View Full Version : Chit Chat Lounge

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  1. Is everyone ready for Christmas?
  2. IG... We are keeping our names, right?
  3. How do we get invited to the private "IN" forum?
  4. Compulsive Over-buyer
  5. Watched the Jim Carey Christmas Carol Movie last night
  6. Thoughts on this gift giving issue
  7. Merry Christmas Everyone
  8. Anyone get anything good for Xmas?
  9. Any fun New Year's eve plans?
  10. Where is everyone from?
  11. We now have chat!
  12. I love Modern Family!
  13. Any New Year's Resolutions?
  14. Anyone feel like this?
  15. Happy New Year!
  16. Mythbusters Marathon!
  17. Riddle Me This
  18. What is it like going from 2-3 kids & spacing??
  19. Thank you notes?
  20. Boobs
  21. Is IG 'dead'?
  22. What music do you listen to?
  23. Perfect age gap between children?
  24. Reflexology anyone?
  25. We are on FB and Twitter now!
  26. ABC- Are you here also?
  27. Do the <clap>, <clap>, Potty Dance!
  28. Your pets
  29. I did not sleep a wink last night!
  30. How competitve is it for kids' sports where you live?
  31. Aniston: The Rachel was 'the ugliest haircut' (AP)
  32. Airlines to start charging for babies in your lap!
  33. Scrapbookers!!
  34. Healthy Muffins for Children?
  35. Best online Photobooks??
  36. Crock Pot recipies...
  37. Super Bowl Recipes
  38. Justin Bieber's Haircut Costs $750!
  39. Afternoon pick-me-up?
  40. If you ran away to join the circus, which job would you most like to do?
  41. Where would you live?
  42. Get a FREE 8x11 PHOTOBOOK at SNAPFISH!
  43. Do you like to cook?
  44. People magazine article about Nicole Kidman
  45. can playing video games help save the planet
  46. baby yoga - dangerous?
  47. Protecting yourself on FB!
  48. American Idol and the girl with the tramatic brain injury
  49. Fav online clothing stores?
  50. Easter/Spring Traditions?
  51. Laundry!
  52. Pillows/Quits in the Crib
  53. Forum for bargains and discount codes?
  54. Fav Yankee Candle scent?
  55. Does anyone take levothyroxine (thyroid replacement)?
  56. What's your favorite perfume/cologne?
  57. Do you like getting flowers?
  58. Annual family portraits?
  59. If someone handed you $1000...
  60. What is your favourite scent?
  61. Purchased my first overalls
  62. The Mom Cave!
  63. If you could order any meal in a restaurant, what would it be?
  64. What is your dream vacation destination?
  65. Where did you get maried??
  66. Etsy.
  67. Any advice on a wood floors- Brazillian teak or cherry???Anyone have??
  68. How much water do you drink per day?
  69. Another Interior Design Question- Carpet Bedrooms ?????
  70. Anybody score big today?
  71. What's your favorite lazy mom meal?
  72. Care to share your favorite recipes?
  73. BRAG!!
  74. McDonald's oatmeal
  75. Favorite Preschool/Toddler Educational Websites ?
  76. at what age will you stop having kids (or did you)?
  77. Those of you that live in Western Europe
  78. Options for the post baby belly
  79. Warning - new virus on FB!
  80. Our neighbor's daughter has amnesia!
  81. IUD death
  82. David Beckham is an ass
  83. If it had been the other way around?
  84. Snooki
  85. How good did you look for your baby's birth?
  86. I think it's called- I choose ME over my kids
  87. Who's watching the Bachelor?
  88. Moms at school?
  89. B Vitamins and PMS?
  90. Pinktastic (Michelle from IG)
  91. DH and low sex drive
  92. This afternoon - Fortune cookie
  93. What does your forum name mean?
  94. How do you ...........
  95. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  96. Went with my sister to her gender scan today
  97. I have done a complete U-turn
  98. In your opinion, what is the best invention of all times?
  99. Question for moms with 3 or more kids
  100. GD technical question
  101. anyone here from..
  102. Private forums
  103. how do you feel about swaying
  104. We have booked our Holiday!
  105. New Bridemaids Movie promos
  106. Becoming a Dream Member
  107. Baby Fever!
  108. Any homebirthin/unassisted birth Mama's here:)?
  109. I'm an Aunty again =)
  110. The more I read- the more overwhelmed I get- the less I want to try:(
  111. Site is going down! Upgrade!
  112. Coloring eggs for Easter!
  113. private forums
  114. technical questions
  115. Best beauty secret
  116. SILs
  117. What are your religion beliefs? ( atheist, Muslim, Christian, agnostic,....)
  118. How do i get a signature?
  119. UMM not sure what to use for a title!!!
  120. Porn in public libraries
  121. Cherie 22
  122. Allergy advice - Do allergies get worse??
  123. Do you get along with your ILs?
  124. The Royal Wedding - Including real life 'Ugly Sisters!!'
  125. abbreviations link?
  126. Prayers needed
  127. What book is recommended for curing infertility?
  128. My 10th wedding anniversary today!!
  129. Top 10 baby names of 2010
  130. One door closes and another door opens
  131. Mothers of both sexes - a question for you
  132. Getting my mirena out tomorrow!
  133. What's your favorite season and time of the day?
  134. Mom injects her 8-year-old with Botox for beauty pageants!
  135. do you let your kids go barefoot???
  136. Chinese Lunar Calender
  137. A little whine...
  138. Live in or live out nanny
  139. Mall Pet Stores and Dog Breeding Farms!!!!
  140. unlocked iphones any one in USA
  141. Can you guys explain to me
  142. What is it like where you live?
  143. Not a great day in Northern AZ
  144. Figure after baby no.2?
  145. Only a few more weeks for me!
  146. One Born Every Minute (USA)
  147. cheri22
  148. 51 year old Doug Hutchinson marries 16 years old
  149. Yes one more year and I am DONE
  150. IG
  151. Interesting poll about Americans wanting boys over girls....
  152. Any tattooed Mama's here?? Or thinking about getting inked?
  153. Denise Richards adopts a baby domestically
  154. If you need a good cry
  155. If you have facebook..
  156. comments got to me for first time!
  157. Beckhams welcome girl!
  158. What is your perfect family make up?
  159. Which bedding is the cutest?
  160. Workout dvd for pregnancy??
  161. UK kids summer break is almost here!! What will you be doing?
  162. Do you see your future child's name everywhere???
  163. ATOMIC!!
  164. Anyone familiar with the Augusta, GA area?
  165. Lets talk names....
  166. education!
  167. Benefits family of 14 but the gender ratio caught my eye lol!
  168. test
  169. Kathryn Stockett's 'The Help' Turned Down 60 Times Before Becoming a Best Seller
  170. username?
  171. A MUST SEE! Gerry and The Crocodettes!
  172. fertility facts article
  173. 12 yr old delivers his own brother
  174. How do you approach food/exercise everyday?
  175. Internet baby gender predicting psychics
  176. grandparent favoritism
  177. TV show about family with 8 boys
  178. The 10 year Anniversary of the 9-11
  179. Christmas, again!!!!!!!
  180. How much do you spend on beverages???
  181. Had the weirdest dream last night!!
  182. How do you eat?!
  183. Man's Testosterone Level declines with Parenthood!
  184. DOGS!
  185. 18 month old still wakes up, help!
  186. Happy Birthday for PP!!!
  187. Please check this Chinese Gender Chart
  188. While we're at it, would you check this chinese calender too please?
  189. Steve Jobs- Lessons Learned
  190. Women gives birth at 39 weeks after completing a marathon!
  191. If you need a laugh
  192. Live birth... as performance art?
  193. No Girls, No Problem: Why I Don't Mind Having Three Sons
  194. Want to be happy? have two daughters
  195. How to Talk to Little Girls
  196. Rant from a SAHM
  197. Do you have baby-naming remorse? You're not alone, says new poll.
  198. Sexist royal succession rules? Tradition favoring boys could change for Will and Kate.
  199. Anyone play bingo???
  200. 5 Awesome Things About Being A Mom (To A Boy)
  201. If you have or grew up in a "large" family....
  202. Sweet article on a "dream" family, from a Dad's perspective
  203. Why stressed out moms are more likely to have girls
  204. Having another baby ?
  205. Is it ok to sell my old childhood toys!
  206. Swaying
  207. Supps and AF
  208. Nausea
  209. What are your thoughts?
  210. $$$$$$
  211. Mixed feelings
  212. Boy or girl
  213. AF late... not pregnant... why?
  214. Met a lady today that is 1 of 8
  215. Emergency advice needed bronchiolitis and albutrol nebulizer!!! PLEASE HELP!!
  216. Had success, considering TTC again
  217. How many times ?
  218. The "offical "start of AF ?
  219. For Dad's of Daughters
  220. Pram question?
  221. Whats for dinner
  222. Conception
  223. Do you believe in reincarnation? Or is it 1 time you live, 1 time you die?
  224. In-Gender
  225. Silly hypothetical question
  226. Still getting cm
  227. So sad :(
  228. Confused now
  229. EPO
  231. Anyone have experience with mirena removal?
  232. when to dtd?
  233. Christmas!! Are you getting excited!!!
  235. DW or DH
  236. Folic acid
  237. What do you think about this
  238. reported attack site
  239. Ural, any tips ?
  240. Go away cravings
  241. Dang Blasted Lazy Evil People!
  242. Fun Santa Video for kids
  243. awwww feeling very loved
  244. My Signature
  245. Top 10 Boys and Girls Names of 2011
  246. Lots of cute gift ideas most 50%+ off
  247. True or Not??
  248. my kid is a puker....
  249. baby envy
  250. Any science behind the gender 'wave' theory?