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December 26th, 2012, 07:40 PM
That there was my brain exploding.
I...don't know where to begin. Let me start with the basics. Mother of two boys, 2 and 6 months. My Hobby comes from a family with alotta boys. He has three brothers. I feel like we'll never get a girl without swaying. I was originally going to do the IG diet but LE sounds better and more promising. But..I'm still nursing my babe and I realized in depleting my nutrients I would be too. So I have some questions that I don't know if you can answer. But you seem like swaying brainiacs so I have faith!

December 26th, 2012, 07:42 PM
Welcome, and you will get good advice on here!!!! Good luck in the 2013!!!!

December 26th, 2012, 10:26 PM
Welcome :) i had to check out the brain explode ;) you will get your head around it all in no time, all the ladies are super helpful so dont be afraid to ask questions.

December 27th, 2012, 04:23 AM
Hi! All i know is that you have to be super super depleted will you get depletions in your milk....
It is possible to eat according to the le diet without getting depleted i think, most important is that you'll loose some weight, keep your blood sugars low and lower your nutrient intake. Think that is possible while BFing. And if you doing it for only six weeks i would not be so worried about it. You must be more cautious in the supplements you are considering to take, if you want to take supps.

Am sure atomic can help you with this. I think i'll go for a personalized plan if i were you!

December 27th, 2012, 05:18 AM
I did the LE diet whilst nursing (twice a day). I ate 100g of chicken twice a week to keep my protein up for my milk supply, and also drank RLT. My supply stayed high, but I did avoid antihistamines as those can dry up the milk supply and I had to avoid other supps I wanted to take (aspirin and saw palemtto) as those aren't safe when BF.

if you're only nursing a little bit I'd personally advise waiting until you stop so you can do a stronger sway, as if you're only feeding a couple of times a day it really won't be taking many nutrients from you but will still prevent you doing the hormone lowering.

December 27th, 2012, 08:32 AM
Thanks guys! Is it only necessary to be on the diet for six weeks? I read sways of people being on them forever. I checked with Pharmacy and Motherrisk. The ingredients in the Sudafed are considered safe. I'm a Vegetarian so I dont eat meat. I usually eat soy based protein but heard that sways boy. My son is still very much actively nursing. He nurses around the clock every 1-2 hours. But I heard that sways pink too! The goal I read was to lose as much weight as quickly as possible. Would you ladies suggest I wean off salt and lose a few pounds slowly until the six week mark or try to save those lbs for those weeks so there's more to lose?

atomic sagebrush
December 28th, 2012, 12:06 PM
IG Diet is not compatible with breastfeeding so if you want to continue, LE is the way to go.

Low nutrients does not mean NO nutrients and if you're not having enough nutrients for BM, it just tends to dry up. You aren't harming or depleting your baby in any way (esp. once past the 6 month mark) by doing LE Diet. If you're concerned, just add in a vitamin drop with DHA for your baby.

It is believed that gender ratio is NOT genetically predetermined, altho some families may have genetic factors like more muscle mass that could then, in turn, sway.

Hit me with the q's! There's a reason for everything we advise.

December 28th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Okay thanks! That makes me feel better. I had a ton of questions but my brains gone blank. I did have that question I posted in the main forum in regards to Progesterone and Lime. And the one I asked about dieting. Do you think I could lose a few pounds healthily than do the LE? Or do you think a wam bam woukd be better? Im planning on ttc in April. I dont want to be on the LE and have a halt in losing weight.

December 29th, 2012, 04:27 AM
it's not so much the ingredients of the sudafed that are a risk (and Actifed is considered the safest decongestant for breastfeeders), but that they may dry up your milk. It wouldn't harm your LO, but might be inconvenient if they depend on the feed and the milk goes

December 29th, 2012, 07:54 AM
it's not so much the ingredients of the sudafed that are a risk (and Actifed is considered the safest decongestant for breastfeeders), but that they may dry up your milk. It wouldn't harm your LO, but might be inconvenient if they depend on the feed and the milk goes

Ohhh yes. I will have to keep an eye on that for sure!

atomic sagebrush
January 1st, 2013, 05:25 PM
Oh and I don't like Sudafed because it's not safe for women themselves, nothing to do with breastfeeding. Sudafed has been linked to strokes in otherwise healthy young women.

Most people do diet for 6 weeks and then often take another few months to get pg.

You don't have to lose as much weight as possible - any weight will help. I only lost 3 lbs right before I got pg with my DD.

atomic sagebrush
January 1st, 2013, 05:27 PM
Okay thanks! That makes me feel better. I had a ton of questions but my brains gone blank. I did have that question I posted in the main forum in regards to Progesterone and Lime. And the one I asked about dieting. Do you think I could lose a few pounds healthily than do the LE? Or do you think a wam bam woukd be better? Im planning on ttc in April. I dont want to be on the LE and have a halt in losing weight.

I answered the prog and lime q and I do think it's fine to lose weight however you would like, it still sways. Maybe not as much as the full LE Diet but still, any time you cut back on food intake it's going to sway pink to some extent.

We honestly don't know what's best, hitting it hard or slow and steady. It has seemed that the longer on diet, the higher success rate, even when people go at it pretty hard for a couple weeks it doesn't seem to be enough. People have seemed to have better success doing milder diet for longer rather than stricter diet for shorter - I do NOT have firm data to back that up, but that's the trend I'm seeing over the last year.

January 3rd, 2013, 10:52 AM
Hi, I'm another mum to 2 boys trying to wrap my head around it all! Good luck on your journey!

January 3rd, 2013, 11:31 AM
People have seemed to have better success doing milder diet for longer rather than stricter diet for shorter - I do NOT have firm data to back that up, but that's the trend I'm seeing over the last year.

I know you can't answer with exact figures, but how long is long on the diet? I'm just curious as it's coming up for 20 weeks on the diet for me and I'm hoping that that takes me into that 'category' of the trend that you've noticed ikykim. It offers some comfort for so many failed attempts! :-)

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atomic sagebrush
January 4th, 2013, 08:50 PM
3 months +