View Full Version : Where is O?

December 6th, 2012, 09:49 AM
So I was gearing up to O, had EWCM for the first time, had very positive OPK's and my temps have not risen and now I am on CD16. I am coming off a chemical pregnancy so does anyone know if this is common: to gear up to O but then not actually do it? I conceived DD the first month and I am just wondering if there is an issue or if things will go back to normal. This sucks.

The Anchor
December 6th, 2012, 11:21 AM
Is there any chance you missed it? I've only seen one +OPK ever, I think because my surge ends up happening over night (in between OPKs). There is also a chance that you didn't O, I had a m/c at 12 weeks in October and I've convinced myself that I didn't O last cycle at all.

December 6th, 2012, 11:34 AM
I didn't get a positive opk till CD30 so you never know really

December 6th, 2012, 12:02 PM
Well, I started taking OPK's on CD9 or 10 and they were blank/negative. Slowly started getting a line on CD12 and then BOOM, positive Tuesday and Wednesday, just like previous cycles. I had all the symptoms so I thought for sure it was happening and I was so happy. Maybe I will ovulate today and then my temp will go up tomorrow? Otherwise, I assume I am out for the month. Thanks for responding.

The Anchor
December 6th, 2012, 12:18 PM
Hmmm that is odd...you usually ovulate 12 - 36 hours from first +OPK. So it is possible that you will O today and see the spike tomorrow.

atomic sagebrush
December 6th, 2012, 02:43 PM
It is very common, esp. after coming off of a loss (and I think you said you just stopped breastfeeding which can also cause it.)

I think things will go back to normal for you, definitely.

Also, if you are still taking vitex, saw palmetto, or pep tea, stop them now. They can delay O.

atomic sagebrush
December 6th, 2012, 02:46 PM
Well, I started taking OPK's on CD9 or 10 and they were blank/negative. Slowly started getting a line on CD12 and then BOOM, positive Tuesday and Wednesday, just like previous cycles. I had all the symptoms so I thought for sure it was happening and I was so happy. Maybe I will ovulate today and then my temp will go up tomorrow? Otherwise, I assume I am out for the month. Thanks for responding.

No, you're not out for the month, you can have a fake O and then your body jsut decides at the last minute that the time is not right, then it chills and tries again in a few days.

I have had some unbelievably fake O's, one was so realistic that I went to the doctor and everything because I was sure I had to be pg when I didn't get AF.

December 6th, 2012, 03:09 PM
Oh my I feel like every time I have my plan down, I read something else that I didn't know and messes me up. I just started drinking pep tea to lower my testosterone, and now I read that it can slow down O? So should I drop the pep tea? as far as I know I don't have a problem with O I just started charting my temps this cycle and I am about 3 days away from my projected O.

The Anchor
December 6th, 2012, 03:13 PM
You don't need to drop it unless you think it's messing up your cycle...it "can" make O late for some woman, but not for most. If O doesn't show up on schedule, then you might consider dropping it.

December 6th, 2012, 04:17 PM
Thank you Atomic. I kinda panicked this morning when my temp didn't rise and made a last minute decision to BD (this morning). I'm thinking it may be possible I ovulate today or within the next couple days and there is no way sperm from Monday night would still be around. I'm sure it puts me in boy territory but I'm hoping that others things could still let it happen. I'm going to see what happens with my temp tomorrow. The only supps I am currently taking are: folic acid and baby aspirin. I have been taking every other day last week and everyday this week. What do we know about weaning? ESP since I just had a chemical for unknown reasons. Thanks and hopefully my cycle figures itself out soon--such an odd month with the EWCm and increased sex drive and very dark OPKs. December will be a hard month for me to sway...

December 6th, 2012, 04:18 PM
*Weaning from the baby aspirin

December 6th, 2012, 07:49 PM
Whew, has anyone else ever been nauseous around ovulation? I have been so nauseous today! I have no clue what is going on with my body!

atomic sagebrush
December 6th, 2012, 07:57 PM
Oh my I feel like every time I have my plan down, I read something else that I didn't know and messes me up. I just started drinking pep tea to lower my testosterone, and now I read that it can slow down O? So should I drop the pep tea? as far as I know I don't have a problem with O I just started charting my temps this cycle and I am about 3 days away from my projected O.

No, just so you know that if O is delayed, drop the tea.

atomic sagebrush
December 6th, 2012, 07:58 PM
Don't wean off baby aspirin till you get BFP. Then just gradually start spacing doses out til you're taking one a week, then you can drop it (should take about 3 weeks)

December 6th, 2012, 10:50 PM
Okay. I have also read about baby aspirin causing miscarriage. is there truth to this? I just don't want to take anything that could cause harm.

Peed on an OPK and it was negative today. So I had two days of positives and I wonder if O'ed today. I should get a sense of it all tomorrow....Thanks again for your responses!!!

December 7th, 2012, 12:41 AM
I was just browsing and saw this thread. I'm on baby aspirin to prevent miscarriages due to my loss.
I also have read a lot of women w recurrent losses take it to be safe with good results. So I think it's the opposite!

December 7th, 2012, 07:43 AM
I hope you caught that eggie!

Nausea can be from a surge of progesterone, so if you see your temp shoot up then that's probably the cause. Or you could just be catching the usual seasonal germies that goes around this time of year, lol.

Do you have a nurse/health hotline you can call about the aspirin? I don't want you to worry about it, and I definitely don't want to see you take anything that could cause miscarriage. I think with aspirin the answer is, it depends. Yes aspirin has been prescribed to prevent recurrent losses, HOWEVER, this would be if the woman had a clotting disorder that was causing the losses. If you have no such disorder then aspirin, being a blood thinner, could be problematic rather than helpful.

I live in Ontario, Canada and here we have a provincial free nurse hotline, and also Motherisk which is pregnancy/breastfeeding specific clinic run by the Sick Kids' Hospital in Toronto that we can call. Is there something like that you can reach out to and speak with a live person? Or call your doc's office? I'm rather leery of aspirin as it can have some very different reactions in different people, and it's certainly possible that anything that thins your blood in general can thin it too much to implant well too.

December 7th, 2012, 09:01 AM
I've read that aspirin can help implanting. Fertility clinics, at least around here, recommend it for that reason
I'm not saying to take it if you don't feel comfortable, at all , just sharing what I've read
I do have a possible clotting disorder which is why I take it , however my Mfm dr said they have everyone take it as a precaution

December 7th, 2012, 09:02 AM
"There is some research to suggest that taking a daily dose of baby aspirin can actually help with fertility as well. Baby aspirin helps to increase the flow of blood to the uterus. This, in turn, makes the uterine lining healthier, and helps with successful implantation. Other studies suggest that aspirin actually increases the amount of activity in your ovaries, and allows your ovaries to release multiple eggs during ovulation. Some health care providers may actually prescribe baby aspirin if you are having trouble with fertility issues."

December 7th, 2012, 09:39 AM
I'd still much rather you ask your doc/nurse for their advice though. Not because I think aspirin will cause a m/c or hurt you any, I just don't want you to worry about it. Worse case scenario, let's say you got a bfp and then had a chemical, what I certainly don't want you to do is to blame yourself for the aspirin, kwim? So for peace of mind, if you're concerned, ask your doctor.

There's another thread just in the past day or two where the OP was having excessive bleeding on aspirin. So I still say that in some people that are super sensitive to blood thinners, aspirin can have adverse reactions. There's no such thing as a med that is good for everyone. (And frankly I don't much like the seemingly universal advice to take baby aspirin for everyone for heart health later in life either). Personally I can't take aspirin (allergic to ASA) so I have no personal experience with it affecting my cycles one way or another.

Just saying, when it comes to YOUR health, when in doubt ask a 'real' medical professional in real life. It's the safest and sanest thing to do.

December 7th, 2012, 10:59 AM
Yeah I have no idea why I had the chemical and I have no known fertility issues. I think I will call a doc today but my thoughts are to take it every other day and start weaning off. Thank you!

December 7th, 2012, 11:31 AM
Now I am completely freaked out!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, I kinda regret taking the baby aspirin especially after a chemical. I talked to my midwife and she does not have much experience with this!

December 7th, 2012, 11:34 AM
Would the baby aspirin affect my CM at all? Cause I just have so much more of it this month.

BTW, my temp did go up this morning.

December 7th, 2012, 12:24 PM
okay quick question , so if you start taking baby aspirin for your sway you have to keep taking it until you get a bfp and then slowly get off it? why is that? and what does bfp stand for?

December 7th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Yay temp rise! Sounds like you finally O'ed!

Please, try not to freak. I'm sure you didn't do any harm. Can you ask your midwife to refer you to a doctor about getting off the aspirin? I would think weaning off in the 2ww would be harmless as pregnancy hasn't been established yet.

No I don't think aspirin can affect your CM. Lots of other things can, though, like what you're eating and drinking.

Wannagirl, we usually say it's best to wean off anything you've been taking for awhile, including vitamins. It's just to be on the safe side so you don't suddenly 'shock' your body and cause it to short circuit an in-process implantation, or throw your cycle for a wonky loop. Hormones are sensitive to change, and can easily be thrown off, which can do weird things to ovulation and other stuff.

BFP = big fat positive, aka positive pregnancy test.

December 7th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Would baby aspirin make me nauseous? One thing I thought offs that have only been taking it for 2 weeks so maybe that's not as bad...

December 7th, 2012, 01:02 PM
No it shouldn't. But progesterone does and that's the hormone that surges after ovulation. Your higher temp today is further evidence that you're starting to produce progesterone, as prog increases your temp.

December 7th, 2012, 01:48 PM
Okay, thanks. I've read that your baby gets used to baby aspirin fast but I'm still feeling better that I only took it for 2 weeks. One thing at a time. Going to start weaning. Then I'll see if I get a BFP. The frequency part of my sway went out the window when we BD'ed on O day and in the morning. If I'm pregnant I'm totally going to lean boy bc of it!

December 7th, 2012, 01:49 PM
I meant your body gets used to it....

December 7th, 2012, 01:58 PM

Don't sweat the frequency stuff. Frequency barely sways, if at all. The diet plays the largest role by far.

December 7th, 2012, 03:18 PM
Yay temp rise! Sounds like you finally O'ed!

Please, try not to freak. I'm sure you didn't do any harm. Can you ask your midwife to refer you to a doctor about getting off the aspirin? I would think weaning off in the 2ww would be harmless as pregnancy hasn't been established yet.

No I don't think aspirin can affect your CM. Lots of other things can, though, like what you're eating and drinking.

Wannagirl, we usually say it's best to wean off anything you've been taking for awhile, including vitamins. It's just to be on the safe side so you don't suddenly 'shock' your body and cause it to short circuit an in-process implantation, or throw your cycle for a wonky loop. Hormones are sensitive to change, and can easily be thrown off, which can do weird things to ovulation and other stuff.

BFP = big fat positive, aka positive pregnancy test.

Okay thanks, now how long in advance do women start taking baby aspirin before their first attempt or what is the recommendation? and could I only take it from AF-O of my first attempt?
thx for all your help.

December 7th, 2012, 03:51 PM
Okay thanks, now how long in advance do women start taking baby aspirin before their first attempt or what is the recommendation? and could I only take it from AF-O of my first attempt?
thx for all your help.

I'm not sure, sorry. I'm allergic to aspirin so I never looked into it. You should start a new thread about it though and get more answer for your question since it's going off tangent from this particular thread. :)

December 7th, 2012, 11:18 PM
I'm not sure, sorry. I'm allergic to aspirin so I never looked into it. You should start a new thread about it though and get more answer for your question since it's going off tangent from this particular thread. :)

ol thx thats what i did.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 01:47 PM
Okay. I have also read about baby aspirin causing miscarriage. is there truth to this? I just don't want to take anything that could cause harm.

Peed on an OPK and it was negative today. So I had two days of positives and I wonder if O'ed today. I should get a sense of it all tomorrow....Thanks again for your responses!!!

I do not believe it causes miscarriage as long as you're taking it in advance of getting pg and then you gradually wean off. Anything that messes around with blood clotting can make it harder for a bean to get started. But hundreds of ladies have taken it with good results to PREVENT miscarriage.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 01:49 PM
Now I am completely freaked out!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, I kinda regret taking the baby aspirin especially after a chemical. I talked to my midwife and she does not have much experience with this!

Well, please believe me that I looked into it very extensively before I began to recommend it and I do not believe that it causes miscarriage when taken in advance of TTC and then weaned off gradually. much much much much safer than cranberry.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 01:50 PM
okay quick question , so if you start taking baby aspirin for your sway you have to keep taking it until you get a bfp and then slowly get off it? why is that? and what does bfp stand for?

Yes, it's best to continue taking aspirin rather than start and stop it. the reason is explained in great detail here http://genderdreaming.com/forum/ttc-girl-best-practices/7086-how-lower-ph-via-supps-cran-baby-aspirin-aspartame-other-techniques.html
BFP = big fat positive, a positive pregnancy test.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 01:50 PM
Would the baby aspirin affect my CM at all? Cause I just have so much more of it this month.

BTW, my temp did go up this morning.

not to my knowledge

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 02:03 PM
Yay temp rise! Sounds like you finally O'ed!

Please, try not to freak. I'm sure you didn't do any harm. Can you ask your midwife to refer you to a doctor about getting off the aspirin? I would think weaning off in the 2ww would be harmless as pregnancy hasn't been established yet.

No I don't think aspirin can affect your CM. Lots of other things can, though, like what you're eating and drinking.

Wannagirl, we usually say it's best to wean off anything you've been taking for awhile, including vitamins. It's just to be on the safe side so you don't suddenly 'shock' your body and cause it to short circuit an in-process implantation, or throw your cycle for a wonky loop. Hormones are sensitive to change, and can easily be thrown off, which can do weird things to ovulation and other stuff.

BFP = big fat positive, aka positive pregnancy test.

The aspirin is especially important to wean off of because it affects the ability of your blood to clot. When you take it, your body senses this and starts to make extra things called 'clotting factors' that cause your blood to clot. Then if you stop taking the aspirin suddenly, your body doesn't realize this for awhile and keeps making higher levels of clotting factors that can cause your blood to clot too easily. This could potentially cause heart attacks, strokes, DVT, and may contribute to causing miscarriage (NOT the aspirin itself, just stopping it all of a sudden) because the baby gets its nutrients and oxygen supply thru the cord and any clots in that are disastrous.

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 02:05 PM
Okay thanks, now how long in advance do women start taking baby aspirin before their first attempt or what is the recommendation? and could I only take it from AF-O of my first attempt?
thx for all your help.

I think you should start it at low doses (2 a week) as far in advance of yoru sway as possible. You may be able to, over time, gradually increase dose until you're taking up to 5 a week without any bleeding or bruising (becos your body will gradually up production of clotting factors to counteract).

Some people are just really sensitive to aspirin. I can't even take ONE without bruising horribly. If you can't take it, that's ok, remember most of the baby girls ever conceived were without benefit of aspirin.

December 12th, 2012, 02:33 PM
I think you should start it at low doses (2 a week) as far in advance of yoru sway as possible. You may be able to, over time, gradually increase dose until you're taking up to 5 a week without any bleeding or bruising (becos your body will gradually up production of clotting factors to counteract).

Some people are just really sensitive to aspirin. I can't even take ONE without bruising horribly. If you can't take it, that's ok, remember most of the baby girls ever conceived were without benefit of aspirin.

okay thanks for some reason aspirin scares me blood disorder's run in my family and my mom has a bleeding dissorder. also when I had my boy's right after they were born they had to put shots in my legs to help stop some of my bleeding. I don't have a bleeding dissorder but the spirin scares me so I probably won't take it unless I can take it for a short amount of time unless it's not gonna do anything and be pointless.

December 12th, 2012, 02:56 PM
LacePrincess - You're from Ontario!? Me too!! Very cool!

Do we have to chart of temps and do OPK'S? I was just planning on taking an OPK and BD right around the almost positive/positive OPK.. that's not enough to trust that I'm going to ovulate? My cycles have been regular recently (they were a little wonky as I stopped BFing my son 6 months ago) but the last 3-4 months they've been either 28 or 29 days. Will a +OPK be enough to go by? No i'm worried I should have been charting temps. Totally jumped on the sway wagon way late!

The Anchor
December 12th, 2012, 03:03 PM
I was never any good at charting, but my cycles have always been pretty regular (except when I'm trying to conceive, apparently!). I would say do 2 or 3 OPKs a day until you get a positive. That lets you know you will O in the next 12 - 36 hours.

December 12th, 2012, 03:15 PM
Cool, MsBlakely! *waves* Seems like there are so many Aussie and UK ladies here it's nice to meet someone close to home! :)

And no, of course you don't have to chart. Especially not if it stresses you out or you have erratic sleep patterns. It's just another monitoring method, and especially for boy moms we tend to be obsessive anyways so charting just gives us something to feel like we're in control.

You can give it a try if you like, don't worry about it if you find you don't like it. OPK's are more than fine. The only thing with OPK's is that it doesn't confirm O as only a temp shift after O can confirm, but you can also chart CM/CP and that can also give you a good idea of O.

Charting is a very useful diagnosis tool and completely free (except for the thermometer), so I certainly encourage people to chart as you can read a lot of information in a chart (like hormone and cycle imbalances, signs and symptoms of estrogen or progesterone issues).

atomic sagebrush
December 13th, 2012, 12:58 PM
okay thanks for some reason aspirin scares me blood disorder's run in my family and my mom has a bleeding dissorder. also when I had my boy's right after they were born they had to put shots in my legs to help stop some of my bleeding. I don't have a bleeding dissorder but the spirin scares me so I probably won't take it unless I can take it for a short amount of time unless it's not gonna do anything and be pointless.

You should not be taking aspirin anyway, nor should you take cranberry.

atomic sagebrush
December 13th, 2012, 01:00 PM
LacePrincess - You're from Ontario!? Me too!! Very cool!

Do we have to chart of temps and do OPK'S? I was just planning on taking an OPK and BD right around the almost positive/positive OPK.. that's not enough to trust that I'm going to ovulate? My cycles have been regular recently (they were a little wonky as I stopped BFing my son 6 months ago) but the last 3-4 months they've been either 28 or 29 days. Will a +OPK be enough to go by? No i'm worried I should have been charting temps. Totally jumped on the sway wagon way late!

No, not at all and in fact for some pink swayers, it's better not to chart because all the numbers and charting can be like starting a new project, meaning it may raise T levels to do it.

December 13th, 2012, 01:32 PM
You should not be taking aspirin anyway, nor should you take cranberry.

ya I decided not to take those.