View Full Version : Obsessing over Ramzi Theory in 2WW

August 24th, 2012, 02:45 PM
I'm 6do and last night i felt a "lightning" type pain shoot through my right lower side. Woke me up in the middle of the night! Ramzi Theory says right side implantation=boy. I'm convinced I implanted last night on the right and now I'm very crampy on both sides(but mostly on right) today. Swayed for girl. It's far too early to lose hope but just needed to vent...maybe it'll help me stop obsessing!:nails:

August 24th, 2012, 05:49 PM
I was 7dpo yesterday and I had a pulsing sensation in the left side of my belly last night. My DH could even feel it from just putting his hand on my belly. Im sure I had a similar thing with DS1 and knew I was pregnant before testing. But it could have also been due to the fact that I was naughty and had a piece of pizza for tea! I honestly wouldn't stress about sides you're body can do weird things even if it did implant on the left you could feel cramps on your right and Im sure not every girl conceived implanted on the left.

I hope we both are pregnant then we can be due date buddies, when are you testing?

August 24th, 2012, 07:54 PM
Thank you for the encouragement:) Although, I am jealous of your left pulsing sensation LOL!! I was thinking of testing Wed I got a positive with my last son 10 dpo. How about you?

Butterfly Spirit
August 24th, 2012, 09:06 PM
Go to babycenter.com and look it up. Tons of ladies had the opposite of the Ramzi theory..
My loss baby in April I believe I felt pain on both sides..maybe even my May conception.

And Atomic has said that the opposite ovary that doesn't have the egg can be more painful than the one that does!

Don't stress!!!

August 24th, 2012, 11:40 PM
Im not entirely sure when I ovulated because my temps have been all over the place this month, usually they're pretty easy to read :rolleyes:. Im pretty sure I ovulated on cd10 which would make me 8dpo today so I think ill wait a couple of days maybe Monday or Tuesday, then if I ovulated later it might still be positive. Where are you? Im in Australia.

August 25th, 2012, 12:24 AM
hmmm, do not quote me BUT I have been told that the pain you are feeling is from the side that didn't release the egg?
I too always thought ohhhh pain on my right side, i must be having an egg from that side =)
Try not to obsess so much pleeeeeease or you may end up lifting your T levels.

August 25th, 2012, 12:29 AM
I'm actually a little confused as to when to count my ovulation from as well. I use the opk's with the smiley's and I had my first smiley in the am on Friday Aug 17 and my last smiley Sat Aug 18th at 2pm. If I count Sunday as 1dpo then I guess I'm only 6dpo today. I've never temped. I'm sure that's a lot more accurate. I'm in California, an ocean away from Aus:) What did u do to sway? Thanks Butterfly Spirit...heading over to babycenter now:)!! Love to read the Ramzi opposites!

August 25th, 2012, 02:52 AM
I did LE diet (lost 8kg, bmi about 18.6), vitex, peppermint tea. We did 6 day abstain (was aiming for 7 but didn't want to miss it). DH took licorice root sporadically because he had to go away and forgot to take it with him. Sylk for bd. I also had a cold and was sleeping terribly and a friend made a lunar return calendar for me and that said girl and it was a new moon. Not that I really believe in that moon stuff. Also lots of praying.

Im so impatient to test

August 26th, 2012, 12:01 PM
CherryBlossom that's very interesting...I've never heard that theory but I do love it...ha! Way to go on the weight loss bythe******!! I did the LE diet too, pepp tea (no Vitex but I plan on starting this month if no positive). I've heard Vitex can mess up your cycle, did that happen to you? We did FR for 10 days b/c of our age and dtd night before positive opk. Was shooting for dtd when we saw our first positive opk but I was convinced I wasn't going to ovulate...ovulated so super late! Oh and Rephresh. I'm still cramping mostly on the right but kind of on both sides. Are you having anymore symptoms?

August 26th, 2012, 06:02 PM
I have felt a bit bloated, did a test this morning 11dpo or maybe 9. It was negative, hopefully its just too early still. My temps have gone right up the last couple of days, hopefully they stay up. I think vitex have made my cycles shorter but increased my LP so the actual length stayed about the same. I wish I knew when I did ovulate this month.

August 27th, 2012, 07:32 PM
I'm either 9dpo or 10dpo today and I broke down and tested yesterday and got a bfn. Still very crampy! I knew it would be negative but I'd planned on having wine with dinner so couldnt' drink with a clear conscience unless i tested:) I think I'll wait it out until Wed to test again. I'm trying to hold out 'til Wed to test again...what about you?

August 27th, 2012, 08:55 PM
Im going to hold out until Friday I think, its funny how our testing relates to what we want to eat and drink. I made my friend an awesome chocolate cake for her birthday and I wanted to know if I could ditch LE, i did have a small piece anyway. Friday night Im going for dessert with the girls. Im feeling like i am pregnant, just a feeling. I knew before I got BFP with my boys. I lost a kilo overnight even though I was naughty yesterday, do you think that's a symptom?

I just wish I knew for sure either way.

August 28th, 2012, 04:09 PM
Sounds like you've been MUCH better than me diet wise in the 2ww...I say go for the cake(very bad influence over here)!! I had a very difficult time being so strict in the first place. I'm very tall and thin and have a super fast metabolism... so I pretty much felt starving! I'm still skipping breakfast, and am already vegetarian but I've really let up on everything else. :fx: I better be preg or it's back to starving again...booooo. I've changed my plan to testing on Thursday morning(after dh and i have a night date night Wed night!)

August 30th, 2012, 07:17 PM
Have you tested? I did this morning but it negative :sad: and my temp is down a bit 12dpo. I still have sore breasts this morning but Im not holding out much hope. The test was a forelife one, it was really hard to see through the little screen and Ive read heaps of bad reviews on them this morning. Ill just have to wait and see if AF turns up