View Full Version : A little story and a bit of background re: cvs and downs

September 28th, 2012, 09:56 PM
:) bub is actually due 10th march but had an horrendous pregnancy with dd1 and ended up With emergency c section so chose elective c this time and bub will arrive 27th feb. only 16+5 at this point but due for next scan on Thursday hoping bub will co-operate so I can find out blue or pink.. Have spent a lot of time trawling ultrasound prediction page and so far mostly girl guesses but some boy.. Was told at 12 weeks with dd1 she had a 1:9 chance of down syndrome.. At the 14 wk cvs when they were doing the cvs told me she was a 1:2 chance so pretty much definite... A couple of days later the results came in and she was perfect... Maybe that's another reason for my obsession with bub2's sex because I found out so early with with her at only 15 weeks and this I am waiting, waitin, waiting.... The reason for such a high risk of downs with dd1 was she has a nuchal fold of 8.9mm and we all know it needs to be under 3mm to be. Fairly safe... Well you could imagine my relief with this bub had a nuchal of 1.8mm.... Yay

I guess with dd1it goes to prove th dr isn't always right :)

November 13th, 2012, 05:31 AM
What a nerve wracker!! No wonder your eager to know:) Any news on any more scans???!!