View Full Version : would you delay ttc if not taken folic acid for full 3 mths beforehand?

mrs magoo
January 7th, 2013, 01:28 PM
ive woken up in middle of the night worried - just realised im not taking folic acid yey and as im TTC march was thinking oh ive got 3 mths once i get my plan ill start all the supps including folic acid and that'll be fine. but now i realise if i ttc march the egg is basically 2 mths away and is that enough time of folic acid if i start tomorrow?? ive always read you should take folic acid or pre-natals incl. folic acid (if not LE i guess) 3 mths before TTC. i realise ppl fall pregnant by accident etc but when you know you are TTC of course you want to plan to give best your baby the best start and chances. i feel awful now. is 2 mths time enough or do i need to delay TTC? my understanding is an egg takes 3 mths to develop....

maybe im just being an ott crazy ttc'er already!

January 7th, 2013, 01:30 PM
I think 2 months is plenty of time, you will be getting some through diet anyway

The Anchor
January 7th, 2013, 01:34 PM
You should start taking it right away...my doc always told me to take FA even if I wasn't TTC to cover off any OOOPS. It's true about eggs taking 90 days to mature and it's a FACT that FA prevents neural tube defects.

mrs magoo
January 7th, 2013, 09:08 PM
Ok that got one today it's folate with iodine blackmores brand (aus). Folate 500 and iodine 150. They ok levels with ttc girl?

January 8th, 2013, 10:24 AM
Two months is fine. I understand how you feel though. With my first son I didn't start until I got pregnant, just had to console myself with the fact that many people have healthy kids without taking folate supplement and have done so since the dawn of man.

January 8th, 2013, 10:39 AM
I didnt start taking it with my 3 till I knew I was preg :( my middle son is autistic and I'm pretty sure my Ezra is too... I have no idea if frolic acid helps with it but I was taking it for about 2 and a half months before I got preg with my current pregnancy... I think two months is fine I don't think I would delay ttc

January 8th, 2013, 11:13 AM
I wouldn't delay ttc. 2 months is long enough IMO. I would probably take a higher dose though, especially if on a swaying diet.

atomic sagebrush
January 8th, 2013, 11:19 AM
Nope, not at all. 2 months is plenty. The really important thing is that you take it during the first trimester. Taking it before pg is a very very recent thing - even when I conceived my DS 3 5 years ago they weren't as big into that as they are now.

atomic sagebrush
January 8th, 2013, 11:21 AM
I didnt start taking it with my 3 till I knew I was preg :( my middle son is autistic and I'm pretty sure my Ezra is too... I have no idea if frolic acid helps with it but I was taking it for about 2 and a half months before I got preg with my current pregnancy... I think two months is fine I don't think I would delay ttc

Just to put your mind at ease, autism rates are going up and taking folic acid before pg is also going up, so I seriously doubt it was any lack of folic acid that caused your sons' autism, if you see what I'm saying.

With my two older boys NO ONE took folic acid before pg. They didn't even know about it with my oldest son. Please don't beat yourself up over it, it was nothing you did or didn't do.

atomic sagebrush
January 8th, 2013, 11:22 AM
You should start taking it right away...my doc always told me to take FA even if I wasn't TTC to cover off any OOOPS. It's true about eggs taking 90 days to mature and it's a FACT that FA prevents neural tube defects.

True but it's when taken during pg that it really seems to make the biggest difference. I'm NOT trying to prevent anyone from taking it pre-pregnancy of course, I think that's a great idea and I advise that everyone take it. I just dont' want anyone to despair if they didn't. :)

atomic sagebrush
January 8th, 2013, 11:23 AM
Ok that got one today it's folate with iodine blackmores brand (aus). Folate 500 and iodine 150. They ok levels with ttc girl?

that kind is great because the TTC pink diets are often pretty low in iodine. That having been said, it's best to take 1200-1600 mcg folic when TTC pink (because the diet tends to be lower in folic to begin with) and so I'd like you to add in a straight folic without the iodine as well. So I'd have you take one of the Blackmores (covering your iodine needs and 500 folic) and then 2 more straight folic either 400 mcg or 500 mcg to get you into the 1200-1600 range. HTH

January 8th, 2013, 02:28 PM
Yikes, I never took it with other of my DS's before getting pregnant. Just once I knew I was. I've been taking it for 5 weeks this time.. hope thats okay!

mrs magoo
January 8th, 2013, 02:50 PM
that kind is great because the TTC pink diets are often pretty low in iodine. That having been said, it's best to take 1200-1600 mcg folic when TTC pink (because the diet tends to be lower in folic to begin with) and so I'd like you to add in a straight folic without the iodine as well. So I'd have you take one of the Blackmores (covering your iodine needs and 500 folic) and then 2 more straight folic either 400 mcg or 500 mcg to get you into the 1200-1600 range. HTH

Oh thanks - will do!!