View Full Version : No AF after Primolut

May 14th, 2012, 07:00 AM
Some of you may know that I had a D&C 7 and a half weeks ago for a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks. My cycles are normally irregular so I was never expecting AF to show up on her own after the D&C. I had some left over primolut so decided to take it to induce AF (5mg twice daily for 5 days). I had my follow up appointment with my obstetrician 2 weeks later and AF still hadn't arrived. He told me to take primolut 10mg twice daily for 5 days. I should also mention that he did an ultrasound and said my lining was quite thick so at least my lining is building up. But, here I am, 5 days after taking my last tablet of primolut... and still no AF. I have no idea what is going on?! Can anyone shed some light? I am not pregnant so we can rule that one out!

May 14th, 2012, 10:00 AM
I think it just takes time for your body to work it out. The fact that your body didn't miscarry on its own sounds like you might just need more time after the D&C to ovulate and AF again.

In HT, we wait 45 ish+ days sometimes.

May 15th, 2012, 06:22 AM
Thanks NBP. When you say 45+ days do you mean for AF to show after a D&C?

I have to take Clomid to help me ovulate as I rarely ovulate on my own. When I say irregular periods, I mean every 3, 4, 5 months. So if primolut doesn't induce AF then who knows how long I will be waiting. I just don't get why the primolut isn't working, I had an increase in progesterone and then a drop... why doesn't my body get that?