- The Science Behind Gender Swaying
- Trivers Willard hypothesis
- The beauty of mucus!!!
- You "can't" carry a baby of that gender!!!
- What are the REAL differences between X sperm and Y sperm??
- Maternal Dominance Hypothesis
- Biorhythms
- Soy isoflavones significantly reduced DHT levels and increased testosterone levels.
- sugar helps bind sperm to egg!!
- Study re sex ratio and change in mother's condition at conception
- Genetics and swaying
- bacteria alter the gender ratio in whiteflies
- Article about stress swaying girl
- low sodium diet RAISES cholesterol?!?!?
- will the slim fast diet sway girls
- The complete list of studies!
- Help me find a study!
- How strong does peppermint tea need to be?
- Thought it interesting
- women with heart disease have more girls
- women shown to have more daughters during famines
- Differences in breastmilk for boys and girls
- even small weight loss proven to lower estrogen and testosterone!
- fasting at night = weight loss
- Fasting at Ramadan leads to less males born
- Aggh! HYPERglycaemic environment in cows leads to MORE girls?
- High calcium intake boosts weight loss
- Understanding Scientific Studies for Swayers Updated 12-8-17
- blue swayers - eat an apple a day!!
- Male pygmy hippos can alter sex ratio
- Y sperm better able to survive hostile conditions?
- Fertility article
- TW, blood glucose..good read
- A day in the life of sperm...
- Couple of questions on diet and exercise for TTC girl
- Beer
- awesome article!
- if you're wondering why swaying is SO complicated...
- Early spring means more bat girls
- high testosterone makes men more honest??
- pH testing
- can vitamin C cause twins?
- Mature mommas boy or girl ?
- Study on ramzis method
- Study shows more stress=more girls conceived
- If this is true...
- Obese women more likely to have boy or girl?
- BMI for blue?
- new study supporting Trivers Willard!!
- In Defense of Swaying Part 1
- "traditional" Chinese medicine
- Interesting article about omega 6 and lambs
- What does the future hold?
- Article about climate and gender in sea turtles...
- New study: it's the egg that decides X or Y sperm
- Is there a possible genetic issue that causes a woman to not be able to have a girl?
- Does DH's Weight Impact Gender?
- Research on skipping breakfast
- Alcohol question
- are men REALLY at that much of a reproductive disadvantage?
- DH on Sertraline
- Clomid and miscarriages?
- Study Shows Testosterone Levels Can Be Raised By Acting Aggressively
- Any info ladies.
- Olive leaf extract and the fertility of male rats
- Great summary of sex ratio studies with links to full text
- study about obese men fathering boys?
- Does Breast Milk Have a Sex Bias?
- Need some help with Frequency and Ovulation!
- egg may have more control over sperm than we think
- Understanding Scientific Studies for Swayers 2 - Famines and Fertility
- Resiquimod sorting?
- another study showing Clomid sways pink and IUI blue
- new study shows possibly explains how eggs pick sperm!!
- misleading article in news today
- please don't worry about sperm count and phthalates
- interesting article about sex differences in our ancestors
- study - intense athletic training in men made more daughters
- study - no, gender does NOT run in families genetically
- study - low calcium diet sways PINK in mice
- study - stressful environment sways pink but is negated by high fat intake
- study - high fat diet vs. high carb diet sways blue