View Full Version : IU and swaying girl

December 20th, 2012, 12:44 PM
I have 2 boys and would love to have our last be a girl. We were diagnosed with Unexplained secondary sub fertility and my RE recomended we try IUI. Is there any swaying I could do that could help me TTC a girl? Would the diet help? Anything else?

December 31st, 2012, 10:11 AM
Atomic or one of the other swaying smarties will have better advice, but I would think that if you follow the LE diet and do what the regular swayers do (and the stuff they have their DH do) to sway girl you would have as much of a chance as anyone to have a girl.

I know a girl who had a boy through IVF and then had twin girls through IUI. IMO, I think is just a manual way of timing things better than DTD so it increases your chances of getting pregnant - which is a good thing!!

Personally, I would attempt IUI before you go to the extent of IVF. If you can get prego with IUI instead of the cost of IVF, why not??

Good luck! Keep us posted on how it goes.