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January 2nd, 2013, 11:10 AM
I don't feel pregnant either andc16 weeks today. Apart from being moody and still fairly tired!!!! I just look fat

January 2nd, 2013, 12:31 PM
I'm only 14 weeks, but I don't really feel pregnant per se. I do feel a little uncomfortable at night when I try to go to sleep but that probably has a lot to do with my stuffy nose. I can definetly feel a difference between this pregnancy (in my 30's) and my other three (in my 20's). I am a lot more worn out and feel more achy then I ever did with the others. I haven't felt the baby move for sure yet, but I have wondered if I felt it a couple of times. I do not look pregnant yet but my pants do not fit and I am limited to only stretchy waisted pants. I have a lot of maternity pants from my previous pregnancies but I can't pull them out yet because my sister will recognize them and we haven't told anyone yet. We are going to try to wait until after ds3 birthday at the end of the month before spilling the beans but my DH Is pretty anxious to tell the boys so I don't know how much longer I can keep him from telling anyone.

Bama Belle
January 2nd, 2013, 12:50 PM
I feel guilty and selfish just sharing this now, but I wanted to let you guys know that I booked my next scan. THE scan. We'll be finding out whether we've got a Maggie or a Lenny on board on Jan.23rd, I'm terrified. I was in such a rush to know, but now I'm scared of having my last hope for a girl dashed. Maybe ignorance really is bliss. I doubt I'll sleep much in the days leading up to this scan.

I have been so excited to find out the gender but now I'm a little nervous.

January 2nd, 2013, 01:13 PM
Good luck for scan. I have phoned them but didn't book it!!!! Never been so terrified of anything in my whole life!!!!

January 2nd, 2013, 01:17 PM
I hear ya, One Last Dream. I feel like the date "January 23rd 2013" is ominous. Its the day I'll find out whether or not I'll ever have a daughter of my own. That date is now looming over me. I was so excited about finding out earlier but now, I'm just plain scared of knowing the answer incase it's not what I hoped for. I know I'll love this baby no matter what, but letting go of the dream of having a girl would be tough for me.

January 2nd, 2013, 01:22 PM
Ive changed my scan to Jan 30th when i will be either 12+6 or 13 weeks instead of 11+5 so hopefully get a good nub shot !!!

January 2nd, 2013, 01:26 PM
Good luck, Mum23!

January 2nd, 2013, 03:07 PM
Jamie - I had a look at your 12 week pics and couldn't see any clues - did you see anything in the scan?? Hope it's pink for you

Good luck mum23

Everyone - if I chicken out of getting gender scan, our next scan is on feb 14th but I will be 23 weeks - is that too late to tell? Would the baby be too big? When can they see until? Sorry if this is a dumb question

January 2nd, 2013, 03:18 PM
Thanks ladies...
As I am writing this I am CAMPING and still in the process of miscarry ing it seriously makes me lol cos only a mum with like 3 or more chn would still go bloody camping while mc but my boys are super happy and my mil has a cabin so been in there a bit to use her loo!
Umm can't remember who said about swaying n mc just for the record we did no swaying with this one at all
I will def talk to doc when I get back... I have same husband I had my 3 boys to no preg before them or I between but then the 3 after?! If anyone has experienced or knows anyone that has experienced similar and got answers please any info would help..... Just incase I'm brave enough to go again

January 2nd, 2013, 03:33 PM
i have a friend who had a normal first pregnancy no problems but then five miscarriages. They never really found out why but her doctor did put her on a low dose aspirin just in case there were blood clots forming in the placenta. Sixth pregnancy she carried fine to term with no intervention required

January 2nd, 2013, 03:51 PM
Thanks ladies...
As I am writing this I am CAMPING and still in the process of miscarry ing it seriously makes me lol cos only a mum with like 3 or more chn would still go bloody camping while mc but my boys are super happy and my mil has a cabin so been in there a bit to use her loo!
Umm can't remember who said about swaying n mc just for the record we did no swaying with this one at all
I will def talk to doc when I get back... I have same husband I had my 3 boys to no preg before them or I between but then the 3 after?! If anyone has experienced or knows anyone that has experienced similar and got answers please any info would help..... Just incase I'm brave enough to go again

Bless you - I went camping in France whilst miscarrying in August - took us over 20 hours to drive there - the things we do!!

I hope they can sort something for you - they test after 3 consecutive mc here. Sorry you are going through this again

January 2nd, 2013, 04:12 PM
Jamie - I had a look at your 12 week pics and couldn't see any clues - did you see anything in the scan?? Hope it's pink for you

Sorry, when you say "Jamie", do you mean me? I think I'm the only 'J' name here :) My 12 week scan pics don't show any clues, sadly. I was really hoping for some nub guesses but I wasn't brave enough to ask the tech outright for a nub shot. However, during the scan, I thought I saw a pretty flat nub...of course, it only flashed across the screen for a second so I didn't get a great look. I've got nothing to go on except hope! Thanks for taking a peek for me.

January 2nd, 2013, 04:21 PM
Sorry, when you say "Jamie", do you mean me? I think I'm the only 'J' name here :) My 12 week scan pics don't show any clues, sadly. I was really hoping for some nub guesses but I wasn't brave enough to ask the tech outright for a nub shot. However, during the scan, I thought I saw a pretty flat nub...of course, it only flashed across the screen for a second so I didn't get a great look. I've got nothing to go on except hope! Thanks for taking a peek for me.

Lol so sorry - blooming predictive text - I really should read what I write!!!!

January 2nd, 2013, 04:34 PM
lol. I figured it was autocorrect, mine gets me all the time!

January 2nd, 2013, 05:00 PM
Sorry, when you say "Jamie", do you mean me? I think I'm the only 'J' name here :) My 12 week scan pics don't show any clues, sadly. I was really hoping for some nub guesses but I wasn't brave enough to ask the tech outright for a nub shot. However, during the scan, I thought I saw a pretty flat nub...of course, it only flashed across the screen for a second so I didn't get a great look. I've got nothing to go on except hope! Thanks for taking a peek for me.

Hi Jadis, hope you don't mind i had a bit of a fiddle with your pics to make them a bit bigger, have added them to your post in case it gets you anymore guesses.

January 2nd, 2013, 05:01 PM
Aw just watching one born every minute, such cute little babes, seems so weird that we will all (fingers crossed) have little babes of our own in the next 6 or 7 months and be posting pics of actual real little people

January 2nd, 2013, 05:13 PM
Hi All,

I haven't checked in for awhile, but I have been keeping up. I'm sorry to hear about the recent losses. So sad. :(

It makes me worry less about gender, and more that there is a healthy little baby in there. I am 13 weeks, 4 days now. I really do not feel pregnant. But I have never really had m/s, so I guess I shouldn't worry. I have an ob appt. on Friday and I am really hoping to hear a heartbeat. I did have a u/s at 7 weeks that showed one baby with a good heartbeat.

My dh's cousin just had a delivery room surprise baby, and it was a boy. I am excited because I had a dream a few days ago that she had a boy, and I was right! I have had a few dreams this pregnancy that I was having a girl, and also one where I dreamed about an Iris, which is our top girl name choice. With my other pregnancies, I have always either dreamed the baby was a boy or I didn't know the gender. I know it's probably just coincidence, but I can't help thinking it could be a good sign!

January 2nd, 2013, 05:41 PM
Hi Jadis, hope you don't mind i had a bit of a fiddle with your pics to make them a bit bigger, have added them to your post in case it gets you anymore guesses.

Really? I'd never have known how to do that! You rock my socks off, Mrs_P! Thanks a million :)

January 2nd, 2013, 07:58 PM
I'm pretty bummed out. I just found out that my cousin who is pregnant with her first is having a girl. I should be happy for her but really I'm not and I feel like if I have to have boys then she shouldn't get the girl she wants either. I know that that sounds horrible but growing up they always were the "perfect" grandchildren and we were the black sheep.

January 2nd, 2013, 09:51 PM
Mommyof3boys I think it is totally natural what your feeling. I get so jealous of people who have a girl and then get another. I think how unfair is that. I only want one, why can't I.

Jadis, good luck for your scan, so exciting and scary at the same time. I know I will be feeling exactly the same.

mummyof3boys, you are a good women to be camping. I really hope you get some answers when you get back.

First scan for me tomorrow, will be 9 weeks and 4 days, can't wait......

January 2nd, 2013, 10:10 PM
Mommyof3boys, I think most of us have felt that way. Don't beat yourself up for it, it's tough to see others getting the gender we're so desperate for, so easily.

LO123, good luck with your scan tomorrow-I hope you get some great pics even though it'll be too early to nubsess over them. Enjoy!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:59 AM
Aw just watching one born every minute, such cute little babes, seems so weird that we will all (fingers crossed) have little babes of our own in the next 6 or 7 months and be posting pics of actual real little people

I was watching it too. I really felt for that woman who had her 5th son, and the partner was saying no more as they were unlikely to ever get a girl and he didn't want to keep having sons just in case they hit the jackpot

January 3rd, 2013, 07:36 AM
mummyof3boys....totally understand what you are feeling. I feel the same here every time I hear of friends getting girls...I just keep thinking why am I the one who gets all the boys?! I never in my life thought I would be a mom of only boys.

LO123....best of luck hope all goes well! Looking forward to hearing how it goes! I had a scan at 9 weeks 6 days and was convinced I saw a forked nub pointing upward indicating boy....but apparently at that stage it is too early too tell....still it has stuck with me!

January 3rd, 2013, 07:17 PM
Ah girls, I'm feeling very sad today. A friend of mine and I were pregnant together, I'm 15 weeks now and she was 18 weeks yesterday when she lost her baby. They couldn't find a heartbeat and she had to deliver last night :( So awful. I don't know what to say to her and my growing bump will only feel like I'm rubbing salt in her wounds. What if she's never able to be around my baby because it will be painful for her to think "my baby should be here too...he'd be the same age as Jadis' baby". I wish I could say that her devestating news is enough for me to no longer care whether or not mine is a girl or boy, but that's not completely true. Sure, I feel incredibly lucky to be pregnant with what, at this point, looks like a healthy baby...but I'm still crossing my fingers for a girl. Does that make me a terrible person? Should this tragedy have been enough of a slap in the face for me to give up any preference at all? I'm going to be terrified at my 18 week scan now. I want to see a heartbeat, especially because I'm not feeling any of baby's movements.

January 3rd, 2013, 07:32 PM
Sorry you are going through the lost of a close friend's baby. That poor woman. Every pregnant woman's worse nightmare and fear come true.

No, don't feel guilty for still having a gender preference. I'm sure at the end of the day a healthy baby is your first desire but it's only natural to want a girl after a couple of boys.

Yes, I think it may be hard for your friend for a while as your baby will remind her of the baby she lost but all you can do is be there for her and let her cry when she needs to.

January 3rd, 2013, 08:45 PM
Hi Ladies, just got back from my first scan. So happy to see little baby and really strong HB. My ob was really happy and said all looks great. I feel so much better now knowing all is going well. Has put my dates back a bit but I don't mind. Put me at 9w3ds, I thought I was a couple more days along. I couldn't help myself and did try and look at the nub but a few people have said it is too early. Heidith, I think you said that, is that correct? I wasn't going to obsess over the nub but can't help myself now. I was just looking at some nub shots and wow one lady had all girl guesses and it ended up being a boy. I don't think I could cope with that. Anyway for today I am very happy my baby is doing well and does look so cute already to me.....

January 3rd, 2013, 09:15 PM
Jadis, that is just awful for your friend, you think by that stage all is good. I often feel after finding out I had a low supply of eggs left I would be just so happy to be pregnant and gender shouldn't matter but it still does. We can't help the way we feel and it doesn't mean the health of the baby is not the most important, of course it is, but we can still wish for our girls....

January 3rd, 2013, 09:26 PM
Hi Ladies, just got back from my first scan. So happy to see little baby and really strong HB. My ob was really happy and said all looks great. I feel so much better now knowing all is going well. Has put my dates back a bit but I don't mind. Put me at 9w3ds, I thought I was a couple more days along. I couldn't help myself and did try and look at the nub but a few people have said it is too early. Heidith, I think you said that, is that correct? I wasn't going to obsess over the nub but can't help myself now. I was just looking at some nub shots and wow one lady had all girl guesses and it ended up being a boy. I don't think I could cope with that. Anyway for today I am very happy my baby is doing well and does look so cute already to me.....

LO123 I saw that lady and it freaks me out because I too recvd all girl guesses on here and on babycenter an u/s tech said she would also guess a girl. I just keep saying that it is called a "guess" for a reason. Nubs can be very misleading especially if it is too early or a bad angle :-/

Praying we both get our girls!

January 4th, 2013, 09:50 AM
Oh, Jadis, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I can relate, I have a very good friend who had a baby with anencephaly (the baby had no skull and was missing most of the brain), in August, and she lived for only 10 minutes. My friend has a little boy a couple of months older than my ds3. While I can honestly say it made me appreciate having healthy children 1000x more, it didn't completely erase my gd. But I am sure my friend would have gladly taken a healthy boy over a little girl she had to bury. :( So I try to remember, we never know what the alternatives were. What if the alternative to me having a healthy baby boy is a very sick baby girl? I would take the boy, no doubt. But still, the gd lingers. So don't feel bad, you can't help your feelings.

January 4th, 2013, 11:08 AM
DS had the flu the last 3 days, he's better but now I have it :( just hoping I don't get fevers like he had. I don't have good luck with sickness this pregnancy!

January 4th, 2013, 11:59 AM
Ah girls, I'm feeling very sad today. A friend of mine and I were pregnant together, I'm 15 weeks now and she was 18 weeks yesterday when she lost her baby. They couldn't find a heartbeat and she had to deliver last night :( So awful. I don't know what to say to her and my growing bump will only feel like I'm rubbing salt in her wounds. What if she's never able to be around my baby because it will be painful for her to think "my baby should be here too...he'd be the same age as Jadis' baby". I wish I could say that her devestating news is enough for me to no longer care whether or not mine is a girl or boy, but that's not completely true. Sure, I feel incredibly lucky to be pregnant with what, at this point, looks like a healthy baby...but I'm still crossing my fingers for a girl. Does that make me a terrible person? Should this tragedy have been enough of a slap in the face for me to give up any preference at all? I'm going to be terrified at my 18 week scan now. I want to see a heartbeat, especially because I'm not feeling any of baby's movements.

Jadis, I'm so sorry for your friend. What a tragic loss.
GD and miscarriage are completely different from each other, please don't beat yourself up about having a preference.
Even after losing two babies, I'm still swaying!

January 4th, 2013, 03:34 PM
Jadis I am so sorry to hear about your friend. So tragic that these babies have to leave their mom's so early. The fact that they have to actually deliver after a certain point is just heartbreaking. Prayers and hugs to your friend. And I have been feeling so worried about this baby since my last scan. Thankfully I go to the doctor on Monday.

Cvd so sorry about the flu hon. Hope you feel better real soon. I have been having yellow phlegm myself but feeling ok for the most part. I'm just drinking pink grapefruit juice once a day in hopes it will ward off the bug.

Well ladies I go to the doctor on Monday for my 16 week check up (although I was actually 16 weeks yesterday). I was actually supposed to go yesterday but it was my first day back to work since our winter break started on the 19th. I am trying to save my time for maternity so I decided to just move the appointment to Monday. I have been having all kinds of sad thoughts because of the recent losses and I just can't wait to hear my baby's heart on Monday! Anyone else 16 weeks and not feeling the baby move? I'm scared....:nails:

January 4th, 2013, 03:40 PM
Jadis I am so sorry to hear about your friend. So tragic that these babies have to leave their mom's so early. The fact that they have to actually deliver after a certain point is just heartbreaking. Prayers and hugs to your friend. And I have been feeling so worried about this baby since my last scan. Thankfully I go to the doctor on Monday.

Cvd so sorry about the flu hon. Hope you feel better real soon. I have been having yellow phlegm myself but feeling ok for the most part. I'm just drinking pink grapefruit juice once a day in hopes it will ward off the bug.

Well ladies I go to the doctor on Monday for my 16 week check up (although I was actually 16 weeks yesterday). I was actually supposed to go yesterday but it was my first day back to work since our winter break started on the 19th. I am trying to save my time for maternity so I decided to just move the appointment to Monday. I have been having all kinds of sad thoughts because of the recent losses and I just can't wait to hear my baby's heart on Monday! Anyone else 16 weeks and not feeling the baby move? I'm scared....:nails:

P4P i feel the same, i'm so worried when i got to see the midwife in tuesday she won't be able to find a heart beat. All the losses on here it feels like its only a matter of time before i loose my baby. It crossed my mind with the others but i always thought 12 weeks was the safe ish point and m/c after that was really rare. It seems all the too common on here for my liking and i'm so scared i'll loose my baby, still not told anyone i'm pregnant just in case and finding myself freaking out as i'm getting loads of cramps and checking for minute bits of blood every time i go to the loo. It seems worse as most of the moms don't even know they have miscarried, its so sad

January 4th, 2013, 04:25 PM
i think if this is only your 2nd its not uncommon not to feel movements until 20 weeks - my friend is 16 weeks with her second and no movements but just some bubbling going on where as with number 3 i was having full on movement feelings by 13 weeks and i think this one will be even sooner

January 4th, 2013, 04:31 PM
:worry: I'm still not feeling anything with my fourth, nearly 16 weeks, had one or two moments of maybe but nothing i'm sure of, hope all is ok

I didn't have early movements with ds3 but then my placenta was on the front so thats not surprising, its not this time though

January 4th, 2013, 04:36 PM
I'm not feeling anything either, and I'm at 15 weeks. I don't know where my placenta was with my boys but I felt them both my 15 weeks. This time, I know that my placenta is anterior left so I hope that's the reason I'm not feeling much. I've felt a flutter here and there but nothing I can be sure isn't gas....I can't wait to feel unmistakeable kicks. Mrs_P, do you know where your placenta is now?

January 4th, 2013, 05:19 PM
Jadis - I had a very similar situation with ds3 - my friend was due around the same time as me and her baby died atv25 weeks and she had to give birth and bury her beautiful baby girl. I kept in contact by text but she didn't want to see me and she couldn't see me until she fell pregnant again - her little girl is 2 in feb, my ds 3 is 3 in may - I didn't see her for around 5 or 6 months which was really hard as I needed to be there for her and felt I couldn't. I totally understood and respected her completely and just made sure I texted her regularly. She is now 27 weeks pregnant with a sweet little boy and we are very close again. Am so so sorry for your friend and also so so sorry for how you are feeling too. It didn't takeaway my gd either - that's not something you can control xxxx

January 4th, 2013, 06:13 PM
Thanks for all your kind words of support, everyone. I really appreciate the advice.

January 4th, 2013, 06:38 PM
I'm so sorry for the losses, it breaks my heart. I'm worrying too as my symptoms are virtually non-existent and come and go. I just can't see how statistically I should have 3 healthy, straightforward pregnancies. Surely I'm bound to have a loss at some point? It's a worrying time but as someone else said, when you're in a group where everyone is pregnant it will seem like there are loads of losses, when in reality it's probably a "normal" amount for the size of the group, not that that makes it any easier of course.
I have my midwife booking appt on Monday 7th, not sure if I'd get to hear a heartbeat at 8+1 but I might ask to put my mind at rest (hopefully).

I'm not getting time to check in here much lately, still away for the hols, but I wanted to let you all know I'm trying to keep up with everyone's story and thinking of you all.

January 5th, 2013, 06:08 AM
LO123- delighted to hear all is well and baby's heartbeat was nice and healthy. Hear you on the nubsessing!!! It's terrible! Am dreading my next scan in two weeks...really don't want to find out yet but know I will be busy analyzing the u/s pictures afterwards.

Jadis- don't beat yourself up about it. Most of us feel the same. WE all want healthy babies of course but we all have our dreams of a baby girl. I have two close friends who are pregnant too and due around the same time...they will both be finding out soon. I am dreading it. If they both get girls (their second child) and I get a boy I am wondering how I will cope. One is absolutely convinced she is having a girl and I am utterly envious about how relaxed and happy she is and enjoying her pregnancy. In comparison I have been pretty miserable with GD and dreading finding out it might be another boy. So wish I didn't care and was happy getting another boy. I just don't want to be a mom in a house full of men!!!

January 5th, 2013, 07:35 AM
P4P i feel the same, i'm so worried when i got to see the midwife in tuesday she won't be able to find a heart beat. All the losses on here it feels like its only a matter of time before i loose my baby. It crossed my mind with the others but i always thought 12 weeks was the safe ish point and m/c after that was really rare. It seems all the too common on here for my liking and i'm so scared i'll loose my baby, still not told anyone i'm pregnant just in case and finding myself freaking out as i'm getting loads of cramps and checking for minute bits of blood every time i go to the loo. It seems worse as most of the moms don't even know they have miscarried, its so sad

I know Mrs. P! All these MMC's and second Tri MC's have got me freaked out to put it mildly. So your appt was this past Tuesday or this upcoming Tuesday? Praying both of our beans are doing well!!

January 5th, 2013, 07:36 AM
I had a gender scan today. Was 100% boy so my sway failed. I know I will love this baby but have serious gd at the moment. Maybe I just didn't deserve it. Good thing is baby is healthy. Good luck for those still to find out x

January 5th, 2013, 07:43 AM
So maybe I'm just being crazy about not feeling the baby! They never said anything about my placenta...I'm just glad it isn't low lying like the last time cause I bled out real bad at 12 weeks. Super scary! I am going to ask the doctor about it on Monday. I'm just happy my appointment is soon. I am praying for all of us and for healthy babies!!

January 5th, 2013, 08:11 AM
Onelastdream Im so sorry you didnt get your girl but Im sure once your littl eman is in your arms your GD will disspear - perhaps a 4d scan might help with bonding so u can try and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy especially if its your last ( as is mine)

January 5th, 2013, 08:32 AM
I had a gender scan today. Was 100% boy so my sway failed. I know I will love this baby but have serious gd at the moment. Maybe I just didn't deserve it. Good thing is baby is healthy. Good luck for those still to find out x

Sorry you didn't hear girl OneLastDream :( really glad your baby is healthy. Try to do something for yourself today if you can maybe. It helped me xo. Hope the gd eases soon.

January 5th, 2013, 09:47 AM
I'm sorry you didn't hear pink, OneLastDream. Let it all out, take care of yourself right now and know that we're all here for ya.

I had a total meltdown last night, crying to my DH about how terrified I am of our gender scan. I feel crazy for wanting to do this last week, now I want to put it off till birth! Right now, I can enjoy the illusion that there could be a girl in there. I don't want that illusion snatched away from me and once I know, I can't unknow it. On the other hand, the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can stop nubsessing and start moving on. My DH says he thinks I'm becoming fixated on ultrasound prediction forums and he thinks it's unhealthy....now I have to nubsess in secret.

Bama Belle
January 5th, 2013, 09:58 AM
I had a gender scan today. Was 100% boy so my sway failed. I know I will love this baby but have serious gd at the moment. Maybe I just didn't deserve it. Good thing is baby is healthy. Good luck for those still to find out x

I'm so sorry you didn't get your girl.

January 5th, 2013, 12:22 PM
Really sorry OneLastDream...I know how disappointed you must feel. I think we are all dreading finding out here. I know I am and as much as I tell myself I am sure all GD will disappear when the baby arrives it's still an awful feeling knowing you will never get a daughter. This is our last baby so that's it for us now. Do something nice for yourself and hopefully with time the GD will ease.

January 5th, 2013, 12:23 PM
Onelastdream, sending hugs darling. You know I'm here

January 5th, 2013, 01:03 PM
I had a gender scan today. Was 100% boy so my sway failed. I know I will love this baby but have serious gd at the moment. Maybe I just didn't deserve it. Good thing is baby is healthy. Good luck for those still to find out x

I'm so sorry, please don't feel like it's because you don't deserve it - I am thinking more and more it's all just chance and there is not much we can do about it, unfortunately. I am glad to hear baby is healthy.

I have a strong feeling I will be joining you as a mom of 4 boys. I haven't scheduled my scan yet, but it'll be around the middle of February. I keep going back and forth between wanting to know RIGHT NOW and wanting to put it off as long as possible. I had an appointment yesterday, and I was very happy to hear a good, strong heartbeat, but my OB said a few things that made me think boy more than ever. For on, baby was way to the right of my belly. I know Ramzi only counts in the early, early weeks, and it's based on where the placenta implanted, not were baby is hanging out, but the cord can't be very long at this point, so baby can't be too far from the placenta. And I told her I was hungry all the time, and she said "oh, boy moms are hungry like that." I know that is just an old wives tale (haven't heard that one, actually) but it still got to me. And I am having some problems with my skin, and she mentioned another mom she knows with two boys who had a similar problem when pregnant. So nothing concrete, but I left the appointment feeling that it's boy #4 for me.

January 5th, 2013, 01:14 PM
I'm not feeling anything either, and I'm at 15 weeks. I don't know where my placenta was with my boys but I felt them both my 15 weeks. This time, I know that my placenta is anterior left so I hope that's the reason I'm not feeling much. I've felt a flutter here and there but nothing I can be sure isn't gas....I can't wait to feel unmistakeable kicks. Mrs_P, do you know where your placenta is now?

Oh i'm no good with the anterior posterior thing, i can never remember which is which but i know its on the side inwards towards my body, whereas with ds3 it was on the front towards my belly button so it pretty much took up all of the space you usually feel kicking on

January 5th, 2013, 01:17 PM
no its this tuesday coming, am really quite nervous. I hope it brings us both some good news x

January 5th, 2013, 01:28 PM
Oh i'm no good with the anterior posterior thing, i can never remember which is which but i know its on the side inwards towards my body, whereas with ds3 it was on the front towards my belly button so it pretty much took up all of the space you usually feel kicking on

Sounds like yours is posterior, Mrs_P and you'll be enjoying some lovely kicks soon. Anterior=on the front of your belly and Posterior=at the back of your uterus. Mine's anterior so I feel I'm being robbed of my baby's early flutters. I felt my DS1 at 15 weeks and my DS2 by 16 weeks, I've felt a tiny flutter here and there but not enough to know for sure it isn't gas. Are you having a scan on Tuesday or simply an appointment? My next appointment is Wednesday and I just want to hear that heartbeat again!!

January 5th, 2013, 03:57 PM
I'm so sorry, please don't feel like it's because you don't deserve it - I am thinking more and more it's all just chance and there is not much we can do about it, unfortunately. I am glad to hear baby is healthy.

I have a strong feeling I will be joining you as a mom of 4 boys. I haven't scheduled my scan yet, but it'll be around the middle of February. I keep going back and forth between wanting to know RIGHT NOW and wanting to put it off as long as possible. I had an appointment yesterday, and I was very happy to hear a good, strong heartbeat, but my OB said a few things that made me think boy more than ever. For on, baby was way to the right of my belly. I know Ramzi only counts in the early, early weeks, and it's based on where the placenta implanted, not were baby is hanging out, but the cord can't be very long at this point, so baby can't be too far from the placenta. And I told her I was hungry all the time, and she said "oh, boy moms are hungry like that." I know that is just an old wives tale (haven't heard that one, actually) but it still got to me. And I am having some problems with my skin, and she mentioned another mom she knows with two boys who had a similar problem when pregnant. So nothing concrete, but I left the appointment feeling that it's boy #4 for me.

Jennaesue don't put too much stock into the Ramzi deal. I had the opposite for my son and my friend had the opposite for her son. I wasn't hungry with my son and I actually only ate to keep from feeling so nauseous. Never had skin problems with my son either. I think all pregnancies are different so cheer up honey! You may have a pink bean in there after all.

January 5th, 2013, 03:59 PM
no its this tuesday coming, am really quite nervous. I hope it brings us both some good news x

Oh ok so the day after mine. Yes we will be fine and so will the babies!

January 6th, 2013, 05:56 AM
Just to put my oar in a little but most ultrasound techs say they can never be 100% sure. The later the scan obviously the larger the genitals so the more likely the gender will be accurate. But there are still those they get wrong even with the amazing scanners they have now.

January 6th, 2013, 06:31 AM
Just to put my oar in a little but most ultrasound techs say they can never be 100% sure. The later the scan obviously the larger the genitals so the more likely the gender will be accurate. But there are still those they get wrong even with the amazing scanners they have now.

I have scanned the Internet for wrong 16 week gender scans and mine definitely looks boy - I don't want to post it yet as I am not ready for everyone double confirming it for me. Am in a fairly bad place at the moment x

January 6th, 2013, 06:37 AM
Just to put my oar in a little but most ultrasound techs say they can never be 100% sure. The later the scan obviously the larger the genitals so the more likely the gender will be accurate. But there are still those they get wrong even with the amazing scanners they have now.

I have scanned the Internet for wrong 16 week gender scans and mine definitely looks boy - I don't want to post it yet as I am not ready for everyone double confirming it for me. Am in a fairly bad place at the moment x

January 6th, 2013, 08:04 AM
Just to put my oar in a little but most ultrasound techs say they can never be 100% sure. The later the scan obviously the larger the genitals so the more likely the gender will be accurate. But there are still those they get wrong even with the amazing scanners they have now.

I hope this works out for some of the ladies! Mine was in 3D and we seen his bits a good 5 times during lol and also in 2D!

January 6th, 2013, 02:34 PM
Sounds like yours is posterior, Mrs_P and you'll be enjoying some lovely kicks soon. Anterior=on the front of your belly and Posterior=at the back of your uterus. Mine's anterior so I feel I'm being robbed of my baby's early flutters. I felt my DS1 at 15 weeks and my DS2 by 16 weeks, I've felt a tiny flutter here and there but not enough to know for sure it isn't gas. Are you having a scan on Tuesday or simply an appointment? My next appointment is Wednesday and I just want to hear that heartbeat again!!

No just an appointment but hopefully she will look for the heartbeat with that hand held thingy, i haven't heard it yet so will be nice if she can (although to be honest with the other three i never did work out what i was listening for LOL)

January 6th, 2013, 02:44 PM
I have scanned the Internet for wrong 16 week gender scans and mine definitely looks boy - I don't want to post it yet as I am not ready for everyone double confirming it for me. Am in a fairly bad place at the moment x

Sorry you are feeling low OneLastDream XX
It's so hard, such an emotional time. Thinking of you. XX

January 6th, 2013, 02:50 PM
Thanks everyone - may change my name to shattered dreams! Good luck on Tuesday mrs p x

January 6th, 2013, 03:02 PM
No just an appointment but hopefully she will look for the heartbeat with that hand held thingy, i haven't heard it yet so will be nice if she can (although to be honest with the other three i never did work out what i was listening for LOL)

Mrs. P I hope the lovely sound of your LO's heartbeat is music to your ears. I know mine will be! GL and blessings for your appt. on Wednesday!!!

January 6th, 2013, 03:04 PM
Thanks everyone - may change my name to shattered dreams! Good luck on Tuesday mrs p x

Aww sending ((big hugs)) your way onelastdream! When you are ready we will be here waiting to see that precious little baby of yours and to provide support and encouragement for your healing!

January 6th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Thanks - sorry Wednesday and good luck to you praying too. Are you having a gender scan?

January 6th, 2013, 05:01 PM
Oh onelastdream... :( I'm so sorry. I know in time you will be ok, but for now let yourself grieve. When you're ready we will goo and gaa over your gorgeous baby. :HH:

January 6th, 2013, 05:04 PM
I'm going for a scan today at 2pm (it's currently 8am) .. Checking for twins and viability, naturally. Hope all is well - although I feel sick enough - surely baby is fine. ;) good luck with the other scans!! :) xx

January 6th, 2013, 05:39 PM
So sorry onelastdream, :hugs:, hope you feel better soon.

Good luck hoping, I've got my booking appointment tomorrow afternoon, am a bit nervous as it'll become "official" then! Hoping to hear a heartbeat if it's possible, but not sure if 8 weeks is too early.


Bama Belle
January 6th, 2013, 06:43 PM
I'm going for a scan today at 2pm (it's currently 8am) .. Checking for twins and viability, naturally. Hope all is well - although I feel sick enough - surely baby is fine. ;) good luck with the other scans!! :) xx

How did it go? Good I hope.

January 6th, 2013, 10:05 PM
I'm going for a scan today at 2pm (it's currently 8am) .. Checking for twins and viability, naturally. Hope all is well - although I feel sick enough - surely baby is fine. ;) good luck with the other scans!! :) xx

Good luck, hoping all is well and enjoying seeing your little one.

January 6th, 2013, 10:10 PM
I have scanned the Internet for wrong 16 week gender scans and mine definitely looks boy - I don't want to post it yet as I am not ready for everyone double confirming it for me. Am in a fairly bad place at the moment x

OneLastDream, I am so sorry you didn't hear girl. I can imagine how hard it is and feel for you so much. We all understand and wouldn't be here if we didn't. I spent most of Saturday crying as I think its a boy and I don't even know yet. It helps me to talk to someone I trust (my mum) about it and let the feelings be real. Lots of hugs to you.

January 7th, 2013, 01:34 AM
:) hey hey! Scan went well.. Baby is measuring perfectly thus far. Heart rate was 147. Don't know about placenta.. Forgot to ask the tech.. :)

January 7th, 2013, 01:36 AM

Here's the best blurry pic I could get of baby. :)

January 7th, 2013, 03:36 AM
Eeeeeep Amy!!!! So bloody exciting!!!!
Hehe hello baby!!!!

January 7th, 2013, 06:50 AM
Cute pic hoping x

Here are my 16 week pics - 1 4d and one potty shot.


January 7th, 2013, 06:51 AM
Ok 4d didn't go in so heres 4d one7758

January 7th, 2013, 06:59 AM
OMG TOO CUTE - i so want to convince DH to let me have a 4D this time but he says it takes away some of the surprise as we will know what the baby looks like ?!?! ha ha

January 7th, 2013, 08:00 AM
Congratulations on your healthy little boy one last dream. And on your healthy little one hopingforasaskia.

I spent a good part of the weekend cuddling my brand new niece and came away thinking that I would be very happy with another little girl. I really hope I can find out on Friday I hate not knowing

January 7th, 2013, 08:51 AM
first trimester going fast hopefully will feel better soon ugg-
mrsp- you said this is the first tiem you will be hearing hb. is this your 1st appt?
i still haven't contacted a mw i sually don't until after 1st trimester but my last mw doesn't serve my area anymore so now i have to find a new one, not very happy about this:(
so soon I'll have to be on the hunt. luckily i have option and know a couple of them already

January 7th, 2013, 11:37 AM
Thanks - sorry Wednesday and good luck to you praying too. Are you having a gender scan?

Onelastdream we will be finding out the gender at the anatomy scan at the end of the month. I'm excited and nervous at the same time! This appt was just my 4 week check up.

January 7th, 2013, 11:41 AM
Hi ladies! Back from my appointment and the baby is still baking ok. I scheduled my anatomy scan for 1/29 at 9:10am EST. I will be a nervous wreck until then. Anyone else in the States troubled by the 18 flu related infant deaths? Scary ;-(

January 7th, 2013, 12:25 PM
Glad to hear all the good appointments and scans we have going on. I had my checkup today and all is well too. Except I have the flu still :( but I am happy cause today I am at the half way mark!!! Ill be delivering at 38 weeks by csection so I'm half way through my pregnancy :)

January 7th, 2013, 05:23 PM
Ladies-on my first day back to work today, I met a woman named Margaret. Later this afternoon, I bought a baby girls outfit for a friend who just had a baby. The shirt label read 'Maggie and Zoe'. When I got to the cashier, her name tag read 'Margaret'. If this baby is a girl, she'll be Margaret. Could the Universe be screwing with my head??? LOL. I feel like her name is everywhere I go.

January 7th, 2013, 05:27 PM
Hi ladies, nice to hear some good news. I had my first midwife appt, just paperwork but should get first scan date through soon. I'm irrationally scared I'm not going to see a heartbeat, just hope this vague nausea means all's well.

Am a bit p*ssed off cos I saw my medical records on the computer screen, and when I contacted my doc in august due to an interaction between vitex+my migraine medication she has noted it down as "been taking some herbal concoction to try to increase chances of conceiving a girl". She's supposedly a specialist in women+children's health so you'd think she'd take more interest in research about swaying. I'm feeling a bit hurt and ridiculed by someone who appeared to be taking me seriously when i talked it all through with her before TTC. What do you think, hormonal touchiness or justified hurtness?

January 7th, 2013, 05:32 PM
Ladies-on my first day back to work today, I met a woman named Margaret. Later this afternoon, I bought a baby girls outfit for a friend who just had a baby. The shirt label read 'Maggie and Zoe'. When I got to the cashier, her name tag read 'Margaret'. If this baby is a girl, she'll be Margaret. Could the Universe be screwing with my head??? LOL. I feel like her name is everywhere I go.

Jadis, I know what you mean, I bought some hair bobbles today which had "Mila Rose" on the label - my girl's name would be Emiliana Rose which could easily be shortened to Mila. Spooky! Just hope we're both getting positive omens!

January 7th, 2013, 09:08 PM
Hi ladies, nice to hear some good news. I had my first midwife appt, just paperwork but should get first scan date through soon. I'm irrationally scared I'm not going to see a heartbeat, just hope this vague nausea means all's well.

Am a bit p*ssed off cos I saw my medical records on the computer screen, and when I contacted my doc in august due to an interaction between vitex+my migraine medication she has noted it down as "been taking some herbal concoction to try to increase chances of conceiving a girl". She's supposedly a specialist in women+children's health so you'd think she'd take more interest in research about swaying. I'm feeling a bit hurt and ridiculed by someone who appeared to be taking me seriously when i talked it all through with her before TTC. What do you think, hormonal touchiness or justified hurtness?

I hear you, I spoke to my GP a lot about what I was doing, as I didn't want to do anything harmful. When she wrote my referral for FS she wrote on it about me being on a girl diet which had casused me to lose so much weight have probably stopped Oing so need to gain weight before anything else. I thought thanks how is that going to help me, the FS is just going to tell me to go away before he sees me.

January 7th, 2013, 09:15 PM
Jadis, I hope it all means something, it has to, doesn't it. I play stupid games with myself, like if I see a pram at the shops, I say if is a girl in it it means I'm having a girl. So dumb I know.

cvd, pleased all is well and hope your feeling better soon. I see your choosen a name, I really like it.

Praying4pink, good luck for the 29, pleased your appointment went well.

January 7th, 2013, 09:18 PM
OneLastDream, your 4D picture is so cute. I love those photos. Hopefully this will help you bond. How are you feeling?

January 7th, 2013, 09:46 PM
CVD-you've decided on a name?? Fill me in! I'd love to know it.

January 7th, 2013, 09:50 PM
CVD-you've decided on a name?? Fill me in! I'd love to know it.

Oh you must be on your phone! I just put it in my signature thing today lol. Maverick :) DH says we're still open to others if we hear a better name but were done searching. I really like it! I don't think well hear something better :) now we need to pick a middle name lol!

January 7th, 2013, 09:51 PM
Jadis, I hope it all means something, it has to, doesn't it. I play stupid games with myself, like if I see a pram at the shops, I say if is a girl in it it means I'm having a girl. So dumb I know.

cvd, pleased all is well and hope your feeling better soon. I see your choosen a name, I really like it.

Praying4pink, good luck for the 29, pleased your appointment went well.

Thank you LO123!! :)

January 7th, 2013, 09:54 PM
Hi ladies,

OneLastDream - that 4D pic is so cute!

HopingforSaskia - adorable tiny baby pic!

I have been feeling really down today, I booked my anatomy scan for Feb 7 - one month until we find out the gender. I'm terrified!
I wish I was a more relaxed person, so hard to enjoy anything with a big grey cloud hanging over my head - and totally my fault it is. The thought of 2 more boys!

LMO - I can sympathise with your crying!

Hope everyone is doing well. XX

January 7th, 2013, 11:59 PM
Hi Maple, I totally understan but I have a really good feeling for you and that you will atleast have one pinky in there. It is so hard to enjoy the pregnancy isn't it. It is all I think about, I really wanted to enjoy this pregnancy. Definitely my last and my first pregnancy I hated. I wanted so much for this to be different. Did you get any idea from your last scan? Did you get nub shots? FX for you for the 7 Feb.

January 8th, 2013, 01:51 AM
OneLastDream, your 4D picture is so cute. I love those photos. Hopefully this will help you bond. How are you feeling?

Thanks x still fairly rock bottom at the moment - it's been my dream forever and it's so hard to know I won't ever have it

January 8th, 2013, 01:53 AM
Maple and lo123 and jadis I truly hope you get your dreams. It's not good to feel so low - gd really sucks xx

Bama Belle
January 8th, 2013, 04:34 AM
Well between being sick and being nervous about my advanced NT scan tomorrow, I can't sleep a wink. Wish me luck tomorrow(later today)!

January 8th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Good luck Bama Belle, hope it goes well for you. And good luck for 29th praying, and for 7th maple.

Sorry you're feeling so low onelastdream, I can imagine how bad you feel, I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose my dream at my scan too and I'm dreading it. I just don't think I'm prepared at all. I hope you start feeling better soon, your baby boy will be adorable I'm sure, he must be destined for great things to have survived the sway tactics.

Maple+LO, I feel the same, struggling with trying to enjoy every aspect of this last pregnancy, but at the same time stressing horribly about the gender. I found myself watching a complete stranger's gender scan on YouTube last night (girl of course) and when they started looking down below my heart was hammering in my chest so hard I thought I'm going to have a heartattack at my scan, I'm not sure if I can do this. I can't bear not knowing and risking ruining the birth moment, plus not finding out won't change the gender, it'll only prolong my fantasy. I thought by the time I was pregnant I'd have got this straight in my head but I'm just not ready to hear boy again at all. :(

LO I'm sorry your doctor was skeptical too, it's so hurtful. I feel like a fool grasping at straws, or at least that that's how others see me. It's made me think twice about telling people we swayed. I think I'll tell close friends we did what is currently thought to sway and are hoping for the best, but I don't think I'll mention it to anyone else. I can't bear the thought of people pitying me+saying "what a shame, poor deluded fool did all that and seriously believed what she ate would give her a girl". I'm nervous just thinking about finding out and it won't be for 12 weeks yet - I still need to find out if there's definitely something in there first! This is a tough journey, I'm glad I'm not doing it alone. :hugs:

January 8th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Hi girls. Can I join you all? I am expecting on 1 August and have 3 little boys. I did a big LE style sway and am hoping with all my heart it is a little girl nestled in my belly at the moment, but fearing it is not. I have not been on GD much since my BFP as I have been struggling a lot with morning sickness and fatigue. It seems to be settling down now (earlier than any of my other pregnancies which makes me 1) paranoid that the baby has been lost and 2) sure it is a boy as morning sickness is meant to be worse with girls). I am having a really bad night with GD tonight after visiting my last remaining "all boy" mum friend who kind of "got it" a little bit at the hospital after she has just given birth to a baby girl. Held the baby girl dressed all in pink for an hour - torture! About to go post in the GD forum about it. Anyway I would love to join you guys to chat about the pregnancies. I have skimmed back over some of the thread and my heart goes out to those who have had a loss or found out they are having an opposite... so hard.

Bama Belle
January 8th, 2013, 09:54 AM
Welcome HopingWishingPraying!

January 8th, 2013, 01:08 PM
Hi girls. Can I join you all? I am expecting on 1 August and have 3 little boys. I did a big LE style sway and am hoping with all my heart it is a little girl nestled in my belly at the moment, but fearing it is not. I have not been on GD much since my BFP as I have been struggling a lot with morning sickness and fatigue. It seems to be settling down now (earlier than any of my other pregnancies which makes me 1) paranoid that the baby has been lost and 2) sure it is a boy as morning sickness is meant to be worse with girls). I am having a really bad night with GD tonight after visiting my last remaining "all boy" mum friend who kind of "got it" a little bit at the hospital after she has just given birth to a baby girl. Held the baby girl dressed all in pink for an hour - torture! About to go post in the GD forum about it. Anyway I would love to join you guys to chat about the pregnancies. I have skimmed back over some of the thread and my heart goes out to those who have had a loss or found out they are having an opposite... so hard.

Congrats and welcome! Hope you have a pink bean!

January 8th, 2013, 01:08 PM
Well between being sick and being nervous about my advanced NT scan tomorrow, I can't sleep a wink. Wish me luck tomorrow(later today)!

Yay good luck!! How much longer??

January 8th, 2013, 01:10 PM
Do any of you ladies watch that TLC show a baby story??? I am watching it now, I tear up everytime lol makes me really countdown till our little babe is here!!! 19 weeks to go!

January 8th, 2013, 01:57 PM
Hoping - So glad you made it here chick :-) So nice to see you again and look forward to chatting more. xxxx

January 8th, 2013, 02:26 PM
:wave: cvd I watch that show all the time. I was watching a labor and delivery show a couple weeks ago and I was crying like a baby, lol. Love the boy name by the way. So excited you are half way through it all. Can't wait to see that precious baby of yours.

Hoping: Welcome! My first baby my ms settled down at 11 weeks. Hate to say it though...it was a boy. BUT at least that calms your fears a bit about m/c. And if it helps any...my mom was the least sick with me and I have two brothers. So girls aren't always worse.

Bama: GL at your NT tomorrow.

OneLastDream and Jadis: :bighug: I really hope you feel better soon loves.

Emmy: I know it isn't funny (the way you described it) but I was kind of laughing a bit picturing you watching that YT video. We have got to stop torturing ourselves.

I just realized that I have 21 days until my gender scan and 6 weeks until my first of two 3D/4D scans! I am going to make dang on sure this baby is what they say it is, lol.

January 8th, 2013, 02:35 PM
:wave: cvd I watch that show all the time. I was watching a labor and delivery show a couple weeks ago and I was crying like a baby, lol. Love the boy name by the way. So excited you are half way through it all. Can't wait to see that precious baby of yours.

I just realized that I have 21 days until my gender scan and 6 weeks until my first of two 3D/4D scans! I am going to make dang on sure this baby is what they say it is, lol.

Hehe the shows are just so addicting! And thank you :)!
So are you finding out gender at your 3D scan too??? Or waiting until the "gender" scan hehe? Holy 6 days!!! That's so exciting!!
I have my "gender scan" on Thursday. The tech in our town is TERRIBLE. Known to have so many opposites (I heard he has a 60% success ratio). If you aren't sure, why guess? That's why we did the 3D as well. We seen our little Maverick's unit PERFECTLY in 3D atleast 5 different times lol so I am anxious to see if he says girl or boy. If he says girl I will probably die laughing!

January 8th, 2013, 04:22 PM
Hehe the shows are just so addicting! And thank you :)!
So are you finding out gender at your 3D scan too??? Or waiting until the "gender" scan hehe? Holy 6 days!!! That's so exciting!!
I have my "gender scan" on Thursday. The tech in our town is TERRIBLE. Known to have so many opposites (I heard he has a 60% success ratio). If you aren't sure, why guess? That's why we did the 3D as well. We seen our little Maverick's unit PERFECTLY in 3D atleast 5 different times lol so I am anxious to see if he says girl or boy. If he says girl I will probably die laughing!

They are addicting! My gender scan is at 20 weeks and my 3D isn't until 23 weeks. So we will be finding out the gender before the 3D. Actually we may get a few 3D scans at the doctor. I am not using them for my 3D package though because my old OB has a package where you can get it at two different points in your pregnancy. It's 300 bucks but I did it for my first and I feel I am obligated to do it with this one also. Plus I don't like the technology at the new OB's office. It doesn't seem as good. Let me know what the tech says. You would think after so many scans they would have better rates.

January 8th, 2013, 04:24 PM
Welcome hopingwishingpraying! X

January 8th, 2013, 04:31 PM
Am so jealous of all u guys finding out even those that got opposites as I just really want to find out but there is just no talking DH round no matter how bad i play the GD card !!!

January 8th, 2013, 04:40 PM
Hi girls. Can I join you all? I am expecting on 1 August and have 3 little boys. I did a big LE style sway and am hoping with all my heart it is a little girl nestled in my belly at the moment, but fearing it is not. I have not been on GD much since my BFP as I have been struggling a lot with morning sickness and fatigue. It seems to be settling down now (earlier than any of my other pregnancies which makes me 1) paranoid that the baby has been lost and 2) sure it is a boy as morning sickness is meant to be worse with girls). I am having a really bad night with GD tonight after visiting my last remaining "all boy" mum friend who kind of "got it" a little bit at the hospital after she has just given birth to a baby girl. Held the baby girl dressed all in pink for an hour - torture! About to go post in the GD forum about it. Anyway I would love to join you guys to chat about the pregnancies. I have skimmed back over some of the thread and my heart goes out to those who have had a loss or found out they are having an opposite... so hard.

Hi Hoping congrats on your pregnancy. Don't worry about m/s was really mild this time round (really unlike with the boys and it stopped ages ago, probably about 10 weeks ish - was that mild i barely remember it.

I've read your sway before and it was excellent, made me wish i'd been stricter on mine, so you have every chance at your little girl x

January 8th, 2013, 04:41 PM
Don't judge me ladies, lol. I bought a girl item for good luck today. It was only 12.00 and I figured I could give it to my hubby's cousin (who it definitely having a girl) if we hear boy on the 29th.

January 8th, 2013, 04:41 PM
Am so jealous of all u guys finding out even those that got opposites as I just really want to find out but there is just no talking DH round no matter how bad i play the GD card !!!

It is your choice to, its your baby as well and you are the one doing the hard work! I can understand him not wanting to know (especially as men don't really have a preference) but could you not discuss you finding out but just not telling him. Seems unfair that he is making a decision for you thats making things harder for you x

January 8th, 2013, 04:45 PM
Don't judge me ladies, lol. I bought a girl item for good luck today. It was only 12.00 and I figured I could give it to my hubby's cousin (who it definitely having a girl) if we hear boy on the 29th.

I have a few things i brought ages ago before we even started to ttc, not even looked at them to be honest in case it jinxed the baby but i don't see anything wrong with you buying something. With ds3 i put it off til my 20 week scan in case it was tempting fate but i never did get to buy pink and was almost as sad about that as hearing boy (i was sure i'd get a girl and had really looked forward to it).

Hopefully your daughter will be it before you know it

January 8th, 2013, 04:57 PM
Thanks mrs p he would just get the hump and its actually him that wants a girl more than me - it think he is scared as he will find it harder to bond if he hears boy where as when its born he knows it wont matter so he doesnt want to be upset before hand if that makes sense. If i keep feeling like this i might accidentally have a scan of my own down some time when he isnt about :-)

January 8th, 2013, 05:22 PM
They are addicting! My gender scan is at 20 weeks and my 3D isn't until 23 weeks. So we will be finding out the gender before the 3D. Actually we may get a few 3D scans at the doctor. I am not using them for my 3D package though because my old OB has a package where you can get it at two different points in your pregnancy. It's 300 bucks but I did it for my first and I feel I am obligated to do it with this one also. Plus I don't like the technology at the new OB's office. It doesn't seem as good. Let me know what the tech says. You would think after so many scans they would have better rates.
Ohh!!! My bad I read 6 days not 6 weeks lol makes more sense now :)

January 8th, 2013, 07:17 PM
Anyone else going batty waiting to find out gender? I am 14 weeks now and dying to get a nub shot, but my ob doesn't do a routine ultrasound until 20 weeks. And the only elective ultrasound place anywhere around here is over an hour away, and they won't do scans until 17 weeks anyway. I feel like a nub shot would be a good in-between step - if it looks girly, I will be happy, if it looks boyish, I'll know what to expect at my anatomy scan (but my hopes won't be completely dashed just yet.) I am trying really hard not to think about it, but I am having a hard time. 6 weeks seems forever away!

January 8th, 2013, 08:17 PM
Good luck with your scan Bama Belle - be sure to update us all.

I'm so sorry you are having such a hard tim with gd Onelastdream - I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like. Be kind to yourself xx

Welcome to the newbies - I hope your pink dreams come true x

Hope all those feeling awful are feeling better soon - that is why I am so infrequent on here, have been feeling gross - I'm glad this is my last time dealing with m/s, counting down til my 12 week scan in 2 weeks.....

January 8th, 2013, 08:18 PM
Ps. Love the name Maverick cvd - what a little dude he will be xx

January 8th, 2013, 09:10 PM
Anyone else going batty waiting to find out gender? I am 14 weeks now and dying to get a nub shot, but my ob doesn't do a routine ultrasound until 20 weeks. And the only elective ultrasound place anywhere around here is over an hour away, and they won't do scans until 17 weeks anyway. I feel like a nub shot would be a good in-between step - if it looks girly, I will be happy, if it looks boyish, I'll know what to expect at my anatomy scan (but my hopes won't be completely dashed just yet.) I am trying really hard not to think about it, but I am having a hard time. 6 weeks seems forever away!

Yep me, lol. Thankfully I only have a couple more days. Actually a nub shot will just make it worse. You will find yourself nubsessing, posting to ultrasound forums for guesses, looking at other babies nubs to compare, drawing lines to see the angle, not that I have done any of this mind you, lol. I know how hard the wait is!

January 8th, 2013, 09:41 PM
Ugh ladies I'm super angry. I dunno if its just my hormones or what. I need to vent and get some opinions!!!!
A girl who is like family to DH is due a week ahead of me, she also has 1 boy. She's super competitive and just rude, I've mentioned this before a while back but for example when DH and I got engaged her congratulations was "as if you gave her a ring before I got one from my boyfriend". How sweet right? Lol. Anyway she found out she's having a girl (she's actually upset about it, she wanted another boy), when exchanging names - we told her we picked Maverick as ours. She replied with "Nice name! That's also ----'s stripper name". This ---- is also a past fling of mine I guess you could say, I was younger (also DH's older brothers best friend, tad odd lol). Number 1: when someone tells you the name they picked, you don't spit on it. Hearing the name we want for our sweet baby boy is also a stripper name of someone we know isn't really something that we'd take as a compliment or put a smile on my face. Why not keep your comments to yourself if thats what you have to say. Maybe I'm just over angry, I really don't know. But also, number 2: is it now weird if we stick with the name, knowing its a now stripper name of someone I had a past with and also DHs brothers best friend???? We see him occasionally.
On one hand I'm thinking whatever it's our baby's name but on the other I'm thinking ill always relate that now. Ugh. She PURPOSELY tries to ruin things, that's why I'm so angry I think. I can't stand her. I feel like we would have eventually found out of course, but it's the way she said it... Like she was throwing it in our face or something. I'm really upset :(

Bama Belle
January 9th, 2013, 12:21 AM
Sorry it took me so long to update ladies. Baby is healthy but I am pretty sure we are having another girl. The tech said it was still early but she guessed girl. Looked really girly to me. Is it still early?

I was surprised at how poor the u/s pics turned out. I will post it tomorrow. The potty shot was not very clear, even in person. I keep tell myself that at least DD will have a sister and that is something I always wanted growing up. I know I should be happy she is healthy and measuring right on track but I was a little disappointed. I wasn't strict with my diet, so I didn't have a good sway. I was just hoping. I have an elective gender scan next Tuesday, just to confirm.

Bama Belle
January 9th, 2013, 12:26 AM
Cvd - If you and DH love the name then don't let her ruin it for you!

January 9th, 2013, 03:59 AM
Bama.. I'm sorry lovely. I don't know if it's early or not (I might have missed the part where you mentioned how far along you are.. Lets call that baby brain.. ;) ) In any case, I hope she was wrong and it is your boy xx

Cvd. In all honesty, that kind of relationship with a name would possibly put me off of it. If it was something I was going to constantly think about. However, I don't think - if it's not an honest to goodness problem for you - that you should ditch it. Maybe wait a bit. See how you feel about it over a little while, and if you really feel strange about it, toss it. No one else will relate his name to anything remotely like that so it's not a "reason" as such to reject it. Does that make sense? I love the name Maverick and it was on my list but my dh wouldn't have it. ;) xx

January 9th, 2013, 04:52 AM
Bama sorry you didn't hear boy. But as someone who grew up in the middle of 5 other sisters. I can honestly say that sisters are a brilliant support and true friendship. If I do get my boy this time I will definitely be aiming for a girl with the next one. But for some reason I think it will take me several attempts at swaying Before I get my son

Cvd I wouldn't tell this friend any more names and if she asks just say you haven't decided on any yet. That is what we do as people always have an opinion before the baby is born but rarely will they criticise the name of the baby in your arms

January 9th, 2013, 09:54 AM
Yep me, lol. Thankfully I only have a couple more days. Actually a nub shot will just make it worse. You will find yourself nubsessing, posting to ultrasound forums for guesses, looking at other babies nubs to compare, drawing lines to see the angle, not that I have done any of this mind you, lol. I know how hard the wait is!

Not that you did any of those things, huh? :wink:

You're probably right, it would just lead to more obsessing, which is definitely not healthy!

I am super excited for your gender scan! Your nub shots looked very promising. :)

January 9th, 2013, 10:01 AM
CVD - After ds2, I no longer share the baby's name before it's born, because people can't seem to keep their opinions to themselves sometimes. I loved Charlie, (but I don't like to use nicknames as names, so we were going to name him Charles) and my MIL was all like, "I HATE Charles, it makes me think of Charles Manson." So then dh started disliking the name. And it was out. :( And then later I mentioned something to my MIL about how she ruined Charlie for me, and she said "Oh, I like Charlie. I just don't like Charles." Pain in the butt! So with ds3 we told no one except our boys and swore them to secrecy. We will do the same this time.

I have a similar problem, but to a lesser degree, with the name Samuel. DH really likes that name, and has mentioned it with both ds2 and ds3. I also like it, but I had a serious boyfriend in college whose middle name was Samuel and we always said we would name our son Samuel if we had one. So it just seems weird to me. Now, this is a person I will never see again, but we are FB friends. So I might consider it this time. In your situation, I do think it would be odd to use the stripper name of someone who know. Just knowing it is a stripper name would make me not want to use it! I'm not defending this knucklehead who told you, but maybe she thought you should know now rather than finding out after the fact that you had named your son the stripper name of an ex-fling.

January 9th, 2013, 11:17 AM
Sorry you didn't hear boy bama! I really hope your elective gender scan they say boy and maybe they were just wrong! Sending my blue dust to you!

And thank you ladies for your comments. I'm super upset but I don't think I can use it now, I really loved it but its too weird I think. I know we would have found out eventually i'm sure but just the way she said it really made me angry. I hate when people just like to rain on your parade. Back to the drawing board for us :( hopefully we can find another soon so I'm not sad over this lol
I think I will be taking your advice of not telling till baby is here! It's easy to relate a name to something else when baby isn't here but once in your arms, if the name fits, nothing else would matter! Thanks again ladies!

January 9th, 2013, 11:36 AM
CVD I can totally understand where you are coming from with not wanting to name the baby Maverick now. However, even though your friend was probably trying to be a big witch, she has actually done you a favor. Just think if you found out after you named the baby Maverick!! So in a way she did you a favor maybe??

January 9th, 2013, 11:41 AM
CVD I can totally understand where you are coming from with not wanting to name the baby Maverick now. However, even though your friend was probably trying to be a big witch, she has actually done you a favor. Just think if you found out after you named the baby Maverick!! So in a way she did you a favor maybe??

We would have probably looked at it a lot differently if we found out we named him that after he was born! But now going INTO it knowing seems too weird. You know what I mean? So maybe she did do us a favour, but this guy has been a stripped for 2 years now and we've never heard his stripper name brought up before lol so I think we would have been fine, I wish I never told her :(

January 9th, 2013, 01:19 PM
Yeah, CVD. I totally get where you're coming from. My SIL ruined the name I loved for DS2. We picked a new name for him and kept it to ourselves, we'll be keeping this one top secret too. People feel free to critique the name you've chosen before the baby is here, but they won't feel as entitled to do that once they're looking at the baby. Good luck coming up with a new name! Can't wait to hear what you pick!

January 9th, 2013, 01:44 PM
I feel for you cvd - my sil and my mum and my mil are all about as tactful as that - the thing is though they don't seem to know they are doing it unless they are very calculated. If she had said anything different I think I would use the name anyway but something like that may keep popping up in your head - I would be angry too x

January 9th, 2013, 01:55 PM
Not that you did any of those things, huh? :wink:

You're probably right, it would just lead to more obsessing, which is definitely not healthy!

I am super excited for your gender scan! Your nub shots looked very promising. :)

I DID do all those things Jennaesue :rofl: But you know if you are getting the scan anyway and you feel comfortable asking for the nub shot then by all means. Honestly there is nothing wrong with a little obsessing. As long as you go in knowing that 1. Guesses are just guesses 2. Nubs can change and 3. Theories are just theories then you will be just fine. Go ahead get that nub shot girlfriend. Then maybe we can all have a guess at it, lol.

BTW: My obsessing did get pretty bad but that's just my personality. All total between this forum, BabyCenter, Ingender and Baby and Bump I did receive a total of 26 girl guesses including one tech guess, 2 maybe girl guesses, and 2 leaning girl guesses. I REALLY hope it's a girl, lol.

January 9th, 2013, 02:13 PM
Hey Praying, do you have a link for the board on babycentre where we can post a pic for guesses?

January 9th, 2013, 02:16 PM
Bama - Sorry you didn't hear blue honey. I have two older brothers and the one thing I always wished for was a sister. So if things don't change then your DD will have another girl to bond with...other than her sweet mommy of course :wink:

January 9th, 2013, 05:11 PM
Just home from my midwives, they've moved my due date up! Now, instead of June 25th, it's June 19th (my birthday!). Wouldn't a girl make a lovely birthday gift for me? Gah! I'm crossing my fingers and toes until our ultrasound in exactly 14 days...the countdown in painful. Today, my babe's heartrate was 150...is that on the high side?

January 9th, 2013, 05:19 PM
Just home from my midwives, they've moved my due date up! Now, instead of June 25th, it's June 19th (my birthday!). Wouldn't a girl make a lovely birthday gift for me? Gah! I'm crossing my fingers and toes until our ultrasound in exactly 14 days...the countdown in painful. Today, my babe's heartrate was 150...is that on the high side?

Aw, how special that your due date is your birthday! While it would not be a very fun way to spend your birthday, it would be nice to celebrate with your little one every year. :)

And I don't think the heart rate theory has any credibility, so I wouldn't even bother worrying about it.

January 9th, 2013, 05:21 PM
I DID do all those things Jennaesue :rofl: But you know if you are getting the scan anyway and you feel comfortable asking for the nub shot then by all means. Honestly there is nothing wrong with a little obsessing. As long as you go in knowing that 1. Guesses are just guesses 2. Nubs can change and 3. Theories are just theories then you will be just fine. Go ahead get that nub shot girlfriend. Then maybe we can all have a guess at it, lol.

BTW: My obsessing did get pretty bad but that's just my personality. All total between this forum, BabyCenter, Ingender and Baby and Bump I did receive a total of 26 girl guesses including one tech guess, 2 maybe girl guesses, and 2 leaning girl guesses. I REALLY hope it's a girl, lol.

Well, I don't really have an option for a scan before my 20 week ultrasound. Unless I call up and demand one or pretend I am having some sort of problem. And that is just not like me. My next regular appointment is on February 1, and I'll be 17 weeks, 4 days. I was considering calling them to see if they would do the scan then, but I doubt they would do it that far before 20 weeks. I imagine I'll just schedule my scan for 2 or 3 weeks from then.

Bama Belle
January 9th, 2013, 05:31 PM
I posted some pics on the u/s thread, please tell me what you think.

January 9th, 2013, 09:13 PM
Maple and lo123 and jadis I truly hope you get your dreams. It's not good to feel so low - gd really sucks xx

Thank you OneLastDream, I really hope so too. I hope you start to feel better soon. Thinking of you.

January 9th, 2013, 09:27 PM
Bama, sorry you didn't hear boy. Hope your doing OK.

EmmyRoo, your definitely not doing it alone. I don't know what I would without being able to come in here and talk about how I feel. Only my DH, Mum and a close friend knows about us swaying. I even wish I haven't told my friend though. She kind of made fun of it, which hurt me but I know she didn't mean it in an awful way. I think she forgets how much she also wanted a daughter as we use to talk about it a lot when we were younger. She now has one so probably doesn't think about it anymore. She made me godmother and says now you have a daughter too. Nice and sweet but not really the same.

HopingWishingPraying, welcome and congrats.

Jennaesue, defintiely obsessing about gender. It is all I think about it. I seem to wake up every morning and it is already in my head. Driving me crazy. I am scared to get a nub shot but know I will not be able to help myself and will have too. I have my 12 week scan in 11 days so not long. I just want some hope even if it turns out not to be. I would just like to feel happy about it all for atleast part of the pregnancy.

January 9th, 2013, 09:31 PM
Just home from my midwives, they've moved my due date up! Now, instead of June 25th, it's June 19th (my birthday!). Wouldn't a girl make a lovely birthday gift for me? Gah! I'm crossing my fingers and toes until our ultrasound in exactly 14 days...the countdown in painful. Today, my babe's heartrate was 150...is that on the high side?

This has to be a good sign, doesn't it. What a gift that would be....

I too have read the heart rate theory doesn't stand up.

January 10th, 2013, 06:14 AM
I could use some advice.... We broke the news to our families last night, which I have been dreading because they haven't always been the most supportive and this is what happened. I know part of this is my fault because of the way I did it but if I had to tall them face to face it was never going to happen. What I did was take a picture of my boys' swim trunks hanging on the clothesline and added a diaper after the third pair. I posted the picture with the caption "our summer plans" I then sent a text to my mom, sisters and dad (because they all have smart phons and continuous access to their Facebook) a text right before I posted the picture that they needed to check out my Facebook page (which I have never done so I knew it would get their attention). My mom called within a minute so I know they got the texts and my timing was good. I talked to her for about15 minutes she was fine. I told her how far along I was and that I have known since october. My dad tried to trick me and say he doesn't have a fb but I know my stepmom does and then he said she wasn't home, but then she called me and said my dad was just joking and was trying to get me to tell him myself but they were just playing around, no hurt feelings. My sister on the other hand posted a comment about how heartbroken she was and hurt that I didn't tell her in person and that this was a reality check for her to find out after so many other ppl especially since I had known since October, blah, blah, blah..... I responded that I was sorry that I hurt her fee linings and that I had set the text beforehand so my immediate family would be the first to know. And the deleted both comments (hers and mine) about 30 minutes later after she had the chance to see it but so that everyone else wouldn't think I was a loser. I know she found out quickly because she had time to talk to my mom to find out that I found out in October before she posted anything and she only posted about 25 minutes after I did and I have never told her before I told my mom and dad we have always tried to tell everyone at the same time so they can't be jealous that someone else found out first.

I'm not sure how to handle this, right now I am just waiting it out because she tends to freak out and blow everything out of proportion, but I'm not sure what my best response should be and this only confirms my feelings that I should have just waited longer so I didn't have to deal with this right now.

January 10th, 2013, 06:38 AM
Mommyof3boys - Me personally - Id ignore her - Its your happy news, your pregnancy, your life and your right to share the new however you choose - I know its not nice but if she cant just be pleased for you id be keeping my distance and ignoring any comments as you really dont need the stress right now. Sorry if it sounds unsympathetic but i have no time for people trying to msake things special to me all about them.

January 10th, 2013, 07:00 AM
Mum23boys-that's my plan so far but unfortunately she is one of those people that think that she has to complain to everyone around her and make peoplel choose "sides". She already sent me a message that I don't need to pick up her son after school today which aggravates me because she is making him skip an after school activity to punish me???

On the flip side though her nastiness made it not bother me when my brother in law commented that it will probably just be another boy. He is young and I'm sure he doesn't realize how hurtful those comments can be but at this point I am really just trying to prepare myself for a boy anyway so that I'm not so crushed if I don't get a girl.

January 10th, 2013, 07:37 AM
mommyof3boys....really disappointing when a close family member responds like that. I am sure she will come round soon and be happy for you. it can be difficult with family. my parents in law were totally shocked and think it's very soon for a third child. Probably pitying my poor husband who will be dealing with 3 kids under 5 yrs old, when in fact it is me that does most of the child minding around here.

Bama- really sorry you didn't get your boy...i would gladly spend you on all my boy dust....i seem to have an over abundance of it.

LO123, Jennaesue and Emmy Roo- hear you on the obsessing and GD! I probably think about it a million times a day. When I wake to go to the loo at night I think about it and it's certainly always the last thought that preoccupies my mind before I fall asleep. I am so sick of obsessing over different pregnancy symptoms and every other tiny possible sign this could be a girl. It has definitely been a more difficult pregnancy than the other two, but as we hear over and over again it has nothing to do with gender. The nausea has pretty much abated and now I am contending with heartburn after most meals...the spider veins on my right leg have totally gone out of control and the support tights are a nightmare to wear...am already dreading summer and then I keep thinking all this suffering and it will most likely just be another boy. Terrible I know, especially after all the women that have had losses here, but true. I am actually considering therapy, if it is another boy....just don't want to end up a bitter old woman who spends the rest of her life looking on jealously at other women and their daughters.

January 10th, 2013, 07:48 AM
I'm sorry that your dealing with all this, Mommyof3boys. It's upsetting that your big, happy, news has had a damper thrown over it :( I feel I've got to play devils advocate here, though. I've been in your sisters position before and I was hurt to find out such news over facebook. There are some things that I think are so special, like your pregnancy, that family should be told face to face or with a phone call. I think facebook is becoming so much a part of our lives that lines can get blurred but I know my mom and best girlfriend would've been hurt and angry if they found out that I was expecting through a facebook photo, only minutes before my facebook "friends" saw the same news. There's something exciting and flattering for your family to be in on the secret a few weeks before you make it official on facebook. It's nice to feel that you've been trusted with the inside scoop, and maybe your sister feels that you don't trust her. I'm not saying that you're in the wrong here, I'm just saying that I can appreciate where ALL of you are coming from and I hope you can work it out with your sister soon. I don't think that ignoring her is the way to go here, afterall, she's your sister and I'd have given my left boob for a sister. LOL. She's only hurt because she loves you and wanted to share in your news earlier. Just my 2 cents, hope I haven't made things worse for ya. :)

January 10th, 2013, 09:29 AM
I can relate to what Jadis said. I was little hurt when a good friend announced her third pregnancy on facebook and didn't at least send an email to her close friends first. Yes, it is your baby and your right to announce however you choose, but I can understand why your sister would be hurt. At first when I was reading your post, I was thinking you must live far away and not be very close to your sister, but then I got to the part about you picking up her son from school, so that must not be the case. I can understand your not wanting to face your family when you know their reaction may not be positive, but I can definitely understand why her feelings would be hurt. Sorry.

I haven't announced my pregnancy on Facebook yet, but I have told my good friends and most of my family. I am waiting until we know the gender and then I plan to email my father-in-law first (even though he is a deadbeat who hasn't gotten in touch with us since LAST Christmas) because I do feel he deserves to know before my general FB announcement, because he is the grandfather, even if he is a crappy one. I don't want to announce until after I know gender because I am trying to avoid those "it'll just be another boy" comments like you got.

I think if I were you, I would explain your motivation to your sister, that you were worried about how your family was going to take the news, so you didn't want to do it face-to-face, and that you sent the text so that she and your parents would see it first. And then maybe try to do some things to include her in your pregnancy, like invite her along to a doctor's appointment to hear the heartbeat or something like that.

January 10th, 2013, 09:33 AM
LO123, Jennaesue and Emmy Roo- hear you on the obsessing and GD! I probably think about it a million times a day. When I wake to go to the loo at night I think about it and it's certainly always the last thought that preoccupies my mind before I fall asleep. I am so sick of obsessing over different pregnancy symptoms and every other tiny possible sign this could be a girl. It has definitely been a more difficult pregnancy than the other two, but as we hear over and over again it has nothing to do with gender. The nausea has pretty much abated and now I am contending with heartburn after most meals...the spider veins on my right leg have totally gone out of control and the support tights are a nightmare to wear...am already dreading summer and then I keep thinking all this suffering and it will most likely just be another boy. Terrible I know, especially after all the women that have had losses here, but true. I am actually considering therapy, if it is another boy....just don't want to end up a bitter old woman who spends the rest of her life looking on jealously at other women and their daughters.

It's funny how we pick things apart, isn't it? I tell myself that having different symptoms doesn't matter, and yet, I was hoping I would have different symptoms this time! My first two pregnancies were very similar (a little nausea early on, enough that I threw up a few times but nothing too bad), and this pregnancy is almost identical to my third - almost no nausea or queasiness. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was almost hoping to have morning sickness this time because I wanted SOMETHING to be different, lol!

January 10th, 2013, 10:07 AM
Mommyof3boys - I can totally see where everyone is coming from too. I can see how she could be upset but also at the same time, it's your pregnancy and you can announce it however you want. You weren't intentionally out to hurt anyone of course, I think just give her time to cool down, she'll realize that. And then she will be able to enjoy the excitement with you! I know it's hard but try not to let it bring you down if you can!!! Hope this all resolves quickly for you!

January 10th, 2013, 10:09 AM
Just home from my midwives, they've moved my due date up! Now, instead of June 25th, it's June 19th (my birthday!). Wouldn't a girl make a lovely birthday gift for me? Gah! I'm crossing my fingers and toes until our ultrasound in exactly 14 days...the countdown in painful. Today, my babe's heartrate was 150...is that on the high side?

Glad to hear all went well Jadis!!! What a perfect birthday gift hehe! I'm not sure about the heartbeat, I don't think it matters much! 13 days as of today! Woo hoo!

January 10th, 2013, 10:13 AM
Today I had my hospital 20 week ultrasound. Yep he's still a baby boy lol! But most importantly, he has all his limbs and all his organs are in the right places and functioning perfectly! I was actually a little nervous for this scan, a girl DH went to school with recently had her baby and the intestines and stomach were on the outside, when you hear stories like that it's so scary and upsetting! A bit more scary when you know them too, so I was glad to hear everything looks perfect. Baby was also measuring a whole week ahead!!! But they didn't change my due date!
We had our maternity photos last night, I will post a couple when I get them back :)

Bama Belle
January 10th, 2013, 10:19 AM
Mommyof3boys - I am sorry that your sister is causing drama and stress.

Have any of you ladies considered PGD to get your desired gender?

January 10th, 2013, 10:56 AM
Mommyof3boys - I am sorry that your sister is causing drama and stress.

Have any of you ladies considered PGD to get your desired gender?
I brought it up to DH. He really really REALLY wants 3 kids, and I only wanted 1. After some convincing we finally agreed on 2 lol. I told him the ONLY way I would go for his third is using high tech to get a girl. He didn't seem into it. It's a lot of money for us. I'm a SAHM and he's just a labourer/farmer. We don't make much, we have savings but it's to buy a farm of our own. I know you can't put a price on family of course but I just don't think we could afford it :(
Are you thinking about it?? Have you brought it up at all to your DH?

January 10th, 2013, 11:10 AM
Well, I don't really have an option for a scan before my 20 week ultrasound. Unless I call up and demand one or pretend I am having some sort of problem. And that is just not like me. My next regular appointment is on February 1, and I'll be 17 weeks, 4 days. I was considering calling them to see if they would do the scan then, but I doubt they would do it that far before 20 weeks. I imagine I'll just schedule my scan for 2 or 3 weeks from then.

Yes I imagine you are right dear. I went in and my doctor said anytime after this week which is week 17 but the scheduler just did it for 3 weeks so I will be 19 + 5. So like you said they will probably just schedule it for 3 weeks after your regular appointment. Well you can gender dream and obsess until then with me sweetie. I will be happy to keep you company!

January 10th, 2013, 11:35 AM
I'm sorry that your dealing with all this, Mommyof3boys. It's upsetting that your big, happy, news has had a damper thrown over it :( I feel I've got to play devils advocate here, though. I've been in your sisters position before and I was hurt to find out such news over facebook. There are some things that I think are so special, like your pregnancy, that family should be told face to face or with a phone call. I think facebook is becoming so much a part of our lives that lines can get blurred but I know my mom and best girlfriend would've been hurt and angry if they found out that I was expecting through a facebook photo, only minutes before my facebook "friends" saw the same news. There's something exciting and flattering for your family to be in on the secret a few weeks before you make it official on facebook. It's nice to feel that you've been trusted with the inside scoop, and maybe your sister feels that you don't trust her. I'm not saying that you're in the wrong here, I'm just saying that I can appreciate where ALL of you are coming from and I hope you can work it out with your sister soon. I don't think that ignoring her is the way to go here, afterall, she's your sister and I'd have given my left boob for a sister. LOL. She's only hurt because she loves you and wanted to share in your news earlier. Just my 2 cents, hope I haven't made things worse for ya. :)

I completely understand this and I knew I would be in a little hot water because of the way we announced it. There are several reasons why we did it this way but mainly it was to avoid all of the negative and hurtful remarks that we got in person with the last 2 pregnancies and the constant "how could this have happened" etc. I guess I just didn't expect her to post her negative comments there which is a lot of the reason why we did it that way.

Bama Belle
January 10th, 2013, 11:44 AM
I brought it up to DH. He really really REALLY wants 3 kids, and I only wanted 1. After some convincing we finally agreed on 2 lol. I told him the ONLY way I would go for his third is using high tech to get a girl. He didn't seem into it. It's a lot of money for us. I'm a SAHM and he's just a labourer/farmer. We don't make much, we have savings but it's to buy a farm of our own. I know you can't put a price on family of course but I just don't think we could afford it :(
Are you thinking about it?? Have you brought it up at all to your DH?

Well, I am 37 and my RE said that he suspects DOR. So we are considering freezing embryos and having a FET when we are ready. I don't think PGD would be that much more expensive. I'm just not sure how to find a doctor that will do PGD for "family balancing".

January 10th, 2013, 11:46 AM
Jadis - That would be a lovely birthday present. My due date is June 20th :happy: And nope...hr doesn't mean a hill of beans.

cvd - So happy that your little boy is happy and healthy in there, especially after all the recent heartbreak around here. I have heard of those poor babies who are born with their tummys on the outside. Fortunately, they typically have a pretty good prognosis. I have seen it on a babystory I think or another labor and delivery show...can't remember but I saw how they fix it. Still..so sad. Can't wait to see some pictures!

Bama - We are pretty religious so I don't think PGD would go over very well with our families. DH probably wouldn't agree to it either because he is perfectly happy with boys.

Mommyof3 - So sorry that your announcement didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped. It sucks when family reacts negatively towards you during such a happy time. I can't honestly say that I understand what you are going through but personally I think you have the right to announce anyway you choose and if your background shows a lack of support from your family about pregnancy then you had your own reasons for doing what you did. I don't think you intentionally tried to hurt anyone's feelings...just tried to protect your own.

heidih - How many boys do you have? Yes I too am obsessing like crazy! I keep thinking it has got to be a girl. I really hope this obsessing ends for us both really soon.

On the note of obsessing: It doesn't make it any better that I didn't get one boy guess at all on my nub shot although I know they are just guesses. I thought to myself...ok if I get 75% girl and 25% boy or 50% girl and 50% boy then I am ok with hearing that it is a boy. But to have 100% girl guesses is driving me bonkers. I don't know how I will react and that is the depressing part. I don't want to feel like a bad person for experiencing sadness if I do hear boy. AND I keep thinking I will experience a loss which adds to my anxiety. I actually woke up in a panic this morning. I can't explain it. It was almost like I felt my stomach and I was half awake and it felt super flat. So I shot straight up in the bed and felt again....and it was still there, lol. I don't know what is going on with me these days. I guess I just want to feel the baby moving already and it is still so sporadic.

January 10th, 2013, 01:24 PM
Jadis - That would be a lovely birthday present. My due date is June 20th :happy: And nope...hr doesn't mean a hill of beans.

cvd - So happy that your little boy is happy and healthy in there, especially after all the recent heartbreak around here. I have heard of those poor babies who are born with their tummys on the outside. Fortunately, they typically have a pretty good prognosis. I have seen it on a babystory I think or another labor and delivery show...can't remember but I saw how they fix it. Still..so sad. Can't wait to see some pictures!

Bama - We are pretty religious so I don't think PGD would go over very well with our families. DH probably wouldn't agree to it either because he is perfectly happy with boys.

Mommyof3 - So sorry that your announcement didn't go as smoothly as you had hoped. It sucks when family reacts negatively towards you during such a happy time. I can't honestly say that I understand what you are going through but personally I think you have the right to announce anyway you choose and if your background shows a lack of support from your family about pregnancy then you had your own reasons for doing what you did. I don't think you intentionally tried to hurt anyone's feelings...just tried to protect your own.

heidih - How many boys do you have? Yes I too am obsessing like crazy! I keep thinking it has got to be a girl. I really hope this obsessing ends for us both really soon.

On the note of obsessing: It doesn't make it any better that I didn't get one boy guess at all on my nub shot although I know they are just guesses. I thought to myself...ok if I get 75% girl and 25% boy or 50% girl and 50% boy then I am ok with hearing that it is a boy. But to have 100% girl guesses is driving me bonkers. I don't know how I will react and that is the depressing part. I don't want to feel like a bad person for experiencing sadness if I do hear boy. AND I keep thinking I will experience a loss which adds to my anxiety. I actually woke up in a panic this morning. I can't explain it. It was almost like I felt my stomach and I was half awake and it felt super flat. So I shot straight up in the bed and felt again....and it was still there, lol. I don't know what is going on with me these days. I guess I just want to feel the baby moving already and it is still so sporadic.

Me to i'm still so worried about this baby, a day before my midwife appointment i had some pink discharge (obviously a tiny bit of blood in there somewhere) scared the life out of me and i've been getting so really strange pains (not like contractions but stopped me sleeping the other night), am so scared i am going to miscarry. On the positive side though the heartbeat was good and regular. Although i did wake up the morning after and bump had deflated - its come back now but that scared the life out of me to. I think its all the sad stories makes me feel like i am just waiting for it to happen.

Not sure i put too much stock in heart rate, my midwife told me last time based on heart rate that she thought it was girl (his was 16something), babes heart rate the other day was 154 but it sounded different to the way the boys did

January 10th, 2013, 01:29 PM
mommyof3 sorry your family wasn't more supportive, i can understand your sister feeling miffed a little but then she probably would have said something however you'd told her, at least that way you got to avoid all the nasty gender comments. I still haven't really told anyone about our baby yet (just keep covering up my bump) so your a braver woman than i am. She will come round x

January 10th, 2013, 03:21 PM
Me to i'm still so worried about this baby, a day before my midwife appointment i had some pink discharge (obviously a tiny bit of blood in there somewhere) scared the life out of me and i've been getting so really strange pains (not like contractions but stopped me sleeping the other night), am so scared i am going to miscarry. On the positive side though the heartbeat was good and regular. Although i did wake up the morning after and bump had deflated - its come back now but that scared the life out of me to. I think its all the sad stories makes me feel like i am just waiting for it to happen.

Not sure i put too much stock in heart rate, my midwife told me last time based on heart rate that she thought it was girl (his was 16something), babes heart rate the other day was 154 but it sounded different to the way the boys did

Well I had lots of spotting at the first and I was super nervous about that. Thankfully I didn't have any more but yes I get how scary it is especially this far along. The first time they used the doppler on me the doctor said it may be a girl but the hr wasn't that high...156 I think. My son's was the same. On Monday the hr was pretty low...135. So now I am freaking out about that, lol. I am a whack job! I honestly don't think hr has anything to do with gender either because I know women who have had girls whose hr was low in the 130's and 140's so...

January 10th, 2013, 04:10 PM
Just when I thought the worst of it was over and I just had to wait out my sister my mom started in. She didn't say anything about the way we announced it and she acted excited about it last night but in hindsight I think that was just because my grandparents live with her and she wouldnt say anything in front of them because my grandpa would stop her. Today she started texting me all kinds of questions about my birth control and saying "weren't you on the Mirena" and asking about my periods and how could this have happened, blah, blah, blah. I seriously feel like a teenager living at home telling my parents I got pregnant by a stranger not a married adult that has never asked her for help with anything.

Bama Belle
January 10th, 2013, 04:22 PM
So sorry mommyof3boys. Sometimes family is not the best support system but at least you have us. :happy:

January 10th, 2013, 05:08 PM
OK, while I understand your sister's position, your mom's is totally hurtful. If I were in your shoes I'd have to say "Listen, we're thrilled about this baby. We're adults and are entitled to add to our family if we choose, in fact, we are the only people qualified to make decisions about our family. I hope you can be happy for us and share in our excitement. If not, no worries but please keep your judgmental questions and comments to yourself because they're hurtful." Good luck, sounds like you've got some family drama on your hands at the min.

January 11th, 2013, 01:43 AM
hi ladies! Just thought i would pop in for a quick update
Firstly congrats to all your growing babies and to the ladies that got thier prefered gender!!!
And sorry to the ones who didnt!
So i camped for the week i bled for 5 days but not bad cramping ect stopped bleeding a few days before we came home still got to enjoy a little bit of our time away!
went to doctors when we got back he was happy with what i told him so no need for dnc or U/s he said unless i start bleeding again or have lots ofdischarge
ALSO was thinking about what someone said about lots of miscarriages i think its just the case that noone tells you if they have an early m/c but on here we do....as at the school or even with friends they dont tell u till the 12 weeks
ANYWAY i was VERY unsure about going again and as u can see from my past m/c s i have waited inbetween
so this time we have decided to start trying asap and like my previous 6 pregnancies i hope it only takes 1-2 cycles as if it takes longer we may have to put on hold as we have an over seas holiday next year to scatter my husbands fathers ashes,,,,anyway have prob had the worse 2 months of my life my fil dying and the m/c so bring on lots of positive happy vibes~~~

sorry was so long :)

January 11th, 2013, 09:47 AM
Fingers crossed for you hunny I really hope your time comes soon. xxxx

January 11th, 2013, 10:43 AM
Just when I thought the worst of it was over and I just had to wait out my sister my mom started in. She didn't say anything about the way we announced it and she acted excited about it last night but in hindsight I think that was just because my grandparents live with her and she wouldnt say anything in front of them because my grandpa would stop her. Today she started texting me all kinds of questions about my birth control and saying "weren't you on the Mirena" and asking about my periods and how could this have happened, blah, blah, blah. I seriously feel like a teenager living at home telling my parents I got pregnant by a stranger not a married adult that has never asked her for help with anything.

Mommyof3 is there a reason why your family is against you having a certain amount of kids? I mean I guess I could see if you were "Duggering it out" but I think 4 is a phenomenal amount of kids if that's what your choosing is. Again, so sorry you aren't getting the support you deserve from your family. I do hope things get better for you and that your family is happy for you. ((Big Hugs))

January 11th, 2013, 10:46 AM
hi ladies! Just thought i would pop in for a quick update
Firstly congrats to all your growing babies and to the ladies that got thier prefered gender!!!
And sorry to the ones who didnt!
So i camped for the week i bled for 5 days but not bad cramping ect stopped bleeding a few days before we came home still got to enjoy a little bit of our time away!
went to doctors when we got back he was happy with what i told him so no need for dnc or U/s he said unless i start bleeding again or have lots ofdischarge
ALSO was thinking about what someone said about lots of miscarriages i think its just the case that noone tells you if they have an early m/c but on here we do....as at the school or even with friends they dont tell u till the 12 weeks
ANYWAY i was VERY unsure about going again and as u can see from my past m/c s i have waited inbetween
so this time we have decided to start trying asap and like my previous 6 pregnancies i hope it only takes 1-2 cycles as if it takes longer we may have to put on hold as we have an over seas holiday next year to scatter my husbands fathers ashes,,,,anyway have prob had the worse 2 months of my life my fil dying and the m/c so bring on lots of positive happy vibes~~~

sorry was so long :)

Mummyof3 - I'm glad you stopped in and updated us! Again I am so terribly sorry about all that has happened over these past months but I am happy that you have made a decision to continue on and try again. I can't imagine how hard it must be to have a loss and then get pregnant and having that fear. You are so strong and brave and I admire you so much for that. GL honey and let us know how everything goes.

January 11th, 2013, 10:48 AM
All I am going to say for today is...

Pinterest + Pink baby shower ideas = OBSESSING GONE WRONG! :rofl: Someone please put me out of my misery.

January 11th, 2013, 10:51 AM
Just when I thought the worst of it was over and I just had to wait out my sister my mom started in. She didn't say anything about the way we announced it and she acted excited about it last night but in hindsight I think that was just because my grandparents live with her and she wouldnt say anything in front of them because my grandpa would stop her. Today she started texting me all kinds of questions about my birth control and saying "weren't you on the Mirena" and asking about my periods and how could this have happened, blah, blah, blah. I seriously feel like a teenager living at home telling my parents I got pregnant by a stranger not a married adult that has never asked her for help with anything.

I'm so sorry she is giving you a hard time. I really like what Jadis said. There is no reason to be mean, but be firm that this is your decision to make, not her's, and it's not like you can do anything about it now, anyway!

My MIL gave us a hard time about our last two pregnancies. #3 was a BCP accident, so it was a surprise to us, also, but her negative remarks definitely did not help anything. #4 was planned, but she apparently didn't have any idea were were trying (even though I dropped several hints - she's kind of in her own little world.) She was shocked when we told her and the first thing she said was "Are you crazy?" and then "Was this planned?" Even though that was none of her business, we told her yes, it was, and we have been planning it for a year, and we are very happy. She has been better about this one, although she has made a few comments alluding to the fact that she thinks are eldest is going to be neglected when we have a new baby, which is ridiculous!

Anyway, sorry for that huge tangent. I hope your family shapes up and starts supporting you soon!

January 11th, 2013, 10:52 AM
All I am going to say for today is...

Pinterest + Pink baby shower ideas = OBSESSING GONE WRONG! :rofl: Someone please put me out of my misery.

Step away from the computer!!!

January 11th, 2013, 10:53 AM
hi ladies! Just thought i would pop in for a quick update
Firstly congrats to all your growing babies and to the ladies that got thier prefered gender!!!
And sorry to the ones who didnt!
So i camped for the week i bled for 5 days but not bad cramping ect stopped bleeding a few days before we came home still got to enjoy a little bit of our time away!
went to doctors when we got back he was happy with what i told him so no need for dnc or U/s he said unless i start bleeding again or have lots ofdischarge
ALSO was thinking about what someone said about lots of miscarriages i think its just the case that noone tells you if they have an early m/c but on here we do....as at the school or even with friends they dont tell u till the 12 weeks
ANYWAY i was VERY unsure about going again and as u can see from my past m/c s i have waited inbetween
so this time we have decided to start trying asap and like my previous 6 pregnancies i hope it only takes 1-2 cycles as if it takes longer we may have to put on hold as we have an over seas holiday next year to scatter my husbands fathers ashes,,,,anyway have prob had the worse 2 months of my life my fil dying and the m/c so bring on lots of positive happy vibes~~~

sorry was so long :)

I am glad you are doing okay, and I wish you the best of luck with ttc!! May the next one be sticky.

January 11th, 2013, 02:42 PM
hi ladies! Just thought i would pop in for a quick update
Firstly congrats to all your growing babies and to the ladies that got thier prefered gender!!!
And sorry to the ones who didnt!
So i camped for the week i bled for 5 days but not bad cramping ect stopped bleeding a few days before we came home still got to enjoy a little bit of our time away!
went to doctors when we got back he was happy with what i told him so no need for dnc or U/s he said unless i start bleeding again or have lots ofdischarge
ALSO was thinking about what someone said about lots of miscarriages i think its just the case that noone tells you if they have an early m/c but on here we do....as at the school or even with friends they dont tell u till the 12 weeks
ANYWAY i was VERY unsure about going again and as u can see from my past m/c s i have waited inbetween
so this time we have decided to start trying asap and like my previous 6 pregnancies i hope it only takes 1-2 cycles as if it takes longer we may have to put on hold as we have an over seas holiday next year to scatter my husbands fathers ashes,,,,anyway have prob had the worse 2 months of my life my fil dying and the m/c so bring on lots of positive happy vibes~~~

sorry was so long :)
Goodluck!!! I hope you get a sticky bean :)

January 11th, 2013, 04:59 PM
Mommyof3 is there a reason why your family is against you having a certain amount of kids? I mean I guess I could see if you were "Duggering it out" but I think 4 is a phenomenal amount of kids if that's what your choosing is. Again, so sorry you aren't getting the support you deserve from your family. I do hope things get better for you and that your family is happy for you. ((Big Hugs))

There aren't any reasons that I could think of that would make anyone against it. My DH and I have been married for 12 1/2 years, we both graduated college and have had steady good jobs our entire marriage. Financially we are better off now then we ever were before and are in a position where I can stay home with this baby while I finish my last year of my second college degree. We have never asked anyone for financial help and have owned our own home for the last 11 years. Two of our boys will have to share a bedroom now because we only have 4 but my sister and I always shared a bedroom so I can't see her caring about that. To be honest my mom has only kept my kids overnight maybe 4 or 5 times since the youngest was born almost 6 years ago and has only watched them for a few hours maybe 10-15 times since he was born so it really shouldn't make any difference to her. I am the only person in my family to have 3 kids so I guess having a fourth would seem like a lot to her.

January 11th, 2013, 05:05 PM
And the worst keeps on getting worse.....

After my mom texted me all day yesterday she called me in the evening too. I guess she just needed to verify my answers in person. Then she had the nerve to say...."you should tell your doctor thanks for the baby since he's the one that took out your Mirena."

Seriously, who says these things to another person especially their own daughter.

January 11th, 2013, 06:06 PM
Mommyof3boys, the sooner you tell your mum that your baby was planned, wanted, not an accident and ultimately your and your husband's choice the better. Have you been straight with her? Perhaps she really feels the conception was an accident? Sounds like it. Tell her your feelings and that the topic is no longer open for discussion.

January 11th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Step away from the computer!!!

Ok ok...I have diverted my attention to finding maternity photo shoot ideas. I am in the process of booking my session so at least that will occupy me until the 29th.

January 11th, 2013, 06:46 PM
Ok ok...I have diverted my attention to finding maternity photo shoot ideas. I am in the process of booking my session so at least that will occupy me until the 29th.

We just had ours on Wednesday evening! I am waiting for my photos back but my photographer did some really cool stuff with us she seen on Pinterest! I will post a few when I get them back :)

January 12th, 2013, 02:24 AM
And the worst keeps on getting worse.....

After my mom texted me all day yesterday she called me in the evening too. I guess she just needed to verify my answers in person. Then she had the nerve to say...."you should tell your doctor thanks for the baby since he's the one that took out your Mirena."

Seriously, who says these things to another person especially their own daughter.

Ouch, that is rough... Sorry to hear this negativity. Not easy esp with what you are going through.

Best of luck for the time ahead, it's exciting! I hope it happens quickly and I hope it's super sticky. XX

January 12th, 2013, 02:26 AM
Ok ok...I have diverted my attention to finding maternity photo shoot ideas. I am in the process of booking my session so at least that will occupy me until the 29th.

Lol, much healthier! I might look into that also! X

January 12th, 2013, 10:02 AM
We just had ours on Wednesday evening! I am waiting for my photos back but my photographer did some really cool stuff with us she seen on Pinterest! I will post a few when I get them back :)

Cvd I pulled a bunch of stuff from Pinterest. They have some great ideas that I really want to use! I can't wait to see your pics cvd!

Bama Belle
January 12th, 2013, 10:44 AM
Maple - Wow! Identical twins. What type are they?

January 13th, 2013, 09:29 AM
hi ladies! Just thought i would pop in for a quick update
Firstly congrats to all your growing babies and to the ladies that got thier prefered gender!!!
And sorry to the ones who didnt!
So i camped for the week i bled for 5 days but not bad cramping ect stopped bleeding a few days before we came home still got to enjoy a little bit of our time away!
went to doctors when we got back he was happy with what i told him so no need for dnc or U/s he said unless i start bleeding again or have lots ofdischarge
ALSO was thinking about what someone said about lots of miscarriages i think its just the case that noone tells you if they have an early m/c but on here we do....as at the school or even with friends they dont tell u till the 12 weeks
ANYWAY i was VERY unsure about going again and as u can see from my past m/c s i have waited inbetween
so this time we have decided to start trying asap and like my previous 6 pregnancies i hope it only takes 1-2 cycles as if it takes longer we may have to put on hold as we have an over seas holiday next year to scatter my husbands fathers ashes,,,,anyway have prob had the worse 2 months of my life my fil dying and the m/c so bring on lots of positive happy vibes~~~

sorry was so long :)

you said he didn't do an us? how far along are you? wouldn't he do us for hb? or blood test. lots of people bleed and do not lose baby. sooo sorry. I know you want to try again, they have lots of good books at the library about fertility diets(def. would not do girl sway if had history of ms) as you need to get your body strong and healthy. big hugs

January 13th, 2013, 09:52 PM
Hi so had u/ s last week that confirmed I had lost the baby then went away came back and didn't need u/s as he thinks I had a complete natural m/c x
I have fallen preg 5 out of 6 preg first go .... I mean literally one time and preg this last time took tried for 1 cycle and fell preg the 2nd so no trouble with falling preg at all.... I haven't swayed girl strongly with any of my pregnancys i honestly think its just one of those things as I had trouble free preg for the 1st 3 and just bad luck the last 3.... We have decided to try again if the same thing happens and I still want to try I will get testing done but as for this time we won't as to go through all of that when we have 3 chn but fingers crossed next ones sticky and I won't have to make that decision

January 14th, 2013, 04:41 PM
It's hard to believe that I was itching to have an elective gender scan a few weeks ago, ladies. I'm 9 days away from my scan and I'm so wracked with nerves that I swing between wanting to get it over with and wanting to put it off forever. I was driving to work this morning and the song "Shake it Out" by Florence and the Machine came on the radio. That's a great tune and I was tapping my fingers along until these lyrics came along: "Well, I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't so here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope. And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope, it's a shot in the dark and it's right at my throat." That pretty much captures how I'm feeling right now and my eyes welled up with tears. I've spent hours obsessing over u/s pics, this is the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I fall asleep. I feel like I'm faking normal behaviour during my days, trying to look like a sane and rational person who isn't consumed with something that is so out of her control. I'm a total headcase these days and I don't know who else I can tell.

January 14th, 2013, 08:52 PM
Maple - Wow! Identical twins. What type are they?

Hi Bama!

Yes, identical twins. Im so anxious! I'm not sure what they are called correctly, they share a sac, but are separated by a sheath - if that makes sense? So they are not the high risk category?

Hope you are doing well?


January 14th, 2013, 09:03 PM
It's hard to believe that I was itching to have an elective gender scan a few weeks ago, ladies. I'm 9 days away from my scan and I'm so wracked with nerves that I swing between wanting to get it over with and wanting to put it off forever. I was driving to work this morning and the song "Shake it Out" by Florence and the Machine came on the radio. That's a great tune and I was tapping my fingers along until these lyrics came along: "Well, I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't so here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope. And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope, it's a shot in the dark and it's right at my throat." That pretty much captures how I'm feeling right now and my eyes welled up with tears. I've spent hours obsessing over u/s pics, this is the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I fall asleep. I feel like I'm faking normal behaviour during my days, trying to look like a sane and rational person who isn't consumed with something that is so out of her control. I'm a total headcase these days and I don't know who else I can tell.

Oh Jadis - sounds like your driving yourself mad! I think I will be in the same boat when I am so close to my u/s. I guess you don't have to find out the gender... Is that an option? Would a birth surprise be better or worse I wonder? You may just get lucky you know, you might hear girl! How awesome that would be. If it is a boy, you will come to terms with it. But there will be a fair bit of turmoil to deal with. It is scary, I get it.

Its my last chance. There is no way I am having 5 kids. The thought of having another 2 boys freaks me out, but I really think its a likely scenario.. Honestly I am so anxious about these twins, that I feel sick, although its not totally gender based, I have a bit of GD already. So sad, wish I could just enjoy being pregnant after all the time I tried to get pregnant!

Best of luck for your u/s. We are here for you! XX

January 14th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Hi so had u/ s last week that confirmed I had lost the baby then went away came back and didn't need u/s as he thinks I had a complete natural m/c x
I have fallen preg 5 out of 6 preg first go .... I mean literally one time and preg this last time took tried for 1 cycle and fell preg the 2nd so no trouble with falling preg at all.... I haven't swayed girl strongly with any of my pregnancys i honestly think its just one of those things as I had trouble free preg for the 1st 3 and just bad luck the last 3.... We have decided to try again if the same thing happens and I still want to try I will get testing done but as for this time we won't as to go through all of that when we have 3 chn but fingers crossed next ones sticky and I won't have to make that decision

So sorry again. I hope next time is the one! You deserve it XX

January 15th, 2013, 05:57 AM
So sorry again. I hope next time is the one! You deserve it XX

Thanks..... Was just updating atsaukina 1 as don't think she read first post so it wouldn't have made sence :))

January 15th, 2013, 08:53 AM
sorry:( oh and I wasn't suggesting that swaying girl caused it but that if i had history of miscarriage i wouldn't do it as i would want to build up all my fat and protein and get super healthy which even though i did the girl diet i do not think it is the healthies thing. crossing fingers for a super sticky bean for ya

January 15th, 2013, 08:57 AM
Hi Bama!

Yes, identical twins. Im so anxious! I'm not sure what they are called correctly, they share a sac, but are separated by a sheath - if that makes sense? So they are not the high risk category?

Hope you are doing well?


I think they are called mono/di twins. They are separated by a membrane but share a placenta? Mine were thought to be mono/mono twins which are high risk bc we did not see a membrane between the babies.

January 15th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Glad to see you on here Sunflower. My thoughts have been with you hun. Hope you are doing well. xx

January 15th, 2013, 01:33 PM
It's hard to believe that I was itching to have an elective gender scan a few weeks ago, ladies. I'm 9 days away from my scan and I'm so wracked with nerves that I swing between wanting to get it over with and wanting to put it off forever. I was driving to work this morning and the song "Shake it Out" by Florence and the Machine came on the radio. That's a great tune and I was tapping my fingers along until these lyrics came along: "Well, I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't so here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope. And I'm ready to suffer and I'm ready to hope, it's a shot in the dark and it's right at my throat." That pretty much captures how I'm feeling right now and my eyes welled up with tears. I've spent hours obsessing over u/s pics, this is the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I fall asleep. I feel like I'm faking normal behaviour during my days, trying to look like a sane and rational person who isn't consumed with something that is so out of her control. I'm a total headcase these days and I don't know who else I can tell.

Ahhh Jadis honey I know what you are going through. I am 5 days behind you and I keep bouncing between "there is NO WAY this baby can be a girl" to "Man I really hope these gender guesses were right" to "I am going to be so disappointed if I have to give this adorable girl outfit to my cousin". My hubby saw the girl outfit I ordered from Zulily and his mouth dropped wide open. He was gushing over it and I saw the hope in his eyes for our little girl. He has been contending this whole time that he wants another boy but after seeing the cute girl outfit, I think he has had a change of heart. Oh Jadis...what are we going to do girlfriend? :shrug:

Bama Belle
January 15th, 2013, 02:10 PM
Well ladies, I am back from my elective u/s and the tech said girl. So it looks like I will have two daughters. It just confirms that we will do PGD when we freeze embryos. I think I will do some retail therapy tomorrow. The upside is that my daughter will have a sister AND girl clothes are so cute!

January 15th, 2013, 07:41 PM
Well ladies, I am back from my elective u/s and the tech said girl. So it looks like I will have two daughters. It just confirms that we will do PGD when we freeze embryos. I think I will do some retail therapy tomorrow. The upside is that my daughter will have a sister AND girl clothes are so cute!


Two of the same gender is so much fun, and convenient with clothing! Your daughter will love having a sister - I wish I had a sister!
You are so right, girl clothing is super cute.


January 15th, 2013, 07:45 PM
Glad to see you on here Sunflower. My thoughts have been with you hun. Hope you are doing well. xx

Thanks violet!!!! I try to check in here once in awhile. Miss you ladies! Xxxx

January 15th, 2013, 07:46 PM
I think they are called mono/di twins. They are separated by a membrane but share a placenta? Mine were thought to be mono/mono twins which are high risk bc we did not see a membrane between the babies.

Thanks Sunflower, this sounds right : )
Nice to see you on here, hope you are well & happy XX

January 15th, 2013, 07:52 PM
Ahhh Jadis honey I know what you are going through. I am 5 days behind you and I keep bouncing between "there is NO WAY this baby can be a girl" to "Man I really hope these gender guesses were right" to "I am going to be so disappointed if I have to give this adorable girl outfit to my cousin". My hubby saw the girl outfit I ordered from Zulily and his mouth dropped wide open. He was gushing over it and I saw the hope in his eyes for our little girl. He has been contending this whole time that he wants another boy but after seeing the cute girl outfit, I think he has had a change of heart. Oh Jadis...what are we going to do girlfriend? :shrug:

I don't know what we're gonna do...I guess we'll just be batsh*t crazy together for now. Honestly, it's just nice to know that I'm not alone. I'm amazed that you've bought anything, I've been so tempted. I found the cutest little girly sleeper today and held it for awhile in the store. I even started walking to the register but I turned around and put it back on the shelf. I don't have anyone to give it to and returning it would be so painful. 8 days and counting for me...13 days and counting for you. tick tock tick tock.

January 15th, 2013, 09:47 PM
I'm going nuts here too girls. I can't sleep properly. I'm so overtired as I was awake a lot last night. I have an ultrasound tomorrow as doctor confirmed I'm measuring 3-4cms big for dates. So having a check for multiples as there are heaps in my family. I'm so freaking nervous. I'm excited that my dream of twins might be realized but scared also and don't want to get my hopes up. If we do have twins I'll probably be very tempted to find out gender. Although I will only be around 13 weeks tomorrow, but might get a nub shot. I'm so nervous and excited and scared. First pregnancy I've ever measured big for. Just trying so hard not to get my hopes up. I have about 27 more hours until ultrasound and am going crazy. If it's not multiples and just one baby, better to find out now then go on hoping. Either way will be good to get some answers. Good luck to everyone else stressing up baby gender etc.

January 15th, 2013, 11:35 PM
How exciting Violet!! Definitely get some numb shots so we all can stare at them:) GL and give us a update tomorrow!!

January 15th, 2013, 11:41 PM

Sorry I can't rotate pic for some annoying reason but here's a belly pic. Meant to be 13 weeks or thereabouts.

I just spoke with Mum and she thinks I'm probably just having one but it is likely a girl. She said she measured big and carried differently with her girls then her boys.

So I think I'm a bit more prepared for perhaps just one, but a bit more hopeful that it could be a girl. Oh I wish I didn't care, but I do.

Sorry if I look a bit mean and cranky. All this wondering is stressing me out and making me lose sleep. I look pretty crappy right now.

January 16th, 2013, 08:41 AM
DH can feel baby kick now. Thought I'd share this milestone.
Good luck to everyone with their scans coming up.

January 16th, 2013, 09:45 AM
CVD - How exciting! I wish I would start feeling this little. There have been a couple times I felt something and wondered if it was the baby, but I'm not sure.

Violet - Your bump is much bigger than mine and I'm 15 weeks! Twins seem like a definite possibility! Good luck! I can't wait to hear what the scan reveals.

January 16th, 2013, 10:06 AM
Wow, how exciting Violet! I hope it is twins for you. Altthough you are a brave woman wanting twins plus three little boys! I took clomid so I was half hoping for twins and half terrified of twins. I was rather disappointed when it was confirmed that there was only 1 in there, but on my grumpy-mumm days (which happen all too often!) I think that maybe it isnt a bad thing after all! That certainly is a good sized bump for 13 weeks! Looking forward to see your nub pics if you get some.

CVD that is very exciting about your DH feeling the baby, so special.

I have my 12 week appointment tomorrow. I have opted not to have a NT scan as I am too scared of seeing a boy nub, but I do hope the GP will do a quick scan in his room to confirm that the baby is still alive (I am scared that it is not. My morning sickness is settling down and it has never ever settled anywhere near this early before). I have decided I am going to ask the doctor not to show me the bottom half of the baby so I dont get a flash of a boy nub... we will see how the doctor takes this... I am nervous about requesting this!

I have heard that it is really freezing at the moment in the UK... hope those of you over there are keeping warm. We have the opposite problem here at the moment with long heat runs of a week or so at around 42C... not much fun with heat-induced morning sickness!

January 16th, 2013, 10:37 AM
HopingWishingPraying, I think there is a good chance the doctor could pick up the heartbeat with a doppler and not have to do a scan at this point. Good luck with your appointment!

January 16th, 2013, 10:38 AM
CVD - I just saw your current name choice and I really like it! I think Hudson goes well with Ryder. :)

January 16th, 2013, 02:06 PM
CVD - I just saw your current name choice and I really like it! I think Hudson goes well with Ryder. :)
Thank you :) It's different and we actually finally both like it. Maverick was more me and DH just kinda going along lol. But I say "for now" cause we're still open if we hear something else we like, but that's what we're calling babe for now :)

Bama Belle
January 16th, 2013, 03:27 PM
Violet - I hope you get your girl (or two!) :giggle:

January 16th, 2013, 04:10 PM
Good luck violet, hope you get your girls!

Can I join the batsh*t crazy crew? Just booked a private gender scan for 9th march when I'll be 16+6. I am terrified and excited, keep telling myself that putting it off won't change the gender, just prolong my fantasy and make the "it's a boy" moment even harder. Still I can't think about lying there with the scanner on my tummy without getting palpitations! How will I cope for the next 7 weeks?! At least we'll have a few weeks to privately accept the gender before having to 'come clean'. Urgh it's so hard...:sad:


January 16th, 2013, 07:28 PM

Good luck! You may have more than 1 in there! I was really sick and larger than my previous pregnancies... And surprise!


January 16th, 2013, 07:30 PM

I think I found a nub to guess on! I seriously scrolled through a million pics and didnt think I had anything, but maybe I do.

Check out the Gender Perdiction forum and post a guess!


January 16th, 2013, 07:53 PM
I don't know what we're gonna do...I guess we'll just be batsh*t crazy together for now. Honestly, it's just nice to know that I'm not alone. I'm amazed that you've bought anything, I've been so tempted. I found the cutest little girly sleeper today and held it for awhile in the store. I even started walking to the register but I turned around and put it back on the shelf. I don't have anyone to give it to and returning it would be so painful. 8 days and counting for me...13 days and counting for you. tick tock tick tock.

I get it Jadis! I am going to pay for that purchase if I don't get my girl, lol. It is going to be painful to give it to my cousin. Real painful! Hubby finally admits he wants a girl so that puts another dynamic into this whole deal. I hope time is nice to us, lol. Although I'm not sure if I want it to move fast or slow.

January 16th, 2013, 08:04 PM
Good luck violet, hope you get your girls!

Can I join the batsh*t crazy crew? Just booked a private gender scan for 9th march when I'll be 16+6. I am terrified and excited, keep telling myself that putting it off won't change the gender, just prolong my fantasy and make the "it's a boy" moment even harder. Still I can't think about lying there with the scanner on my tummy without getting palpitations! How will I cope for the next 7 weeks?! At least we'll have a few weeks to privately accept the gender before having to 'come clean'. Urgh it's so hard...:sad:


Welcome to the batsh*t crew! We will keep you company...not sane but company, lol

January 16th, 2013, 10:06 PM
"Batsh*t crew"..bahahaha! I'm loving it. If nothing else, that will entertain and comfort me until the 23rd. 7 days and counting...

EmmyRoo, you're right-putting this off because I'm scared of the answer won't change anything. It will only prolong my fantasy, that can't be in my best interest. Still, I get sweaty thinking about the scan. I've never wanted something so bad and had so little say in it.

January 17th, 2013, 12:35 AM
So update from me. I had my ultrasound this afternoon and I have a lot of extra fluid, but just one healthy baby. Which I am happy with. Twins would have been nice but I am thrilled that baby is looking good. I'm measuring 12w 4d along so would make bub due 28th July. I will post some nub pics when I am able to. But just walked through the door and have three full on boys to sort out so it won't be for a while.

January 17th, 2013, 01:44 AM
I really think I saw girly bits and a flat nub. Trying to upload some pics and nub shots now. Take a look girls and tell me what you think. I've never seen anything like this with my boys.

January 17th, 2013, 02:11 AM
8062 Looks very flat and girly.

8063 This pic threw me a bit as it looks a bit boyish, but then I thought, if bub's head was up further then the nub would look more flat. I think it's the position.


January 17th, 2013, 04:14 AM
Violet, Congrats on your healthy baby. I am useless at guessing nubs so I cannot help you there.

January 17th, 2013, 07:33 AM
would love to join. I am due aug 29th. :)

January 17th, 2013, 08:40 AM
Holy Moly, Violet! I think that's a girl!

Welcome, 4leafclover!

January 17th, 2013, 08:43 AM
Violet....I think you might have your girl there. Am absolutely over the moon for you! How exciting!!!!!

welcome to our group 4leaf

Maple huge congrats too.....I think you have your girls!!! This group is starting to look good for the pink sways!!!!!

January 17th, 2013, 09:14 AM
Violet your baby's nub does look pretty girly (mind you I am basing this solely off the guesses from my u/s nub) :rofl: They look almost similar but you got a better shot of yours. I was too wimpy to actually ask for a nub shot. Extra fluid? Where does that come from or should I ask...how does that happen? Glad your baby is healthy!

January 17th, 2013, 09:21 AM
"Batsh*t crew"..bahahaha! I'm loving it. If nothing else, that will entertain and comfort me until the 23rd. 7 days and counting...

EmmyRoo, you're right-putting this off because I'm scared of the answer won't change anything. It will only prolong my fantasy, that can't be in my best interest. Still, I get sweaty thinking about the scan. I've never wanted something so bad and had so little say in it.

Yeah I guess we have to figure...we HAVE to find out sooner or later. I mean they can't stay in our bellies forever. They will come out eventually, lol. I am enjoying my little fantasy for now. Lord help me the day of the u/s because if I do hear girl...I am going Pinterest crazy! I am having the pinkest pink party in the history of pink parties. By the way...IF it is a girl my theme is going to be "sugar and spice".

January 17th, 2013, 09:40 AM
would love to join. I am due aug 29th. :)

Congratulations and welcome 4leafclover

January 17th, 2013, 10:08 AM
Welcome 4leafclover!

Violet I am so happy for you that you saw a healthy baby. Your nub shots look VERY promising for pink - and yours too Maple! I really hope so for both of you.

I had my 12 week appointment with my GP. Bub is still in there alive and well, and I explained my lack of wish to see a nub shot which GP took in his stride. The image was so small on his machine anyway I don't think I could have seen anything even if I wanted to. We have announced it to the world this afternoon which is nice... and to my amazement in around 40 FB messages so far I have only had one person commenting on gender (and not rudely). I thought I would be inundated with rude comments about the gender and almost put a defensive "hold the comments" type comment in amongst my announcement... glad I didn't!

Hope everyone else is doing well and that morning sickness etc is not treating anyone too badly.

January 17th, 2013, 02:52 PM
I know it could be premature but I'm almost certain that I'm having a little girl. I've seen boys, I've had three and none of them where ever like this. I will wait for my next ultrasound in 6 weeks to confirm but I'm so sure this is my baby girl. I can't believe it but am pretty sure too. So glad I had the ultrasound yesterday!

With how far along I am, I must have been already a few days pregnant before we went away on our honeymoon so will adjust my sway attempt thread to reflect that. That would make my sway attempt a much better and stronger sway as we used aci jel, a full tube every night (maybe a bit much but I wasn't taking any chances) and had daily intercourse for over a week. So makes sense that it worked for us.

With the extra fluid, I'm not sure how that happens, I will ask my doctor when I go next but tech showed me how there is a lot of space above baby in my ultrasound pics. If you have a look at the pics I have posted you can see so much dark area above babe. Compare with other ultrasound pics and you will see what I mean.

We've got to come up with a girl name too now, I've never allowed myself to dare dream too much about it. Oh the joy. Can't believe this is happening - to me!

January 17th, 2013, 03:28 PM
Oh wow Violet! That's amazing! I think that nub is extremely hopeful! I can't wait for your confirmation scan. Just incredible. I hope my scan goes something like that... I'm getting more and more hopeful as time goes along right now. I try to settle on a boys name and somehow just can't because I don't feel like this is a boy... Ugh. 2 weeks until my 12 week scan. Time is dragging. I'm still sick too.. Maybe even sicker this week.. Hoping its the peak before it all subsides. I'm so over feeling crappy. I really really feel for hyperemesis gravidarium sufferers.. Ew. Can't think of feeling yucky for the whole time.. :( anyways.. Hi to the newbs and congrats to the lucky girl mummas. Big kisses and hugs all round xx

January 17th, 2013, 04:20 PM
Violet that's so exciting! I'm so jealous! The more I think about it the more all the signs are pointing to this being another boy. I'm hardly nauseous at all, I conceived virtually in a full moon, in November so summer baby, I didn't take vitex or Clomid or saw palmetto and stressed/obsessed so much I probably had higher testosterone than DH, I have a bump-shaped stomach (although 90% fat it looks like a bump rather than fat) and everyone was saying on the bump pics thread that girl bumps are more of a thickening waistline than a bump shape. Oh it's so depressing, why does it have to be so hard to just have a girl?! All the girl mums in the world who do it without trying and I can't do it when I've followed (most of) the instructions! :sad:

Sorry for the self-pity, I'm so happy for everyone getting their DG, just wish it was happening to me too.

January 17th, 2013, 04:36 PM
Oh take heart Emmyroo. I had three boys before I got my girl (if I'm not falsely convincing myself, but I am very hopeful). I know what it feels like for years wanting a little girl so bad.

Hopingforsaskia - hun, I've been there, was so sick from 5-11 weeks this pregnancy. Really hope things are just about to improve for you.

myfourleafclover - Welcome hunni!

Cvd - I like the name Maverick, but I LOVE the name Hudson. He's just a cute little man.

Maple - You might very well have two little girls on board. How cool is that? Very.

To everyone else, hope you are all doing well.

January 17th, 2013, 04:37 PM
Sorry, double post.

January 17th, 2013, 05:34 PM
Oh take heart Emmyroo. I had three boys before I got my girl (if I'm not falsely convincing myself, but I am very hopeful). I know what it feels like for years wanting a little girl so bad.

Hopingforsaskia - hun, I've been there, was so sick from 5-11 weeks this pregnancy. Really hope things are just about to improve for you.

myfourleafclover - Welcome hunni!

Cvd - I like the name Maverick, but I LOVE the name Hudson. He's just a cute little man.

Maple - You might very well have two little girls on board. How cool is that? Very.

To everyone else, hope you are all doing well.

You have a girly nub there! Very flat. Oh you are going to be desperate for that next scan huh?! That is so exciting.. And I like your positivity too XX
You should post on the u/s gender prediction forum if you have not already??

I have got all girl guesses so far.. Im excited, but totally getting my hopes up. I am scared to fall flat and be even more disappointed now if I hear blue.. My next u/s is in 3 weeks. So close, yet so far, lol.


January 17th, 2013, 05:38 PM

Congratulations on a healthy bean! That scan is excellent reassurance huh?
Yay for announcing to the world too! So good to hear you had positive comments and not thoughtless dribble. Good luck for a H & H pregnancy :awe:

Thanks for the girl vibes too XX

January 18th, 2013, 12:56 PM
Violet, I wish I was as convinced as you are on my nub! Even the tech only gave me 60% so don't feel any the wiser!!!

If anyone else fancies a guess, it is in the ultrasound guessing forum.


Bama Belle
January 18th, 2013, 03:46 PM
would love to join. I am due aug 29th. :)

Hi and welcome!

January 20th, 2013, 08:46 AM
wow so many people finding out. congrats on both boys and girls:) now I just want ot have my first appt. and here a cute lil heartbeat already:)

January 20th, 2013, 08:55 AM
Eeek! DH was able to feel the baby kick last night :) yay!

January 20th, 2013, 09:40 AM
I wasn't planning on finding out but there were so many nub shots in our pics that it was hard to miss and after reading and commenting on so many ultrasound pics here I knew what long and flat meant. Of course the excitement set in and I also couldn't help but notice how very different the pics were and the actual ultrasound itself from my boys. Just really hope that I don't come crashing down if all the nub pics are wrong for some reason and I am in fact having a boy. It's going to be a long 6 weeks. Wish I knew for sure. I don't think I could go into my 19 week scan and not find out now as I want my suspicions of a girl confirmed (ASAP).

January 20th, 2013, 01:20 PM
Eeek! DH was able to feel the baby kick last night :) yay!

Yay! My DH was really happy when he first could :) Hudson is a little ninja in there all day long!

January 20th, 2013, 03:14 PM
Cvd, have you picked the name Hudson for your little man?? :)

January 20th, 2013, 03:25 PM
Cvd, have you picked the name Hudson for your little man?? :)
So far, yes! I am still keeping my mind open to other names but we both like Hudson... think it goes well with Ryder! I have been having a hard time finding a name that I think is uncommon but not weird lol

January 20th, 2013, 03:45 PM
So far, yes! I am still keeping my mind open to other names but we both like Hudson... think it goes well with Ryder! I have been having a hard time finding a name that I think is uncommon but not weird lol

Cvd I like the name Hudson. Ryder and Hudson sounds like a prestigious law firm, lol. I would hire them any day! Cute cute!

January 20th, 2013, 03:59 PM
So I survived shopping and attending the baby shower for my DH's cousin. Although the nagging from everyone about our baby's gender didn't help my gender anxiety. My mil is especially vocal about her desire for a girl mostly so she can spoil her rotten. Anyway she was asking me the baby's name if she is a she and I told her. Well her and another one of DH's cousins said "ewww that's a boy name". My mom said the same thing but then again her brothers name is Joel. Now I am thinking...what if they are right and she has to defend her name for the rest of her life! I know it's all relative at this point but I'm just trying to prepare myself. Now I'm really mad because I really love that name and the meaning behind it :-(

January 20th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Hello ladies,

I am having a scan done this Thursday (radiology at women's hospital not my usual private u/s clinic). It's specifically to check up on the twins sac to make sure there are no issues with the membrane. As far as I know this is just routine.

I will be 16 wk + 4 days. Do you think I should ask for the gender? Or wait until my 19 wk scan at my usually clinic??
I'm so nervous.. Would it be an accurate gender assessment at this gestation do you think?

Thanks ladies! XX

January 20th, 2013, 07:55 PM

I read somewhere that your scan is this week? Correct?

Best of luck hun! The uncertainty will be over! XX

January 20th, 2013, 08:02 PM
Maple, I would definitely ask for gender. I think you could get a pretty accurate gender determination by 16.5 weeks. Good luck.

Goodluck Jadis.

So lovely that some of you ladies are able to get your hubby's to feel bub now. It's so nice.

January 20th, 2013, 08:16 PM

I read somewhere that your scan is this week? Correct?

Best of luck hun! The uncertainty will be over! XX

Thanks, Maple! So sweet of you to remember. Yes, my scan is this Wednesday and we're asking the tech to write the gender down and seal it in an envelope. Once we open it, I'll be here with an update. I'm really trying to get to a positive place about knowing.

If I were you, I'd ask about gender at your upcoming scan. The worst that can happen is that they say 'no' and you wait another few weeks. No harm in asking!

January 20th, 2013, 08:37 PM
Cvd I like the name Hudson. Ryder and Hudson sounds like a prestigious law firm, lol. I would hire them any day! Cute cute!

Lol!! Now that you mention it, I think so too! Hehe :) I'm okay with a law firm in the family!

January 20th, 2013, 08:39 PM
So I survived shopping and attending the baby shower for my DH's cousin. Although the nagging from everyone about our baby's gender didn't help my gender anxiety. My mil is especially vocal about her desire for a girl mostly so she can spoil her rotten. Anyway she was asking me the baby's name if she is a she and I told her. Well her and another one of DH's cousins said "ewww that's a boy name". My mom said the same thing but then again her brothers name is Joel. Now I am thinking...what if they are right and she has to defend her name for the rest of her life! I know it's all relative at this point but I'm just trying to prepare myself. Now I'm really mad because I really love that name and the meaning behind it :-(

Sorry praying4pink, I'm sure you've wrote it somewhere and I'm just being forgetful but what is the name you picked??

January 20th, 2013, 08:40 PM
Hello ladies,

I am having a scan done this Thursday (radiology at women's hospital not my usual private u/s clinic). It's specifically to check up on the twins sac to make sure there are no issues with the membrane. As far as I know this is just routine.

I will be 16 wk + 4 days. Do you think I should ask for the gender? Or wait until my 19 wk scan at my usually clinic??
I'm so nervous.. Would it be an accurate gender assessment at this gestation do you think?

Thanks ladies! XX

Ou!!! I would be asking :) I hope you they will tell you!

January 20th, 2013, 08:44 PM
And Jadis - I am also anxiously awaiting your update on Wednesday! Since being so close location wise, I hope the weather is good if you have to travel at all for your ultrasound :)

January 20th, 2013, 08:52 PM
Hi Ladies, hope everyone is well. It has been awhile since I have been in. Work has been so busy I am lucky to remember I am pregnant except for the ms of course. Have 12 week scan this afternoon, so am excited and nervous at the same time.

Maple, I would definitely. What have you got to lose. I know for me though, I would not want a half hearted guess, if they can't tell me like 80-90% I don't really want to know.

Jadis, wow Wednesday. Good luck. Have my fingers crossed for you.

Will be back later to update on my 12 week scan and see if I can get some nub shots. Am pretty scared, not ready to know just yet. I have been so busy haven't had time to think about gender which has been good but I know once things settle again it will be forefront of my mind. Only one gender comment so far from a friend. I couldn't believe it. It was the first thing she said. We have only told a handful of people yet, hopefully all goes well today and then I can tell everybody. I can't wait.

January 20th, 2013, 08:55 PM
And Jadis - I am also anxiously awaiting your update on Wednesday! Since being so close location wise, I hope the weather is good if you have to travel at all for your ultrasound :)

Thanks, CVD. Hopefully, the main roads will all be salted. So far, no trouble driving around here. By the way, I love the new name you've chosen! I actually like it alot better than Maverick.