View Full Version : OMG - Only 6 weeks and already huge - How the ell will i hide it for 10 more weeks !?!?

December 13th, 2012, 03:44 PM
My new mindee doesnt start until January 7th and then needs to be here 5 weeks before I can announce the pregnancy to her so that takes me to Monday Feb 4th probably the 5th just to be sure but by then i wil be over 14 weeks and aring in mind how big i already am and how huge i was last time at just 12 weeks im now worrying that trying to keep this a secret isnt a good idea
I cnt tell her now though and risk loosing my monthly income especially as im only 6 weeks and things could realistically still go wrong.
Im stressing so much about it as if i loose her i loose my main income but i feel terrible not telling her and giving her the choice to find someone else to look after her little one :-(
Sorry to moan ladies i think i need to invest in some of those poncho type baggy things !!

December 13th, 2012, 03:49 PM
You need to put your boys and your baby first. Go buy some baggy tops, she won't have the guts to confront you that early on unless you give any signals to show you are. I'm not showing really this time round, just look like i've put a little weight on - way smaller than last time, so you may not grow as quickly as your worried you might, and remember you have come off le so you may be a bit bloated or just put on weight you have lost x

December 13th, 2012, 03:52 PM
I personally don't think it's any of her buisness at this point ... I think u have every right o wait till 12 weeks... You are only six weeks still tech high risk for miscarriage... And most people don't tell their job till after 12 weeks anyways

December 13th, 2012, 04:03 PM
I hid my second baby my second boy for four months and no one asked me I just wore the baggy clothes. If anyting she just might think you have gained some weight from the holiday's.

December 13th, 2012, 04:03 PM
I don't think most people have the nerve to ask if someone is pregnant even if they think it. Hide what you can, use the everyone gains at the holidays excuse, and try not to worry about her finding someone else-she'll still have plenty of time.

December 13th, 2012, 06:39 PM
You sound like a very honest person (which is a good thing) but this is your and your DH news for now. You don't have any responsibility to tell anyone else. I'd also wait until you are at least 12 weeks. Love the suggestion of blaming it on holiday weight.