View Full Version : OMG, I'm starving!

January 21st, 2013, 10:46 PM
So, I just started implementing the No Snacking and only 2-3 meals a day rule in with my LE diet. I am shaky and SO hungry! This is the first day I skipped ANY caloric intake before noon (I was drinking a 1% milk latte at like 10 am before now. I know this is what low blood sugar feels like, and that's what I'm after, but it's not going to be an easy go for me. I'm on the 1200-1500 calories per day plan, since I have a good 40 lbs to drop and I want to try at the end of next month, and definitely vegetarian, since eating a ton of meat (well, eating paleo) got me DS2. The protein was so good at stabilizing my blood sugar that I almost forgot what this feeling was like!

I know this sounds like bitching about the diet, but it's not. I'm just venting. If it works, I'll be over the moon and look back at this effort as so little to get SO much in return. If it doesn't, at least I'll know I gave it my all.

January 21st, 2013, 11:03 PM
I feel your pain! Cutting out snacking and meat has been the hardest for me! Although everyday that I succeed in the LE diet gives me a point in the pink bucket, hopefully! We can totally do this!!! Lots of pink dust for the both of us!

January 21st, 2013, 11:25 PM
Lilith, are you aiming to drop to your lowest adult weight? I was really skinny at one point when I was 21 (39kg) I'm not sure I can get that low again :nails::nails:

January 22nd, 2013, 02:42 AM
I have been having some major headspins on the diet especially when standing up, so bad I have to hold onto something till it passes... For me tho, if I feel like that I will have a piece of dark chocolate to get me till dinner... Last thing I Would want is to faint and do myself harm... As long as I'm within my calories I do what I can to get me through...

January 22nd, 2013, 04:15 AM
Ladies it does get much easier, honestly!! It becomes second nature after a while. Chocolate's fine on the diet, but choose milk or white choc over dark as they're less nutritious. Have you tried diet pepsi/coke in the morning? Most mornings I can get by without it but today feels like a long time 'til lunch!

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January 22nd, 2013, 11:04 AM
My life saver was gum!

January 22nd, 2013, 12:02 PM
The diet is really hard in the beginning. It gets easier after the first week. Drink a diet coke after your meal. It will make you feel full. Good luck

January 22nd, 2013, 03:10 PM
Thanks for all the lovely replies, ladies! I actually gave up soda over 10 years ago and the last time I took a sip, I thought it was utterly vile. Guess I've gotten totally used to a MUCH lower sugar diet. So, no coke. I DID get a french press and start drinking decaf with a tablespoon of half and half (I know, it's fatty, but way less nutritious than the 1% milk lattes I was drinking all day on the IG diet!) Sadly, I can't do gum either because of my TMJ. So painful, but I might try to find some kind of sugar free candy to suck on. That would probably be helpful. I know I'll eventually get used to this. It's just such a hard beginning!

atomic sagebrush
January 24th, 2013, 11:51 AM
it got easier over the course of time

might be best to ease in gradual instead of all at once

atomic sagebrush
January 24th, 2013, 11:52 AM
Lilith, are you aiming to drop to your lowest adult weight? I was really skinny at one point when I was 21 (39kg) I'm not sure I can get that low again :nails::nails:

you don't have to, some people choose to

atomic sagebrush
January 24th, 2013, 11:55 AM
caffeine is allowed on le diet

half and half is ok too

it's low everything, not no eeverything...you need some fat for conception