View Full Version : Does protecting the environment HURT the poor?

atomic sagebrush
January 23rd, 2011, 10:01 AM
I never really thought about this, but here are a couple of articles that made me stop and ponder!!

(Part 1 Saving the environment CAN hurt the poor but it won't if we in the West reduce our standard of living)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703779704576074333552233782.html?m od=WSJ_newsreel_lifeStyle

(Part 2 Saving the environment DOES hurt the poor) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703779704576074360837994874.html?m od=WSJ_article_RecentColumns_TheSaturdayEssay

January 24th, 2011, 12:09 AM
I didn't finish the WSJ article, but the half of it I read was so enlightening and seriously depressing. I often get frustrated at people's desire to do what is easiest for themselves in the here and now at the expense of future generations. But I am guilty of it too!!- for instance I switched from cloth diapers to disposables when my son turned 16 months. I know that he has to live with that landfill of diaper, not me. It makes me feel sad and guilty- but not enough to go back to cloth right now! I have friends who have moved to places where they are pretty much off the grid to raise their kids and I admire that. Its a little impractical for me.

atomic sagebrush
January 24th, 2011, 02:14 PM
lindi, I have read a pretty compelling argument that cloth diapers aren't really much better (if at all) than disposables, because of the detergent runoff and electricity used in washing them. I used cloth with my first two but we already do too much laundry in this house!!

January 24th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Seriously? Oh Atomic! Thanks! You just lifted some guilt off my shoulders about it... I hate emptying that big thud of dirty diaper in our trash can.