View Full Version : Do you think I should try vitex or no???

February 25th, 2011, 10:18 PM
Okay so my cycles are around 33-34 days long. I usually get my first + OPK on CD 18....I think I O CD 20. I would like to get back to where my cycles used to be before I had a baby....I was always a a 28 or 30 day cycle.....O'ing on CD 15 or 16. Do you think it would mess up my cycle? I would really just like to O sooner. I am currently on CD 6, if I were to start when would I want to start it and how much would I want to take? I got the Natures way 400 mg. I have heard WONDERFUL things about it, but I REALLY dont want to get irregular cycles or anything. Plus on IG stats, they show 77% of the women using vitex got a girl! thats pretty good!

February 25th, 2011, 10:25 PM
I don't trust those stats too much. But vitex didn't mess my cycle up at all when I took it. I think the liquid forms gets absorbed better, I'm not sure why. I think vitex can only help and I would only take it af-o. I don't know if it will shorten *this* cycle it may take a while to work. But I have to tell you, I did this mayan abdominal massage thing for fertility when I concieved my son, and she warned me it would make me ovulate sooner, and it really did. I had a 28 day cycle then, and I o'd like day 12 which was crazy I was super regular. Just google mayan abdominal massage.

atomic sagebrush
February 26th, 2011, 03:00 PM
I would give it a try and see what happened. I know I told you this already and I don't mean to nag but that length of cycle is really fine (longer cycles are actually preventative for breast/ovarian cancer) and I don't think you need to worry about it.

But, I can understand that it's just what you want to do and that is fine too.

My friend told me she started taking black currant oil and in one month it made her cycle go from being supershort at 24 days to a 28 day cycle. If vitex doesn't work, you might want to give that a try (she is not swaying and I think that might sway blue because of the nutrients)

February 26th, 2011, 05:24 PM
I took vitex when ttc my last dc and it shortened my cycles from around 40 something days to a regular 32 day cycle which I was happier with. I did end up with a boy though!