View Full Version : Cried at the mall today

October 31st, 2012, 08:48 AM
There I was, eating my lunch at the food court, minding my own business when I saw a woman in her 30's holding hands with her 3 year-old daughter. The woman's mom was there too and it just hit me...my ache for a daughter isn't only for me. I want my mom to have a granddaughter. I watched them together laughing and eating from the same plate and I thought "that's so special. That's 3 generations of women at that table. They probably take it for granted, they don't even know how lucky they are. They probably have no idea that the woman a few tables over is about to cry with envy." I finished lunch and then shed a few tears in the car on the way home. I just want what that woman seemed to get so easily. Then again, maybe some woman has watched me high-five my boys and she's wanted to weep with envy. Maybe I should be more thankful for what came into my life so easily. Just had to get that off my chest, thanks ladies.

May 19th, 2013, 02:35 AM
I know how you feel over that one. I'm glad to see you are getting your girl now. I want a girl for me but also my birth Mum who adopted me out and went on to have 3 boys. I know a grand daughter to watch grow up wuld mean so much to her since she missed me growing