View Full Version : Low post O temps

January 6th, 2013, 07:01 PM
Does anyone know what low post O temps mean?

My chart this month is looking really strange... Im day 24 now. I got a positive OPK on day 16 and thought I had ovulated on day 17 based on this, however my temps didn't really rise much at all, some were above but some were under the cover line, until today which is a bit higher and looks more like a normal post O temp.

I usually see a significant post O shift so its obvious when O happened, however I didn't even think I had ovulated this month based on the low temps, however FF has just put O date and the cover lines in today after my higher temp and is showing I ovulated on day 17.

What do these low temps mean? Is is a particular hormone that I might be low in to have such a weak leutal phase? Im only 7 days post O now, so not sure how long my LP will be, but im guessing low temps aren't good for sustaining a pregnancy?


January 6th, 2013, 08:50 PM
It's entirely possible (especially if you're on Vitex or Saw Palmetto) that you may have not ovulated yet. I had a positive opk - digital even! - at CD16 and didn't ovulate until CD23! The only way I knew was through my temps. :)

Have you got a pic of your chart at all?

January 6th, 2013, 11:59 PM
I do, but im not sure how to post it? Is it as simple as copying and pasting a link from when I am in FF looking at my chart?

atomic sagebrush
January 13th, 2013, 03:19 PM
I do, but im not sure how to post it? Is it as simple as copying and pasting a link from when I am in FF looking at my chart?

Bumping for a technical person to chime in.

I'd like to see your chart to be able to totally comment with confidence - I suspect by now AF has arrived and we have a handle on when you really Oed.

Some months are just weird, unfortunately.

January 14th, 2013, 09:23 AM
I do, but im not sure how to post it? Is it as simple as copying and pasting a link from when I am in FF looking at my chart?

In FF: Menu Command "Sharing" --> Get Code

Choose bbCode Code: Either Chart Thumbnail for clickable pic of your chart or Simple Link and copy and paste in here. ;)

January 17th, 2013, 04:20 AM
<a href="http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/1a8664" style="font-size:smaller;" >
<img src="http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/1a8664/thumb.png" />
<br /> My Ovulation Chart</a>

January 17th, 2013, 04:22 AM
In FF: Menu Command "Sharing" --> Get Code

Choose bbCode Code: Either Chart Thumbnail for clickable pic of your chart or Simple Link and copy and paste in here. ;)

Thank you for your help!

I've attached my chart, and yes AF has arrived. LP was 11 days, is this ok? And my temps were diff to normal, there was no definitive temp shift after O, does this mean anything?

January 17th, 2013, 04:50 AM
Forgot to mention, I'm taking vitex cd 1 till 12 as it delays my ov, prior to vitex I would o around day 14 but now it's about day 17 usually.... I've been on it 4 months.

atomic sagebrush
January 19th, 2013, 08:18 PM
11 day lp is not ideal but still should be okay.

I think you're a bit lower in both prog and estrogen so you low was high and your high was lower than normal. less of a noticeable difference in temperature. that may be good for your sway.

January 19th, 2013, 09:17 PM
Thanks AS!