View Full Version : drano gender test

January 20th, 2013, 01:52 PM
We tried the drano test, i have never done this, my friend had it at her house so we decided to try for the first time, i did not get a pic because i did not wanna get too close to it because of the fumes.

The color was a dull green with a foam green on top, anyone know what green stands for? Boy or girl? I heard no change is girl and brown is boy but it wasnt brown and it did change to green.

Butterfly Spirit
January 20th, 2013, 05:00 PM
I've never done that one.

I did the baking soda, and red cabbage test.

They are just for fun though...

January 20th, 2013, 05:15 PM
Yeah i know theyre not accurate and just for fun :) Never did the drano test with my other 3, lol. This is new to me and i guess it was a bad idea because im reading so many different things indicating gender, lol. No fun if you cant even take a guess ;) not worth it! lol

I did the baking soda with my 3rd and it was wrong, ive never done the red cabbage test. I may have to try. This is my last baby so this is all just for fun!! :)

Butterfly Spirit
January 20th, 2013, 09:58 PM
There were SO many accurate red cabbage tests on youtube so I believed it was the absolute way to tell way before it was time to know gender...

Well.. I got a BLARING ruby red result! -Boy :)

It could not have been more wrong.

But yes, have fun with it!

April 12th, 2013, 02:48 PM
i did a drano test on my 13 weeks and result is that can you tell me what does this mean?10523
update: I did 20week ultrasound and having a baby boy