early BFP and gender?
  113. BFP @ 12DPO, month 8 trying!
  114. BFP
  115. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
  116. Need Help...confused
  117. Yay! I got my BFP!!
  118. CB Digi Conception indicator ?
  119. BFP!!
  120. Hello, Odds! I BEAT YOU!
  121. Could it be 4th time lucky?
  122. We had given up!!
  123. Early Valentines Surprise BFP
  124. Unexpected BFP!!! YAY!!!
  125. Yay BFP!!!!!
  126. BFP at 10 DPO! Baby #2 on the way!
  127. BFP at 9 and 10DPO.
  128. How early did you get your BFP with FRER?
  129. 10 dpo BFP :)
  130. I thought i was out...
  131. Expecting #2, BFP 4/22:)
  132. BFP @ 9DPO! I still can't believe it!
  133. Finally?!
  134. Bfp!!!!
  135. BFP at 12DPO!
  136. Woooohoooo
  137. 10 dpo, is this my bfp?
  138. so confused ! help ?
  139. BFP! 1st attempt. Thank you Pre-seed
  140. BFP...am totally shocked!!
  141. Got my BFP :)
  142. I can't believe it I'm Preganant!!!!
  143. BFP!!!
  144. BFP after 6 cycles TTC pink!
  145. BFP help?!
  146. BFP help 2 (with pic)
  147. I'm out :/
  149. Question regarding bfps
  150. BFP for me :)
  151. PLEASE tell me I'm not seeing things...is this my BFP?
  152. Could this be a chemical? Praying that it isn't...
  153. Bfp and praying hard for a sticky bean
  154. Surprise BFP but didnt sway!
  155. BFP
  156. What brand?
  157. Bfp....
  158. Yay!!!!
  159. BFP but nervous & hesistant (w/pics)
  160. Does a faint control line mean anything?
  161. BFP, 1st try shocked
  162. can you see it???
  163. Ramzi theory - do you belive in it?
  164. was not expecting that !
  165. Okey...so I had a really this line this morning..
  166. BFP at 43!!
  167. Surprise BFP
  168. bfp right!?
  169. BFP 13 dpo
  170. Is this a BFP? Need extra strong eyes!!
  171. OMG!!!
  173. Long time no speak. BFP after giving up!
  174. What do you ladies think... is it getting darker?
  175. YAY
  176. BFP today at 11/12 DPO!!! Was swaying pink, now how do I change my diet?? Atomic?
  177. Curious can you look at my chart?
  178. Totally shocking, surprise BFP after a late-term loss *UPDATE pg. 3*
  179. Bfn with a frer at 8dpo?
  180. Thinking positive!!!!
  181. BFP first try!
  182. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! (**repost from June 2WW)
  183. Am I seeing this right?
  184. 8DPO...not even really a squinter!
  185. Bfp, lame attempt!
  186. crap, I posted in 2ww
  187. New here after a early loss. . think got my rainbow though!
  188. BFP but not convinced :-(
  189. Definitely bfp!!
  190. Oooopsie BFP???
  191. Tellmepinkorblue.com
  192. Funny to see a yes BFP!
  193. Faint line means boy?
  194. BFP!!! I feel like screaming it from the rooftop!!!
  195. I know this is a ridiculous question
  196. No diet for me this christmas!
  197. Bfp! Afraid to take folic acid?!
  198. BFP two weeks after my miscarriage
  199. Is this too light for 16dpo?
  200. BFP!?
  201. Harmony test at 10 weeks
  202. Help!
  203. Doing my happy dance!!
  204. It's hardly a line! But it counts;)
  205. Tell Me This Is For Real....
  206. BFP but worrying!
  207. Out of curiosity.....
  208. BFP and feeling nervous
  209. Finally, after 15 cycles ttc......
  210. Bfp but lines fainter today
  211. Another Vitex BFP - The Final Countdown!
  212. BFP OR EVAP?
  213. Anyone get a surprise BFP before chance to sway?
  214. Surprise BFP on mothersday without swaying
  215. Can I be pregnant??!!! ..HELP!!!
  216. Updated!!
  217. BFP today
  218. Bfp (but paranoid!) - unhappy update page 3
  219. BFP already?? Excited but not sure!
  220. Feeling this is a boy
  221. Total Shock- BFP after first attempt!
  222. 7 boys and just got a BFP!
  223. Thankful
  224. BFP!
  225. possibility of a false positive?
  226. Whoop Whoop BFP!!!
  228. Can I talk to you about my BFP?
  229. Crap!
  230. Praying for a miracle!
  231. Two tries
  232. BFP!! Any thoughts on when I ovulated!
  233. Bfp and keep testing
  234. FINALLY!!!!!!!
  235. Surprise BFP!!
  236. Pregnant!
  237. Super surprise BFP after Two Cycles!
  238. Unexpected bfp
  239. BFP but I have AF right now
  240. Bfp just a a couple of days after spotting and 3 days before af due
  241. BFP but can't tell anyone!!!
  242. Update!!! Definite digital BFP!!!
  243. BFP!! ( with no symptoms)
  244. BFP!! Do you think lines are progressing?
  245. Zika Concerns
  246. I'm pregnant!!!!!!
  247. BFP???
  248. Pregnant with 3rd and so Anxious!
  249. BFP or evap??
  250. Surprise BFP!