View Full Version : Am I damned if I do & don't??

Deux Bleus
January 24th, 2013, 09:25 PM
If I'm someone that had a rich diet in:

Take away foods
Heavy dinners
Copious amounts of cheeses
Loads of crisps & cookies
Heaps of red meat
Loads of fats, sugars and proteins etc
Minimal fruits
Would constantly snack
Most days would go all day without eating anything until dinner time.

(I can see why I have DS'...)

My question is that although the LE diet will be lowering PH levels, making me lose weight & altering hormones, isnt a big factor about making our bodies think times are hard & that we arent supplying anything with too much value??

If this is the case, wouldnt the LE diet be making me more healthy & giving me alot more nourishment than my previous lifestyle?

Im eating no more junk food & having heaps of fruits, veg, fresh unprocessed food & yoghurts.
Im also eating through the day at the same times which I didnt do before.
I actually feel better already. Could that be making me sway blue unintentionally??

January 25th, 2013, 05:20 AM
I think it's the high calories, protein and fat that signal to your body times are good and food is plentiful to raise a son, cutting these back dramatically, no matter that you are technically healthier, will still make your body think, compared to what it was getting, that it is in a period of fasting. If you have a lot of weight to loose you are ahead of the game because you diet hard. Good luck!

January 25th, 2013, 05:48 AM
I just saw this post in the new threads list and thought I'd jump in! I used to worry about this too but Atomic explained it by saying that what is healthy for our bodies in terms of heart health (i.e. low fat, lots of fruit and veg etc) isn't as healthy for our production of hormones. Your body makes oestrogen and testosterone out of fats coming from red meat etc, so cutting these down IS actually making your condition "decline" in terms of fertility which is what we want with swaying pink, even though you feel like you're being "healthier" because of the vegetarian diet etc.

Atomic would also say that you get a lot more nutrition in one burger than you do from a plateful of broccoli, so if you're cutting out meat and sticking to the limits for cals, fat, protein and sodium & potassium, as well as skipping breakfast, you will be lowering your condition in the right way.

Good luck. x

atomic sagebrush
January 25th, 2013, 04:06 PM
we don't know.

heart health is not what is best for fertility and fertility is probably what sways

in the least diet faq essay there is a good explanation sorry I'm on my kindle now