View Full Version : Recurring gender dreams :s

January 13th, 2013, 07:57 PM
So I'm only 6 weeks and for the last week literally every single night I have a dream that I go for my 20 week u/s and there is the potty shot and there is nothing in between the legs I look away for a split second and look back and there is a penis lol.... I know dreams don't mean any thing but it's really making me wonder... Any of you have gender dream? What are you having or had?

Rainbow baby
January 13th, 2013, 11:40 PM
I think it's just something on your mind that intrudes your thoughts/dreams...gender ultrasound! I had them too. My third I was told had 3 legs.... I looked at the tech and said "what do you mean it has 3 legs what's wrong with it will it be ok?....." he looked back and smiled," think about it for a min nothings wrong that I can see here". lol. At that point I couldn't care less if he had a penis or not, but I didn't want him having 3 flippin legs!
Back to your question all my gender dreams have been boy!!! In saying that I 98% expected boy and I am sure I had convinced my dreams too!!!! (See lucid dreaming yes it is possible...) I was only happy he was healthy need not matter a penis or not an extra leg now that was a bit of an issue!

January 14th, 2013, 03:07 AM
Often, and I'm not even pregnant! Lol!

January 14th, 2013, 08:17 AM
Ahhhh just woke up from another one lol.... I am naturally a very vivid lucid sleeper when I'm not pregnant....

January 14th, 2013, 03:49 PM
I had one similar dream. I was in the hospital with my newborn and she was wearing a dress and we were taking her to the little photo booth that our hospital has for "going home" pictures. You can lay your own blanket down in the basinnet to take the picture. I was laying down a pink blanket and said "Well, I guess we better double check that you are a girl before we do it all pink and dressy." And sure enough, when I unwrapped the diaper the baby was growing a penis. Lol.

But I had several dreams that we were told girl at the sonogram and how I reacted. All of my dreams were Pre-gender sonogram. It is a girl.

January 14th, 2013, 04:11 PM
I had one similar dream. I was in the hospital with my newborn and she was wearing a dress and we were taking her to the little photo booth that our hospital has for "going home" pictures. You can lay your own blanket down in the basinnet to take the picture. I was laying down a pink blanket and said "Well, I guess we better double check that you are a girl before we do it all pink and dressy." And sure enough, when I unwrapped the diaper the baby was growing a penis. Lol.
But I had several dreams that we were told girl at the sonogram and how I reacted. All of my dreams were Pre-gender sonogram. It is a girl.

Good to know lol! Our dreams seem quite similar

January 23rd, 2013, 09:56 AM
I keep having dreams they tell me at my ultrasound its a girl but I clearly see a penia or I argue with them that it can't be a girl because I can't make girls lol. I had ONE dream we were doing a gender cake and they said just a warning its. Boy, I cut into the cake and it was bright pink. :)

February 20th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Often, and I'm not even pregnant! Lol!

Same here!

February 20th, 2013, 10:26 PM
I do and it is the reason I think I am having a boy even though I feel like it is a girl and everything suggests girl. My dreams have spoken and they say boy

February 21st, 2013, 04:27 PM
I am really confused because I had dreams about referring to my new baby as girl ... but few dreams where baby had penis.....so what is it? lol. never had gender dreams with my DD but I was never anxious like this before.

February 21st, 2013, 04:35 PM
I just had another gender dream last night. When I was 4weeks and then again at 6 weeks I had two different dreams 1 about finding out it was a girl, and one where I had a toddler girl running around. Last night I had a dream about being at my gender scan and in my dream I was telling the tech and DH that I was sure it was a boy, then the tech said...."we'll let's find out...." And put the wand to my belly and just then my 2 year old woke me up, so I didn't get to finish the dream! Lol. However, after that dream I'm feeling more like its another boy!

March 3rd, 2013, 04:00 AM
Your posts are all so funny, I've been sitting here cracking up with tears running down my face! I'm only 5 weeks and has a similar dream to wanting-a-girl a few nights ago. I had just given birth and didn't know the sex - looked across and thought I saw girl bits but then glanced away and back again and there was a very obvious penis there instead! I felt bad all day after that.

March 5th, 2013, 07:54 PM
I keep having baby boy dreams...but I'm not sure if that's just because SIL just had a baby boy?? Or because I'm really wanting one?

March 5th, 2013, 08:08 PM
The other night I had a u/s dream and there was a very clear penis on the screen I am now convinced its a boy lol my girl vibes are gone

March 6th, 2013, 10:12 AM
I had the girl turning into a boy dream too. I think it reflects our reluctance to be hopeful!

March 12th, 2013, 05:40 AM
I gave birth to lots of cats and litters of kittens while I was pregnant!! Once I even gave birth to a fully grown tiger, I was damn impressed with myself to be honest!! LO hasn't got fur and a tail so read into that what you like.

March 19th, 2013, 08:25 PM
Lol ^^

I have had 2 very realistic dreams of my ultrasound and they tell me it's a girl and I cry and cry tears of joy. I also turn to my DH and tell him "I knew it! I knew it was a girl and none of them thought it was!" .. which is in reference to all the "boy lean" guesses on my nub shot .. Hahaha. :) will let you know in a few days wether those dreams were accurate. ;)

March 19th, 2013, 09:37 PM
With my first boy- I always dreamt that we adopted a boy. I also had a reoccurring dream that I gave birth to a little girl at home......put her in her crib to sleep.....then went about my day- forgetting I had a baby. When I would remember about the baby - I would sprint to the nursery and the baby girl would be dead.....every time :(. It was horrible!

With my second boy- I dreamt he was a boy from the beginning. I often dreamt of his little face. Just before the anatomy scan, I dreamt that I pulled the baby out by the leg, saw a penis, and then pushed him back in because it was too early for him to be born LOL!

With my current pregnancy (third boy)- I often dreamt of being at the ultrasound and being told "It's a girl". I was so over the moon and wished it wasn't just a dream. I think I just wanted to hear that so badly that that is where my mind went when I was dreaming. I really made myself believe that this one was a girl.

March 21st, 2013, 07:24 AM
For about a year now I have been having a dream about a little girl. In the first dream I gave birth to her, then every couple of months I will have a dream about her again. She is different ages in each dream, but she has the same name and she looks SOOOO much like my oldest son. We weren't trying to have another baby, we were happy with our 3 boys, so this pregnancy is a complete surprise to us. We both wonder if it is a girl though because of all of the dreams that I have had about Sophia Elizabeth. I am only 10 1/2 weeks right now, so it will be a while before I can find out.

May 5th, 2013, 09:58 PM
just before i found out i was pregnant this time i had an ultrasound dream - all i could see was the ultrasound screen and the words "it's a girl' flashing
i also a few weeks ago dreamt that i was going for a gender scan and i saw girl parts on the screen. the tech paused it for me so i could get a good look and then the dream ended.
fast forward to last night i dreamt that i was having an ultrasound again and this time i was having twins - a boy that had no pinkie fingers?? the tech wasnt gonna tell me the other baby's gender until i insisted and he let me scan myself and figure out that it was a girl.

the last one was the strangest by far - i never remember my dreams but a few months before i found out i was pregnant i saw a psychic who told me to take notice of my dreams because there is meaning in them. i have remembered most of them since

May 18th, 2013, 11:33 AM
With this pregnancy i have had both girl and boy gender dreams throughout my pregnancy. So I have no idea what im having!

May 18th, 2013, 08:26 PM
I have them all the time and I'm not pregnant yet lol. They are so vivid. I dreamt once that I gave birth in the same hospital I had my DS in (which isn't possible because they don't deliver babies anymore) and I saw her laying on the scale being weighed, and I could clearly see she was a girl. That dream was very long. I dreamt half her life. Had another where we had gender reveal photos done, with a box full of balloons, and when we opened it, blue balloons came out. I don't think they really mean anything, except that I think wayyyy too much about this stuff.

October 15th, 2017, 01:17 PM
Has anyone had dreams accurate for their first born then wrong with their second ?

Usually my intuition is strong and accurate with just about everything . However I can't help but hope my judgment is being clouded by my desires and sway .

Im 9 weeks pregnant and keep having dreams it's a boy . I've only had one dream that my midwife tells me it's a girl .

My first pregnancy was very similar all boy dreams except 1 and I had a wonderful little boy who lights up my life .

I'm really hoping my dreams are
Wrong this time . I'm scared of having to share my boy love to a second son .. I know it sounds terrible but I can't shake this fear . I really want a girl for my second and I'm getting a little sad that I'm probably having another boy . I know I'll love him but I know I'll always ache for a girl .

atomic sagebrush
October 16th, 2017, 03:18 PM
Dreams do not predict gender. Even if they seemed to in previous pregnancies. Dreams are our brain's way of making sense of our universe and sorting out our feelings so when we have gender desire it's only natural to dream about our baby's gender both hopefully and out of a sense of fear that we won't get what we want. It's not reliable, please do not stress over it.

October 21st, 2017, 01:52 AM
Dreams do not predict gender. Even if they seemed to in previous pregnancies. Dreams are our brain's way of making sense of our universe and sorting out our feelings so when we have gender desire it's only natural to dream about our baby's gender both hopefully and out of a sense of fear that we won't get what we want. It's not reliable, please do not stress over it.

38006 this might sound stupid but I'm wondering if anyone has ever guessed gender by the size of a fetus' foot size . I know it's very early but I couldn't help but notice how huge that foot in the photo looks . If you look closely you can see a bit of the foot print . I have tiny feet myself but my husband and son have big feet . would anyone else guess boy because of the foot size ?

atomic sagebrush
October 22nd, 2017, 05:18 PM
No, you can't tell gender based on the size of a fetus' foot on ultrasound.

September 15th, 2018, 01:10 PM
About a week ago I had two dreams that I had a boy, then last night I had a dream where I had three little girls (sisters but not triplets).

Honestly I will say, as silly as it may sound, that I felt quite shaken after the boy dreams, and after the girl dream I feel calmer and more optimistic.

June 29th, 2019, 02:35 PM
Sorry for the long post —-
I have attempted a couple
Times to make a Post on gender blood tests But for some
Reason it just won’t complete on the website end .
I have two questions with stories :
did you end up having a boy or girl ? I know this post is old but my
Dreams for the last two pregnancies were both accurate ( boys) . This time around I’ve had several girl dreams - 1 dream at the time around implantation seeing a girl turned around and I asked if she was mine then got excited thinking she was and telling her she was so beautiful . The next I was told by a psychic that it was going to be a girl . Then I just had random dreams of toddler girls
That were implied mine . I ended up going for a private gender blood test this time and it came back negative ( either female or not enough DNA ) well I thought I went in at exactly 10 weeks and I totally screwed up 😩 I was only 9weeks 6 day ... I don’t know how I messed that up . .so I have huge doubts that there was insufficient DNA . Since then I had one dream with a doctor explaining the results that it was a girl and another dream of a girl that looked like son #1 . Now I’ve had two super vivid dreams . 1st - me giving birth to a possible girl then it ended up having a penis and we concluded it was a boy and the second dream was ultrasound images posted on the walls with clear shots of a penis . NOw I’m freaking out and feeling very strong this is boy number 3 .

I’ve tried looking it up about fetal DNA at 9 weeks but all I can find is sneak peak advertising and I k ow that isn’t very accurate . I did my blood test through a lab at prenatal genetics but it is for 10 weeks or after . The don’t measure fetal traction just test for Y chromosome . Does anyone have experience or input on this ?

Also would love to hear about more gender dreams of those with multiples .

atomic sagebrush
June 30th, 2019, 10:56 AM
When they have insufficient DNA they come back with that finding. Several people have been told "insufficient DNA" specifically. I'm not sure based on what you're saying in the last paragraph, though...it sounds like this could possibly be some other type of test?

Some people do the Nip-T style tests sooner than 10 weeks. I know of a few people who did them during the 9th week and they were accurate (only one of whom I remember the user name and she deleted her posts, but she tested early in the 9th week, heard girl, and it was correct.) From what I read (no guarantees, but from what I read) the tests are accurate for gender earlier and they wait till 10 weeks+ to be sure about genetic issues. And one day shy of 10 weeks I would take that reading very seriously and expect a girl. I understand wanting to have every i dotted and t crossed, but there is not some magic switch that would get flipped at the 10 week exactly mark, the DNA amount would have been growing by the day all along and I strongly suspect that 9 weeks 6 days is practically the same as 10 weeks.

PS - how did you determine when you ovulated? For all you know you were in the 10th week anyway!

Again, dreams do not predict gender. It's just our brains messing with us. I have had into the thousands of people telling me their dreams and they did not predict their baby's gender...had both people dreaming of successful outcomes that had opposites and others dreaming of opposites that were actually successful sways. It is VERY common for us, even once we've heard gender, to have dreams of having an opposite!

June 30th, 2019, 08:13 PM
Thank you for the reply . You do have a good point about the different in one day and that is something that has crossed My mind .

I had an attempt on April 21st and got a positive opk on the 22nd . So when I did the test I was around 8 weeks from conception ( 9 weeks 6 days from lmp) . I didn’t do nipt just a private gender test through prenatal genetics centre in Canada . From what I understand NIPT will
Measure amount of fetal fraction/ fetal DNA in mother’s blood so if it is too low then the test comes back inconclusive and then they ask for redraw . but with this particular gender test that I took they only test for Y chromosome . If they don’t detect Y chromosome then it’s either a female or they did not detect enough DNA .
I did go to a lab to have blood drawn though . I wish I just waited a little
Longer .

I ended up calling the company and they said I should have done it at 10 weeks from conception ( which it does not state on their website ) on their website it only says 10 weeks or after and that they can detect the smallest amount of DNA . I find that quite confusing and misleading . I know with my last boy I took it at exactly 10 weeks or 10.1 weeks from LMP and it came back accurate and clearly detected Y chromosome early . . I know every pregnancy is different so I guess I’m just worried I didn’t have enough fetal DNA in my blood to detect accurately especially being at 9.6 weeks . I ended up ordering another test because im going crazy . Hopefully I get another female result .