View Full Version : How does high testosterone in dh sway blue? or does it even?

April 4th, 2011, 08:33 AM
I know for us T sways blue but i see that we want to reduce dh testosterone and was wondering how it sways blue??

atomic sagebrush
April 4th, 2011, 12:16 PM
Yes, DH needs to lower his testosterone too! It lowers sperm count and sways pink that way! Licorice is a good supp for DH because it also raises his estrogen level.

Normally high testosterone levels (as in, guys who have high testosterone NATURALLY and not because they took steroids and other illegal supps) cause production of higher numbers of sperm and more sperm seems to cause more sons to be born.

Oddly, guys who do take steroids actually have way more daughters despite their testosterone because steroids affect the testicles in a negative way and lowers sperm production/quality.

April 4th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Thanks Atomic! We will definately be using LR because dh MUST have high T. He is very loud,angers easy,easily frustrated,over reacts to things like if he drops something he is yelling every bad word around ect.He seems to have a average sex drive though and even able to handle infrequent sex like once or twice a week without releasing on his own so I dont know.I have had the discission with him on how he needs to relax and not just for swaying sake lol He would never hurt me or the kids but he is just so high strung sometimes so that must mean high T right?

atomic sagebrush
April 5th, 2011, 09:52 AM
You know, there are so many variables involved that it can be hard to tell. I would say probably but then again things like how you were raised have a lot to do with how you react and what your coping skills are. (He sounds like me though ;))

April 6th, 2011, 12:28 AM
omg my dh for sure had high test and i wish i knew of a way to get it down with out him taking pills because he will not!