View Full Version : ultrasound accuracy at 15 weeks?

January 15th, 2013, 09:55 AM
Hi ladiesI'm new here. I have 2 dds and currently 17 weeks with my 3rd. This pregnancy has been totally different and i feel like it's a boy, although that's probably my.mind playing tricks on me, because I know it's probably a girl. Any who, I've been having ultrasounds every few weeks due to a large cyst that had me hospitalized, plus i have hyperemesis and a picc line in my arm to give me fluids and nausea meds. At 13 weeks my ultrasound tech said every baby looks like a boy now, even though before they told me they look.likegirls. Then at 15 weeks, she said if she had to guess shed guess a girl, but I was on the very early end of being able to see, .
and told me not to tell anyone or shop yet especially since I didn't have a full bladder. But here's the weird thing, she showed me the 3 lines to indicate a girl? So with all her uncertainty even though we saw the "hamburger" do you still think i have a chance of hearing it's a boy? Or is this wishful thinking.

Thanks for your help!

January 15th, 2013, 10:47 AM
with my 16 week scan with DS2 you could very clearly see his "massive" winky.. if they get a good shot some skilled technicians can be accurate before that, but not guaranteed. Hope you have a boy in there who is hiding his winky somehow

The Anchor
January 15th, 2013, 11:27 AM
Well, 3 lines means girl. I always find the techs kind of tiptoe around, nobody wants to commit to any gender, it's against the rules or something, or they don't want to get sued for getting it wrong. I've never heard of 3 lines turning into a boy, did you get a clear look at it?

January 15th, 2013, 11:36 AM
I did not get a clear look, she was in that area for about a minute then left the area and didn't print out a pic of it

January 15th, 2013, 04:06 PM
I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant with DD#2, and if you can find any instances of the 3 lines turning into a willy, please let me know!! I've been searching ultrasound pics and wrong-gender stories since I saw the 3 lines at 18 weeks, and I can't find any. I've lost hope.