View Full Version : is there something i can safely take while bf and swaying to decrease appetite?

April 9th, 2011, 12:30 PM
like i said i have been super hungry. i never feel full. i end up cheating because im starving and my husband ordered a pizza and even though i don't eat the normal 4 slices i end up feeling awful about it after. sooo im hoping there's maybe something i can take or do that will help with this.

April 9th, 2011, 01:16 PM
My usual thing would have just been a pile of buttered toast or a toasted tea cake (sweet white bread roll with raisins in, I don't know if there called the same thing everywhere) fills the belly but not a great deal of nutrition, and they both smell fantastic cooking!

atomic sagebrush
April 9th, 2011, 01:33 PM
You gave it such a good try but do you think you should do the French Diet instead??? I am always starving and craving carbs when I'm breastfeeding and I think it's making it harder for you to stick to the diet.

Other than that, I would throw the blood glucose stuff out the window and give myself permission to eat as much veggies as I wanted, and drink a lot of seltzer and diet pop. Along with taking some fiber supps if you're not already. It isn't much to go on, but I think it will help.

Just know that even with cheats here and there, you have def. sent a signal to your body that times are harder than they were, so you have accomplished that goal at the very least. I think you're doing a wonderful job.