View Full Version : Chemical Pregnancies Common?

December 12th, 2012, 03:03 PM
I feel like every thread I'm on someone is writing about having a chemical pregnancy. I've never heard of so many people having them. Is there anything that people are doing on here that is upping the chance of that, or is it just because we are watching cycles so closely that you notice?

Just curious! I'm sorry to all the women on here that have experienced it!

The Anchor
December 12th, 2012, 03:05 PM
IMO, most of the girls here are simply trying to conceive (albeit a desired gender, but conceiving is #1!). So a lot of women become POAS-aholics. A chemical happens when an egg is fertilized, but bub never really "settles in", a very early m/c. I bet that a lot of women out there don't even suspect they were pregnant.

December 12th, 2012, 03:10 PM
Yes, unfortunately very common. It's not that you're more likely to have a chemical when you're actively TTC, it's that you just notice them more because you're paying attention. And all the early tests available now really don't help, in the old days when a HPT wouldn't become positive till minimum 14dpo chemicals would've just been assumed to be regular AF's.

Something like 53% of successfully fertilized eggs fail to complete implantation successfully. In other words, it is more common than not to have a chemical. Depressing but humans are still obviously a rather prolific race, lol, it just means Mother Nature is awfully picky about her beans. I really don't think early tests are necessary a blessing for just that reason because it leads to so much grief when otherwise you might never have known.

December 12th, 2012, 04:51 PM
Yes chemicals are common. But as the others have said, it's because we are closely monitoring our bodies and actively ttc that we are noticing when they occur. If you frequent any other forum or group of women ttc then you'll find a lot of women on there/in that group that are experiencing the same thing.

It's very painful though and an awful thing to get your hopes up and then have then come crashing down and I personally felt like a bit of a failure as a woman that I couldn't carry my baby to term. But they are common and you just have to realize it is no fault of your own that it happened. It's given me an understanding on what women who have miscarriages later in gestation go through. It's really upsetting at an early stage so those women must really suffer. Lots of love to those who have lost babies. Xoxo

December 12th, 2012, 08:57 PM
I got a BFP 11DPO last cycle and did not have my chemical until I was 5 weeks along. I have one DD and did not really know what a chemical pregnancy is and then I read how common they are. I feel for every woman that has experienced a loss or that struggles with fertility. I kept thinking I did something wrong...

Now I keep reminding myself that I can get pregnant and that I will again soon. I am now 6DPO and am happy I ovulated after my chemical. Now I am in the 2WW hoping for a BFP and a sticky bean!!!!

December 12th, 2012, 09:10 PM
Unfortunately yes. It's estimated that all women will have at east one, but most women will never notice it. Only because we so closely monitor our bodies do we realise what's happening. And Lace is right, it's over 50% of eggs that for some reason don't fully implant. It's sad, but hopefully it just means we get the best bean in the field, if you get what I mean!

Just got to remember it has nothing to do with your overall fertility and it doesn't mean you can't have a healthy baby. It can be hard, especially if you've been TTC'ing a long time or have had it happen before, but most of us, thank God, end up with happy, healthy babies in our arms!

atomic sagebrush
December 14th, 2012, 10:16 AM
We've def. had a run on them the last 2 months for some reason. I think it's primarily bad luck because some blue swayers have had them as well the last couple months and people also had them all the time on IG, but we are playing with hormones and blood sugar and I don't rule out that swaying may increase the risks of chemicals at least to some extent.

Medical research indicates that chemicals are super duper common as the PPs all mentioned, so it may be just a case of testing before a missed period is revealing things we never would have known about otherwise.

atomic sagebrush
December 14th, 2012, 10:16 AM
We've def. had a run on them the last 2 months for some reason. I think it's primarily bad luck because some blue swayers have had them as well the last couple months and people also had them all the time on IG, but we are playing with hormones and blood sugar and I don't rule out that swaying may increase the risks of chemicals at least to some extent.

Medical research indicates that chemicals are super duper common as the PPs all mentioned, so it may be just a case of testing before a missed period is revealing things we never would have known about otherwise.

atomic sagebrush
December 14th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Oh and when I had a chemical I wasn't even swaying.