View Full Version : DH vegetarian TTC blue

February 27th, 2011, 04:18 AM
DH is a vegetarian & i'm wondering if this could affect my blue sway. I eat lots of red meat but is this enough to get me my son. What can i add to his diet to make up for not eating meat?

atomic sagebrush
February 27th, 2011, 11:02 AM
I answered this in another thread but for anyone who stumbles upon this one...

What the wife eats is much more important than the husband, because in nature, mothers tend to raise the children so the foods they have access to will better predict whether they have enough nutrients available to produce a healthy son to grow big and strong (most females, even ones that are small and weak, are usually able to reproduce, but males MUST be big and strong in order to fight off competitors for mates). Your genes want to "bet" on which gender child will be capable of handing down the genes to the next generation.

That having been said, having a big strong husband with high testosterone also can help predict whether a son is a good "bet" for handing down your genes.

Make sure he eats a lot of salt and healthy fat, and as much protein as he can in the form of beans, nuts, eggs. And lifting weights will raise testosterone.