February 28th, 2011, 02:50 AM
We are looking at going to LA for gender selection in Decemember or early January and we are looking at also bringing our three girls and my parents, we will also use this trip as a holiday and an excuse to bring our kids to Disneyland.I am two minded to bring a baby or not by then my baby should be roughly about 9 months god willing. What advice can anyone give me, I can leave the bub with family but I just dont know if I can do that. Will it be too complicated to bring the baby as well and do the pgd. My other three girls are old enough so they are not a problem. ADVICE PLEASE

February 28th, 2011, 08:25 AM
Ok so you have 4 kiddies? Wow alot to travel with but a 9 month old is not a bad age to travel as they cant run yet and are pretty content to hang out! From my experience its really only the day of egg retrieval that you will be out of action the other days are just appointments and scans that take max 1 hour. After egg retrevial you just have to wait it out for 5 days and wait for embies to grow then transfer is a simple procedure if you get this far. its a great idea to plan this as a holiday primarily with the added bonus of trying PGD! Due to the fact we had a wonderfull family holiday I am not very dissapointed about my cancelled cycle! Personally i would take your whole family and make this a very special holiday as long as your parents will be happy to stay at the hotel some days for babies naps etc I am sure you will have a ball. I took my 2 year old and 9 months old to europe last year and she was great.

February 28th, 2011, 02:16 PM
If you have your parents there to watch the kids for you then I guess it is just up to you and whether or not you think she can tolerate the trip.

March 3rd, 2011, 02:28 PM
Sounds exciting! I would be most nervous about the long plane flight but I know you wouldn't be the first person who has done that with a baby, so I'm sure you'd be fine! I wish you the best of luck!