View Full Version : Prenatals and swaying pink

November 13th, 2012, 03:28 PM
I was wondering what others felt about prenatals and swaying pink. I know they aren't recommended, but at 38 I feel them necessary for health especially being on LE and all. I know this might sway blue but hoping other pink factors outweigh. What is everyone else doing- yes/no prenatals or maybe just in 2ww?

November 13th, 2012, 04:24 PM
I am no expert but their has got to be some combo of supplements that will give you the essential nutrients and still sway pink.

I am sure one of the guru's will give you some feedback on this.

I'd say the LE looks tough but that is how I normally eat so the HE is tough for me!!

Good luck!

The Anchor
November 13th, 2012, 04:27 PM
I think that you would avoid prenatals if swaying pink...you are trying to tell your body that times are tough, the basis for the LE diet. The boy swayers should take prenatals for the opposite effect.

November 13th, 2012, 04:30 PM
I stopped taking prenatals during my pink sway. I only took folic acid by itself. I started the prenatals when I got a BFP.

November 13th, 2012, 04:31 PM
i have always taken pre natals in the past and had boys - they aren't need to catch a healthy pregnancy, a lot of moms catch without these every day and are fine, the point of the le is hard times less nutrients and food and a girl is more likely to survive - we do take folic acid though for baby's benefit. However, if you feel you need them and would rather risk an opposite than spend months worrying it may affect your baby then its your choice, a lot of women sway without diet

November 14th, 2012, 03:17 PM
Mrs P I think you hit the nail on the head- "However, if you feel you need them and would rather risk an opposite than spend months worrying it may affect your baby then its your choice, a lot of women sway without diet"
I would be a little disappointed if I didn't get a girl, but would be devastated if I had a sick baby(even if there wasn't something known that I did or didn't do I know I would still feel guilty). I have lost 10lbs, lowered my T, am eating no breakfast and about half the calories of before, lowered my ph and changed frequency. I figure before I was taking vitamins AND getting extra nutrients from food too, so my body is deprived from it's normal state. Definitely feel starved-LOL.

Adia- Thanks for the good luck and sending some your way too. I haven't really looked at the details of the HE, but can imagine it being tough when it's opposite of your norm (and what you enjoy). Hang in there and hopefully you'll get your blue soon!

The Anchor
November 14th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Sounds like a great pink sway...GL!

November 15th, 2012, 12:06 PM
Thanks Anchor! I actually found a vitamin that takes 4 doses a day to = 100% of rdv. Thinking if I take only 2 then I am still getting benefits but not at full amount.

November 15th, 2012, 01:35 PM
I'm not taking pre natles... Just frolic acid and aspirin LE diet I am now Down 6lbs (yay) I will be doing this diet after I have my baby too lol the weight loss is really good!

But ya no prenatles here for me.... But take them if that's what feels right for you

November 15th, 2012, 04:03 PM
I took Prenatals ( swayed for a boy) and got a girl. Prenatals are not the magic bullet for a baby boy ( unfortunately)

At our age, emphasis is on the healthy baby, so I would def take prenatals and stick to LE diet. LE seems to do wonders for pink swayers so Prenatals won't harm your sway-Imo.

November 16th, 2012, 09:23 AM
Zivic-Bubac I am sorry your sway didn't work but you just gave me some more hope so thank you.. I think I may be the only pink swayer taking them but I'm ok with that. Wouldn't it be great if there was a magic bullet!

November 20th, 2012, 05:21 PM
Hi Strawberrymom, I just wanted to let you know I am swaying pink and am taking them. It just didn't feel right to me to stop. I know it may sway blue but with everything else I am doing, if I still have a boy I am definitely not going to blame it on one tablet a day. I am also 38 and want to be as heathly as I can on this crazy diet and it makes me feel slightly better for taking it.

November 23rd, 2012, 04:05 PM
I was wondering what others felt about prenatals and swaying pink. I know they aren't recommended, but at 38 I feel them necessary for health especially being on LE and all. I know this might sway blue but hoping other pink factors outweigh. What is everyone else doing- yes/no prenatals or maybe just in 2ww?

I had three healthy girls at 32, 34 and 36. I was never on any pre-natals until I found out I had fallen pregnant (mainly because we fell pregnant about 5 minutes after deciding to have another one). I also am a text book girl diet person.
Good luck over 35's. I'm swaying blue and due to O in a fortnight but just woke up with gastro...not happy.

March 7th, 2013, 08:01 AM
I know this thread is old but I had been taking pregnacare conception for 3 months before I fell pregnant with DD on an oops DTD before we had planned to TTC. I am a veggie and was on a diet at the time and because we weren't TTC I J&D after DTD.

So I agree that vitamins are not a magic bullet when there are other sway factors in play

March 8th, 2013, 11:51 PM
I'm a pink swayer who takes them. After multiple miscarriages, including a late loss, I was strongly advised to do so by a perinatologist. As someone else has said, I'd rather risk an opposite than a sick baby (or another loss). I do diet (lately have been doing it well) and Clomid to sway--and I think you can still have a strong sway even with extra vitamins (especially since your body probably doesn't absorb the nutrients from prenatals as well as it does the nutrients in food).

Edited to add: I was taking prenatals for a couple of months before I conceived DD#2 (healthy full term baby). I was not taking them beforehand with DD#1, or any of my losses. I'm quite sure it's totally possible to conceive a girl while taking them, especially if many other factors in your life favor pink.

March 12th, 2013, 06:43 PM
I started taking prenatals a couple of months before I got pregnant with DD#2, and I was swaying blue but ended up with another little girl. I was on Nestabs DHA (two pills a day, the prenatal and a DHA gel capsule). Living proof here that taking a prenatal prior to getting pregnant does not necessarily mean you will end up with a boy!

October 9th, 2015, 11:02 PM
I know this thread is really really old but I just wanted to add to it in case someone else takes a look. I have always taken Elevit prenatal multivitamin for pre-pregnancy and breastfeeding. I had two boys and a girl in between so I don't believe it to be a sway factor. I wasn't taken it, or any vitamins, between week 6 and week 10 of my last (4th) pregnancy and I ended up miscarrying at week 10. I have since read that for us older women it is VITAL for a healthy sticky pregnancy that we are at least taking high levels of folic acid, and I believe we should be taking a prenatal as well. As most other lady swayers believe, there are several factors that play a role in swaying and it is important to follow all of them if you want to be completely successful.

atomic sagebrush
October 12th, 2015, 07:25 PM
Gosh I remember seeing this all those ages ago, she must have posted in more than one forum and I must have replied to a different one.

The absolute fact of the matter is that no one on the Planet Earth took prenatal vitamins before only a few decades ago and they are not necessary for a healthy pregnancy to take before conception. I WOULD NEVER recommend anyone do anything that could "make babies sick" or whatever. Folic acid/folate is the only nutrient ever shown to prevent issues with a baby when taken prior to conception. Starting prenatals at BFP is perfectly safe and fine and that is my recommendation for a healthy pink sway.

I completely understand the concern, but I will tell you my story which is at 36 I got pregnant while taking a prenatal containing 800 mcg folic acid (in addition to extra calcium and Vit. D, plus DHA during pregnancy) and had a child with a neural tube defect. This concerned me so much that I continued prenatal and extra folic and lots of other nutrients (calcium, mag, Vit. D, B6, probiotics, plus DHA supps before and during pregnancy.) and got a 4th BOY at 39. With my pregnancy at 41 (birth at 42) I did not take prenatals and got a happy healthy baby girl.

My baby with issues, I was taking everything I was supposed to take! My DD, I wasn't taking prenatal and she did not have issues. TAKE THE FOLIC ACID or folate in the amount that is suggested (1200-1600 mcg for pink sways). Start prenatal at BFP. This is what the best medical research indicates and what is also recommended by many doctors and medical researchers.

atomic sagebrush
October 12th, 2015, 07:35 PM
I know this thread is really really old but I just wanted to add to it in case someone else takes a look. I have always taken Elevit prenatal multivitamin for pre-pregnancy and breastfeeding. I had two boys and a girl in between so I don't believe it to be a sway factor. I wasn't taken it, or any vitamins, between week 6 and week 10 of my last (4th) pregnancy and I ended up miscarrying at week 10. I have since read that for us older women it is VITAL for a healthy sticky pregnancy that we are at least taking high levels of folic acid, and I believe we should be taking a prenatal as well. As most other lady swayers believe, there are several factors that play a role in swaying and it is important to follow all of them if you want to be completely successful.

This is in no way meant as a reproach in any way, I'm very sorry for your loss, and I hear where you are coming from but just because some people have gotten girls while taking prenatals does not mean that it is going to be the best sway for people. We have 80% success rates for blue with prenatals.

I will reiterate my advice which is for everyone to be on high levels of folic acid or folate before conception and to start a prenatal AT BFP. I have never said that people should not take a prenatal DURING PREGNANCY this advice is pre-pregnancy alone.

EVERY pink swayer should be on 1200-1600 mcg folic acid or folate before conception. If over 35 you should be on 2000. If history of unexplained losses or baby with NTD you should be taking 4000. Everyone start prenatal and DHA supps upon getting BFP.

October 12th, 2015, 07:47 PM
Thanks for clarifying Atomic Sagebrush. I'm certainly to happy to take your advice and just start with folic acid and then go to prenatal multivitamin when/if I get a BFP. Given my age (43) and the fact that I had the recent miscarriage at 10 weeks would you recommend I take more than 2000mcg of folic acid? it wouldn't hurt if I was to take 4000mcg per day would it? I have in my cupboard some called Megafol 0.5 where each tablet contains 0.5 mg (def mg) of folic acid. What do these equal in mcg? Thanks Hun.

atomic sagebrush
October 14th, 2015, 05:09 PM
That is at your discretion, I feel that while the folic above 2000 mcg is safe, it is a little bit "out of my pay grade" and so I think most people are best off with a doctor's input. I took it, like I mentioned above.

Also forgot in above diatribe to mention iodized salt or iodine supps for anyone who DOES NOT have thyroid issues. Anyone who does have thyroid issues consult with doctor about taking iodine before starting it.

October 15th, 2015, 09:18 PM
Atomic - if I was planning our girl sway attempt for Jan 2016, when do you recommend I start taking the supplements (folic acid, etc)? Thanks

atomic sagebrush
October 18th, 2015, 01:54 PM
I'd take them now, but it's up to you. At least the folic and iodine, and I'd prob. give myself a run between now and 6 weeks before of prenatals to save up any nutrients lacking after the loss.

October 21st, 2015, 07:23 PM
Thanks Atomic. I asked my GP about the folic acid 2 days ago and she just said to take 500mcg, but obviously that's not enough is it? You don't think I need to do anything more extreme such as baby aspirin and progesterone do you? It's really difficult deciding how far you should go or to what extremes after you've had a miscarriage. I'd read somewhere on another website that miscarriages that occur between 10-20 weeks can happen because of implantation problems and that baby aspirin can help with that but I don't like the idea of taking baby aspirin every day for an entire pregnancy.

atomic sagebrush
October 21st, 2015, 08:10 PM
Doctors know what they were taught in medical school. I've read the research on it and I believe that it's better to take more. It is up to you of course but I know that I had baby with a neural tube defect on 800 mcg and a very healthy diet so I personally do not believe 500 is enough.

I don't think progesterone works and like I said baby aspirin, unless you are proven to need it, it is not worth the risks and side effects.

atomic sagebrush
October 21st, 2015, 08:11 PM
The number one, two, and three reasons for miscarriages are maternal age. i am not trying to be a hardass, it's just that you can read any amount of baloney on line. Miscarriages between 10-20 weeks are absolutely NOT caused by implantation problems, implantation had long occured by that point. Thyroid issues and something wrong with the baby's development are the reasons pregnancies end most commonly at that stage.

October 22nd, 2015, 10:03 PM
Thanks Atomic. No I certainly don't think you're being a hardass. I like and appreciate your honesty. Age can be a factor so if I do conceive again I am really going to have to make sure I am mentally prepared. I do believe if I was to conceive again and miscarried again a second time, then I would definitely accept that my eggs are probably past their due date and accept that God's plan for me was to have the three beautiful children I'm already blessed to have had and just be grateful for that. But I certainly would not be taking progesterone or aspirin unless it was necessary (although we don't know whether it is or it isn't) - so I guess I would just have to up the folic acid to at least 2,000mcg and take the other supps you've suggested such as Coq10. I am already back taking Elevit again and Vit D and a Vit C since I've been stuck with a throat thing I can't seem to get rid of. My immune system is def pretty low at the moment. My DH is still adamant about no more kids - he is such a stubborn bugger. I love him to bits of course but he is extremely stubborn and it's often either 'his way or the highway' figuratively speaking.