View Full Version : Correlation between Gender Desire intensity and time taken to conceive

August 9th, 2012, 06:44 AM
i can't help but wonder if there is any correlation between the intensity of the gender desire / disappointment and the time that it has taken to conceive.

IE - is the intensity of the gd LESSENED as the time to conceive INCREASES ??

My personal situation is that i have desperately wanted a daughter for a number of years.
We didn't TTC for many reasons, one of them being that i wanted a daughter - not another child.
As time past, that lessened, and we decided that we did in fact want another child, preferably a daughter - but would be ok with a boy aswell.

When we started to TTC at the beginning of the year I really really wanted a daughter - swayed super hard and super strict, had a genuine fear that i would experience a lot of gd if i fell pregnant with a boy.

as the time drags on and on and the BFN's keep rolling in i genuinely feel now that i wouldn't feel an ounce of disappointment if i had a ds...

maybe this was how it was meant to be? maybe I'm destined to have another boy - and life has thrown me this extended ttc time to make it so that i have no gd...

Anyways - enough waffle, has anyone had a similar situation?
Is the intense gd felt more so by those who fall pregnant within 3 months?
Is there less gd felt by those for whom TTC has taken an extended period of time? Does the extension of TTC time make us be more appreciative of any baby regardless of gender?

August 9th, 2012, 08:18 AM

I feel similar to you, I fell pregnant so fast with both my boys that even ttc for just over 6 months this time has felt like forever. Now I have my bfp I actually feel less 'worried' about what we have, ideally a girl would be wonderful but I know we are blessed with any baby so a healthy baby is the main priority.

I think for me the worse part is going to be the 18-20 week scan where we will hopefully find out the gender, I know I will probably feel a little disappointed if we are told it is another boy - but I also know that this disappointment won't last and I will soon be preparing for another gorgeous little boy, choosing him a name etc. Yes I am sure I will always think how lovely it would have been if I had a daughter, but with 3 boys I will potentially have 3 daughter in laws and maybe even a granddaughter or two. :)

August 9th, 2012, 08:59 AM
I can't answer your questions completely.
Your reasons to not have another child, are totally my reasons. The sake I want a daughter! My heart knows I will be fine with a boy but everything else... i'd like a girl. Also the fact I am SCARED as anything to even start TTC. Purely because I know I will be doubting EVERYTHING.

However I do believe with you feeling like this will greater your odds of having a girl. Purely because you will be SO much more relaxed.
They say the same thing with people are are 'trying too hard' to have a baby. Once they stop 'trying' relax and enjoy the ride, they conceive.

I hope you get the answers you are looking for. I also hope you get your BFP soon hun. xo

August 13th, 2012, 04:15 PM
We had to do IVF and the entire time we were trying (before we knew we needed IVF) I prayed for team blue!
I am pregnant & in my 12th week & I cannot wait to see if I am getting my :DS:, but I am also terrified of waht I may feel if we find a little :DD: in there!

August 20th, 2012, 08:38 AM
I concieved 2 boys and day of ovulation, i am also now pregnant with my 3rd child which is confirmed girl whom was also concieved day of ovulation, not a day after or before!