View Full Version : GD Dreams - Anyone else have them?

July 8th, 2012, 10:39 AM
I have been trying to keep my GD at bay, but now that I am TTC, I notice that it has been popping up in my dreams. I had one where I gave bith to a baby and my sister and I were finally ready to check gender (after baby was like 3 months old and in a dress) and in fact it was a girl and I made a comment that I could produce a girl after all.

Then, last night I had a dream where I was pg and this lady offered to use her personal US machine to look at baby. We saw a very obvious willy and I got so upset. I woke up feeling like such a horrible person.

Anyone else have GD dreams too? I hate them!!!!!

July 8th, 2012, 12:28 PM
I haven't been having those, BUT, I have been having seriously vivid - CRAZY - dreams. Like for whatever reason, I was driving my car from the backseat and stopped at a party, but I needed a small boat to get to the party site, but my boat sunk, so I got back in my car and tried to drive to it, but ended up at the wrong party, but I ran into Archie Manning at a party and he asked me to stay and drink with him and his friends....lol...I could go on, that's just one. I've been having LOTS of crazy dreams lately though. It's gotten to the point that I almost enjoy going to sleep just for the dreams alone. LOL.

July 8th, 2012, 12:30 PM
OMG...that is awesome!!!!!! I'll trade my GD dreams for yours. LOL.

July 8th, 2012, 02:58 PM
Yes, I've had 3 very vivid GD dreams.
First one was about beautiful boy who looked just like my girls and was already 12 months old. Very convenient lol! I was happy all day long, but then I've found that if you dream about baby boy, you'll have a girl :mad:

My second dream was about baby girl, I remember how I was disappointed even in the dream and woke up feeling like s**t.

My 3rd dream: I was in delivery room and I delivered a baby in diapers :rolleyes: so I couldn't see a thing, but I was asking midwife to tell me what baby's blood type was :rolleyes: Crazy...

July 9th, 2012, 03:16 PM
Yes, I've had 3 very vivid GD dreams.
First one was about beautiful boy who looked just like my girls and was already 12 months old. Very convenient lol! I was happy all day long, but then I've found that if you dream about baby boy, you'll have a girl :mad:

My second dream was about baby girl, I remember how I was disappointed even in the dream and woke up feeling like s**t.

My 3rd dream: I was in delivery room and I delivered a baby in diapers :rolleyes: so I couldn't see a thing, but I was asking midwife to tell me what baby's blood type was :rolleyes: Crazy...

I wouldn't put any stock in dreaming about a boy being a girl! I had dreams with DS2 about it being a boy and he is ALL boy!

Thanks for sharing!

July 9th, 2012, 03:40 PM
I had a lot of dreams when I was first pregnant about this baby being a girl, and she was! But in my dreams, I was always trying to "check" for gender, and seemed unsure...was it really a girl? Could it really happen? There was a few dreams I had where baby was a boy, and I felt sad, and yes, I too, woke up determined that if this little bean was a boy that I would love and treasure him, and try to work through those feelings!

July 9th, 2012, 04:38 PM
I had my first dream where it was a girl the day before I ovulated. I thought it was a really good sign and I was so excited. And then just a few days ago I had the other dream about it being a boy. So, I am really nervous about what my dreams mean if I do fall preggo this cycle.

It is funny that we all have dreams where we feel like the baby has to be checked.

July 10th, 2012, 07:44 AM
I just had one, I was reviewing the u/s pictures that irl have o gender clues, but in the dream I could see they were both boys and I was really upset. Then it just sticks with you when you wake up! So sucky. Now I feel like I will def have 2 more boys. Reminding myself that boys are great...

July 10th, 2012, 05:09 PM
Yes. I constantly dream I am having a boy and I am hysterical in all my dreams. Plus everyone around me keeps dreaming I am having a boy next (I am not pregnant yet)

July 10th, 2012, 05:34 PM
Another weird dream for me last night...
I dreamt my sister and I were in a lake and there was decking all around the lake...and we were on these inflatable rafts and we had to battle these REALLY HUGE inflatable sharks and everyone was laughing while we were fighting the inflatable sharks, but one of the sharks was REAL and we were afraid we were going to come across him...but we had to fight the inflatables, and then all of a sudden, the real shark jumped up from the water and grabbed an inflatable that I was fighting and it got logged in his throat and I was able to get out of the lake in time. People were screaming and laughing and taking pictures of the inflatable shark stuck in the throat of the real shark. It was so crazy and scary. LOL.

I did a google search this morning after that one and it seems progesterone can cause crazy vivid dreams. WEIRD!!! lol

July 19th, 2012, 06:58 AM
Were vivid dreams can also be a sign of pregnancy - i had them really bad with ds3 really strange and vivid i remember i once i had a dream i was having a shower in my old pe changing rooms and an ostrich walked in and then i got attacked by a cockerl (really weird i know!!!)

Although i do get them sometimes anyway. I had a dream the other day that i gave birth (so realistic i could feel the pushing and everything) and i had a little girl i remember seeing her face so clearly and checking for myself she was a girl

July 19th, 2012, 07:14 AM
I have had a couple of weird gender-related dreams this pregnancy, and tons of dreams that were just bizarre. The first gender dream my chiropractor had an ultrasound machine (lol!) and was using it to see the baby's gender, but we never did. In the second dream I was cuddling a sweet baby boy, but I'm not sure if the baby was mine or was my good friend's because we were both there all the time in the dream and it wasn't clear! I'm leaning towards it was my friend's baby though, as baby had dark hair and mine are always light haired.

The third dream I had an ultrasound machine and was using it on myself :p In that dream I kept grabbing potty shot after potty shot and they were all obvious boy shots, but I kept getting more because I didn't believe it. I woke up and spent the whole day telling myself it's all just a dream and wishful thinking heh.

July 19th, 2012, 09:33 AM
Hi Beadin i'm sure i read in another thread you were due to test - any updates could the dreams be due to pregnancy fingers crossed for you x

July 19th, 2012, 11:33 AM
Thanks Mrs. P!! I really, REALLY hope so!! ♥ :)

August 8th, 2012, 05:09 PM
I had another dream the other night that I was with some lady doctor and she was asking me questions. All I can remember her saying was, "since you could feel the baby at 3 and 4 weeks, it is a girl". Have I been reading too many OWT? LOL!!!

August 13th, 2012, 08:04 AM
me!! at least once a month i have a girl dream that im either having one or preg with one :(

August 13th, 2012, 03:58 PM
I have not yet had a gender dream...I hope I have one before I go for a gender scan..so I can compare..lol

August 14th, 2012, 03:25 PM
I have had a few horrible dreams about carrying my baby girl up a set of ladders and dropping her, or being pregnant and the baby drops out. They are really upsetting, and I think my subconcious is 'mourning' me not having my baby girl.

August 17th, 2012, 07:20 PM
I had some really morbid dreams in the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy, before I found out we are having boy #3. I kept dreaming things like...I'm pregnant with a girl, and she is born early, but we didn't know she was early, and then we realized she was too little, and she died.....Or, I delivered my baby girl, and we were so happy, and then a couple days later we changed her diaper and realized she had a penis and was a boy.... Thankfully, the dreams have stopped now that we know it is a boy. Weird.

October 11th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Jazzers ~~ Ugh.. that's horrible! I'm glad those dreams stopped.

I had an US done at 13 weeks 4 days and the tech said boy. I've had two dreams about being back at that apppointment and having the tech tell me it's a girl. I could feel the excitement in my dream and then woke up realizing it wasn't real. I also had a dream about going to the 20 week US and having them tell me it's a girl. I wish I would stop dreaming these dreams. I've had bizarre and vivid dreams throughout this pregnancy and I also did with my first pregnancy. I have a lot of creepy nightmares as well.