View Full Version : Some timing advice please :)

December 9th, 2012, 09:13 AM
Hi ladies,
We will be ttc pink in the latter half of next year, and I'm still trying to get my ideas together for my sway plan. I want to try after my big 3 0, however my current cycles appear to be about 32ish days long and that puts my birthday in the middle of the first week of the le diet, and I want to be drunk and eat BBQ on my birthday!! ;)
I really don't want to delay an extra month either. So, I see my options as:
1) don't panic, celebrate my birthday as I want to and be really good for the rest of the 6 weeks.
2) go back on the pill now to move my cycle to a better time.
I should add I've only had 2 af after I stopped breast feeding my beautiful little blue bear, and had been on the pill for about 14 years before then (my baby blue was a ohw after 1 af off the pill) , so really wanted to give my body a break. It is possible my cycle could change again (lengthen, shorten) so it may not be an issue, just wanted your opinions!
Also really dumb nubie question, but how do I make sure I see replys to posts?
Thanks in advance x x x

December 9th, 2012, 09:25 AM
Welcome to GD!

It's FAR too soon to panic! I can tell you're a boy mom already worrying about something so far out. ;)

First off, your cycles might be very different by fall next year, especially if they're still adjusting post bf'ing. And not every cycle will be exactly the same - even one super short or extended cycle will throw everything off. We're talking more than 10 months from now, seriously don't worry about it yet.

Second, for your bday, *if* the timing is such, it doesn't matter. Go out and enjoy. One day does not undo 6 weeks of work. And we recommend you cheat a few times anyways, for your own sanity (so you don't snap and totally lose control) and also for your stress levels. Trying to be TOO perfect on the sway only raises your cortisol and testosterone which can ruin the sway anyways.

I would definitely not recommend going on the pill. Your body can take forever to readjust after getting off the pill, and you don't want to risk not being able to ttc when you want because the bcp has made your hormones all screwy.

Bottom line is, relax. I realize I'm being a total pot calling the kettle black here, but seriously, don't even worry about celebrating your bday!!

To see your threads you can go to your user profile under Subscriptions. :) And do join us on the girl sway boards, you'll find lots of support and help here.

December 9th, 2012, 02:07 PM
Thank you x

atomic sagebrush
December 12th, 2012, 03:03 PM
No need to delay your sway, cheating on birthdays is mandatory on LE Diet!!!