View Full Version : Membranes stripped to start labor

August 4th, 2012, 02:35 PM
Has anyone had their membranes stripped to start labor? Did it work or not? With my last pregnancy my doctor stripped my membranes at 39 weeks thinking it would start labor. I was already dilated to 2cm before the procedure. I had a lot of cramping and contractions that day but they stopped by the next morning. When I went in at 40 weeks to be induced I was 5cm. It was a super easy and fast delivery unlike the two previous labors. I'm thinking if I'm late again I might ask her to do it again.

August 4th, 2012, 02:46 PM
With DS2, I was 37 weeks and already 5 CM. The dr. went ahead and stripped my membranes in the dr. office - about 2 PM and by 7 PM I was in labor! I had cramping from the moment I walked out the door at the dr. office and it never stopped!

August 4th, 2012, 03:50 PM
It only worked after my water had broken on its own that morning. Worked immediately when doctor did it then.

They tried with DD3 and DS and it did nothing.

atomic sagebrush
August 4th, 2012, 04:08 PM
We did it with DS 3 (I was barely dilated at all) and I was in early labor on the way home from the doctor's office and gave birth about 10 hours later and true labor was intense but short and easy. With DS 4 we couldn't do it because I had placenta previa. I would def. do it again if I get the chance!

Butterfly Spirit
August 4th, 2012, 06:05 PM
wOw ..I've had them break my water, but this is a new thing I've never heard of! LOL :)

August 4th, 2012, 06:35 PM
I had my membranes stripped after I had been having mild contractions and they stopped. I was pretty uncomfortable after the stripping, but went into real labor a few hours later.

August 4th, 2012, 07:43 PM
Butterfly Spirit- I wasn't aware of the procedure until baby #3 so your not alone. My old group that I delivered my first 2 kids with never mentioned it to me. I'm just surprised it didn't put me into full blown labor like everyone else.

August 4th, 2012, 11:55 PM
Yep, totally worked for me. With DD2 I went into labour only a few hours after having it done :)

November 28th, 2012, 08:26 PM
I had my membranes stripped at 10:00 AM today. I am 39 weeks, 2.5cm dilated and 80% effaced. So far I have just been having lots of menstrual like cramps but nothing so painful to go to the hospital. My doctor also told me to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil. I have had no side effects from the castor oil yet. I'm hoping the baby comes tomorrow!

November 28th, 2012, 08:46 PM
I can't believe a dr would recommend castor oil! It can cause issues with the baby having the first bowl movement in the womb! And it gives you the runs which is not pretty in labour and delivery

Good luck baby will be coming sooner than later at this point

November 29th, 2012, 03:52 PM
was stripped w/ 1st 2 at 41 weeks(didn't know any better) but it did bring on labor that night. I was not in a rush and last 2 have not had any cervical checks(introduce bacteria,unecessary) and go into labor when babe is ready:) if i was 43+ weeks then i would try that as it is one of the easier/safer ways to kick start labor when your body has other signs it is close.

December 1st, 2012, 11:41 AM
It worked. I had my baby girl at 4:10 the next morning, Nov. 29th. She is perfect.

December 1st, 2012, 04:35 PM

December 4th, 2012, 01:19 AM
I had a membrane sweep during two of my four pregnancies (when I was almost two weeks past my due date) and both times I immediately went into labor. After the first sweep (my second pregnancy), baby was here in about 8 hours. After the second sweep (my fourth pregnancy), baby was here in less than 3 hours.

If your body is on the brink of labor, it really helps send it over the edge!