View Full Version : Literally nothing going on

September 13th, 2012, 11:44 AM
I had a miscarriage the cycle before last. Last cycle I think I had a chemical. This month, when I'm actually TRYING to get pregnant, well, NOTHING. My temps look terrible and I have NO symptoms. Usually by now (dpo), pregnant or not, my breasts hurt a little. Only way they are gonna hurt today is if someone whacks them with a 2 by 4. I have never felt so NOT pregnant in my life. I knew from the start this wasn't my cycle. I just want it to be over so I can try again.

(I do realize that 4dpo is too soon for pregnancy symptoms anyway, but usually this is the time in my cycle my boobs start hurting even if I'm NOT pregnant, and they AREN'T. So my feeling that this isn't my month is just increased)

September 18th, 2012, 03:08 AM
When I was pg with my DS I had no symptoms. My boobs were not sore in the slightest. It is actually what tipped me off that I was pg. The lack of symptoms. Good luck!

September 18th, 2012, 04:24 AM
Thanks. Yep, now I'm 8dpo, and NOTHING. I got a faint BFP at 7dpo, but this morning the line was LIGHTER. And when I say faint, the first one was about as faint as it could be, so the one today was one of those "maybe it's a line, maybe it's my imagination". And this has happened to me before, and was basically . . . nothing. I get DEFINITELY negatives all month, then from like 7dpo to 12dpo I'll get faints off and on. I think it's actually some kind of hormonal balance, and I wonder if it's preventing me from getting preg.

I also wonder if Clomid could do that...cause me to not feel signs of AF coming even if she is.

Then I think, crap, if I am pregnant, it must be a boy, because with my daughter I felt SO SICK and SO TIRED early on and my nipples got really dark and none of that is going on. I'm literally in like a state of nothing. Don't feel AF coming, don't feel pregnant. Nothing. I hope the Clomid isn't messing with me and that I don't end up with like a super long cycle. I've heard of that happening. but usually that's because Clomid makes some people O later. It made me O earlier this cycle though.

September 25th, 2012, 10:13 AM
Sometimes I wish I had no symptoms.. I have been having stuff since ovulation.. mainly cramping/twinges/ovary pain..now sore boobs... It makes me get my hopes up and then I think I am crazy and probably not even pregnant!