View Full Version : Positive OPK but temp is high?

June 28th, 2012, 05:46 PM
Hi! I got my first + OPK (digital smiley face) on 9 AM yesterday morning. I just took another test at 5:30 PM today and I got another +. My temp this AM was above my usual cover line and yesterday I had O pain and woke up this AM feeling really nauseous. Are the hormones just lingering or could it be that I haven't ovulated yet?

I already did my 2 attempts yesterday....could I have screwed up?

June 28th, 2012, 08:39 PM
I would bet my life that I O'd tonight instead of yesterday...had the most horrible O pains from 7-8 PM! Or could it have been that I o'd twice?

June 28th, 2012, 08:45 PM
I would have to see your chart, but usually when you get a positive you can ovulate anywhere from 12-48 hours after that

June 28th, 2012, 08:46 PM
you can click on my tracker with the pink fish to see! My usual after O temp is 97.7 or higher.

June 28th, 2012, 08:53 PM
I think you definitely O'd yesterday, good luck :)

June 28th, 2012, 08:56 PM
But what about my extremely positive OPK at 5 and the most horrible O cramps tonight????? I had O pains yesterday too and the high temp!

June 28th, 2012, 09:00 PM
I'm not sure I think sometimes there can still be some of the LH hormone in your system as far as OPK's go I'm not positive though, and as far as O pains you can get them before you ovulate during ovulation and sometimes after ovulation. I am basically just looking at your chart and it looks like you O'd yesterday, but I could totally be wrong

June 28th, 2012, 09:03 PM
I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens. DS2 was a twin...other one vanished so I just freak out about having twins. LOL!!!

Thanks for looking!!!

June 28th, 2012, 09:13 PM
no problem, good luck :)

June 29th, 2012, 11:04 AM
I got another smiley on my OPK just now!

Ughh.....BUT I am 1000% positive I O'd last night. I think I might have started to O on Wednesday and then I got that huge temp spike, felt nauseous, and then maybe my body geared up again and I O'd last night? I had the most intense O cramps to the point I could barely make it through the grocery store and then today I had creamy CM...

I think I am going to force the O day as yesterday in FF..worst case, I will only be off by a day. It will be a miracle if I get pregnant I think since I took zyrtec a day before O!

June 29th, 2012, 08:51 PM
I don't know what the blue crosshairs mean. Usually you don't know that you have ovulate for sure until you have had 3 consecutive temperature rises. I also don't know what window of ovulation is for your OPK. If it is like mine, I have a 12-48 hour window so it is really difficult to tell, too.