View Full Version : Help! Need some advice ASAP please!

Southern Butterfly
December 10th, 2012, 09:24 AM
I'm not suure what's going on but when I checked cm this morning it was very watery with a little stretchy ew mixed in. Cervix was also higher than yesterday and medium open (closed yesterday), temp also dropped this morning. I'm worried that I'm about to have a majorly early O! I decided not to use OPKs because they tend to stress me out trying to get it right. I'm only on cd 9 and don't usually O until around 13-16. I figured due to my early m/c last cycle along with the saw palmetto m O would be delayed if anything.

I took zyrtec this morning and am chugging diet coke/cl. Last night I used a full dose of Rephresh. I feel like Oing early wouldn't be a big deal EXCEPT we were planning an abstinence and we just DTD on Friday (pulling out) in order to do a 6 day abstinence but if I am about to O very soon that's only 3 days which is bad for pink. DH is working a lot of overtime so I know he will be too tired to do a release tonight then try and BD. I don't know what to do! If we BD tonight and its a fake O then I've messed up the abstinence for no reason, but if we wait then I risk missing O. :think:

atomic sagebrush
December 13th, 2012, 12:38 PM
I am SO SORRY that I was not able to get to this sooner.

Girls and boys are conceived with all sorts of frequency patterns. I really think frequency sways very little in the grand scheme of things (when you're doing other things to sway) and does not deserve the amount of stress and effort that people devote to it.

If you have a good sway in other ways (which, you did antihistamine, RepHresh, saw palmetto, and coming off a m/c, it will be) then I would have no qualms about DTD.

I got my girl with perfect boy frequency.