View Full Version : Confused/losing hope

January 31st, 2013, 03:57 PM
I don't know where to post this but ttc related

SO my +opks were last week MTW TH...all very postive. We BD Fri, Sat, Sun and Thursday.

I got a very strong positive on my HPT Answer brand yesterday morning and I have seriously no clue how many dpo I am, and don't really care about that too much unless to determine viability of pg.

Went for blood work yesterday and they just called and said my HCG yesterday was a 7! Told me to hold off taking the progesterone and pg likely not viable and to come in Tuesday to check things out

So..how come my Anwser test was so positive yesterday? Do you think there is any hope here? This will be m/c #9, maybe 10 if I count the chemical last month. Is there any way blood tests are not as accurate as an Answer brand test :( I know thats so dumb but seriously..I don't get it.

January 31st, 2013, 04:08 PM
Okay let me see if I have your timeline straight.

You had a +OPK Mon, Tues, Wed, AND Thurs? Is that correct? That's a long stretch. Anyways, it's irrelevant as only the first one 'counts' so Monday (and remember the test line must be as dark or darker than the control for a positive on an OPK) and thus putting your O anywhere from Tues-Thurs.

I'm assuming here that your bd was starting on the Friday preceding your first +OPK to even have a chance here.

Anyways, if my math is right, that would have put you at only 7-8dpo yesterday. Which is incredibly early for a BFP. Was the Answer one the only HPT you did? Did you do a second one, an IC, or a FRER? Did you read the test after the time limits in the instructions (5-10min)? I'm really surprised that you could register a BFP if your blood levels were only at 7, as your urine HCG levels will always always be lower than your blood levels and the most sensitive HPT out there is only 10miu. And no, blood tests are always more accurate than HPT's. There's no way you could have a blood level of hcg of 7 and still register a BFP on a pee stick.

So I'm really thinking it was an evap, faulty test, or false positive. I would highly recommend you hold tight and wait a few more days, and test again if your temps stay up and AF doesn't show up. If AF does show up I wouldn't even call this one a chemical, with only 7 hcg in your blood that is low enough that some labs wouldn't even call that a positive, as some women have 'background' hcg all the time in their blood.

January 31st, 2013, 04:27 PM
Yes you have the time line right...good job, I know that was confusing!! And yes ITA that it was too early for a bfp but it was a strong pink positive and I took 2 of that brand, I do not have a FRER. There is no way that is an evap. If I wasn't so shaky right now I'd upload the pic.

I took the test in the morning and went for my blood mid afternoon. Did it drop that fast??

I think I will go get more tests. Should I do a FRER or a digital or what? I will show the picture of what I take and hopefully this will make some sense soon. Thank you so much for responding.

January 31st, 2013, 04:46 PM
Ok I'm glad I got it right! :)

It's up to you, but I would test with a FRER if you still don't have AF symptoms. If you get a big stark BFN on a FRER then it's safe to say the Answer brand ones were faulty.

I've heard mixed reviews and bad results with Answer brand so I stick with FRER's or the Clearblue digital ones that say Pregnant or Not Pregnant. The timeline just doesn't make sense in my mind, there's just no time to get a BFP at 7-8dpo and then have only 7bhcg on a blood test. Blood levels can't drop that fast and it also takes 2-3 days for your urine to reflect on your blood levels.

Good luck, and hang in there!

January 31st, 2013, 06:07 PM
So sorry to hear this Harley. It's all a very confusing situation it seems - sorry I don't have any insight as I'm not familiar with HCG levels etc. but I just wanted to say sorry as I'm sure you're very confused and frustrated. You've been so good with all my crazy questions, so feel free to PM me anytime if you just want to vent :)

January 31st, 2013, 06:28 PM

Hopefully this picture attached but the digital was positive as well as an Answer and a generic store brand. Still no FRER to be found in this land.

Any thoughts of why my blood would be a 7??

January 31st, 2013, 06:45 PM
This thread just caught my eye. Hope you don't mind me butting in. When did you do the digital and generic tests hun? Where they today. I'm not sure why your hcg was registering so low and I don't want to give you false hope because if af arrives you will be hurt but those tests do look positive to me. You must have at least a hcg of 20 for a digital to say pregnant. Keep us updated hun. Are doctors giving you are reason or explanation for why you've had so many m/c? Have they all been in a row or over the space of you child bearing years?

January 31st, 2013, 06:45 PM
And how many days past O am I for goodness sakes?:sigh:

My OPK was negative in the days leading up to Monday, like completey BLANK, and went back to BLANK on Friday!!

This is one of those pgs, I could never write a "this is my sway" for, because I have NO idea WTH happened!

January 31st, 2013, 06:47 PM
Harley, I'm really sorry that you're going through this. It's just awful for you. I don't really have any idea why your blood levels would be that low but enable you to get 3 postive hpts. I'm thinking of you and will keep checking in to see how you're getting on. :hugs:

January 31st, 2013, 06:49 PM
I just did the digi and the others within the last few minutes. So digitals only register a 20? I was hoping it was higher and my hcG was really a 70 but somebody goofed...I just don't know

I had 2 m/c in between the boys, the rest have been since then but a real streak over the last 2 years (including my 12 week old baby in October) which was by far the hardest. I apparently have blood clotting issues but I can never figure out if that is the problem, why I have 4 healthy children. They say levels can flucuate over time so idk.

January 31st, 2013, 06:50 PM
I'm just trying to work that out but I would say you are possibly 8 or 9 days dpo? Does that seem about right? I do think it's quite likely this is a pregnancy and that hcg will continue to climb. Let's hope so anyway. This uncertainty period is not fun for you. You poor thing.

January 31st, 2013, 06:53 PM
Thank you Dreamofpink...its just gets very emotional over time when you go through this over and over and I think I put alot of pressure on this cycle because feeling ready to just move on and put the baby dream away. :( So more important than ever, ykwim...and it just seems every loss compounds all the others and you just want to scream.

January 31st, 2013, 06:55 PM
I just did the digi and the others within the last few minutes. So digitals only register a 20? I was hoping it was higher and my hcG was really a 70 but somebody goofed...I just don't know

I had 2 m/c in between the boys, the rest have been since then but a real streak over the last 2 years (including my 12 week old baby in October) which was by far the hardest. I apparently have blood clotting issues but I can never figure out if that is the problem, why I have 4 healthy children. They say levels can flucuate over time so idk.

I'm not too sure what hcg digitals register but I 'think' they would have to be 'at least' 20 to show up positive? I could be wrong. I don't imagine a 7 would show up as positive, but then if your hcg was 7 yesterday and they double every 24 hours? I think, then it your levels could be around a 20 by now. Seems they are increasing? Which is a great sign.

January 31st, 2013, 06:56 PM
Thank you Violet, I think after these positive tests I can relax a bit and just pray pray pray like crazy :pray:

January 31st, 2013, 07:11 PM
Oh boy, those are definitely positive. And I'm pretty sure you would've O'ed last Wed or Thurs, putting you at 9dpo today.

If that's a Clearblue digital, the published sensitivity is 25miu. No store brand will advertise lower than 20miu anyways. Even the 'early' IC's say 20miu.

I dunno what to tell you, but I'm so sorry you're getting mixed results. :( I really hope you get some clear answers one way or another in the next few days, limbo stinks.

January 31st, 2013, 07:15 PM
Hoping it's just really early.

January 31st, 2013, 08:23 PM
You can't deny those + pregnancy test! It seems very unlikely you'd get a positive with several different brands - something has to be off with the bloodwork... it doesn't even make sense for that NOT to be the case.. my fingers are so so crossed for you!!!

January 31st, 2013, 08:32 PM
I know...I so totally agree.

My lines are usually very faint and you have to squint and they don't get darker, but I was SO happy yesterday that I got a BAM positive, I thought things would go better this time. They still can...just the damn lab went and rocked the boat!!!

Have you tested at all Mrs Blakely? Still wondering what will happen with you :)

January 31st, 2013, 09:34 PM
I know...I so totally agree.

My lines are usually very faint and you have to squint and they don't get darker, but I was SO happy yesterday that I got a BAM positive, I thought things would go better this time. They still can...just the damn lab went and rocked the boat!!!

Have you tested at all Mrs Blakely? Still wondering what will happen with you :)

No, according to FF I O'd on Monday so I'm only 4DPO so I won't be testing for a while.

Hopefully you can figure something to get your labs rechecked!!

January 31st, 2013, 09:47 PM
Darn it...only 4DPO? I got lost with all the temping. I only speak opk. :)

I am a total bad influence but can't you just test and see??? Maybe your hcg is a 7 too! LOL :) I hope you get a bfp at some point this cycle. FX :)

The Anchor
January 31st, 2013, 10:09 PM
That is SO strange...3 + tests? I just don't know what to say, but you're in my thoughts sister...

January 31st, 2013, 10:42 PM
THank you...I just don't know what to think. I really don't. Just when you think you are a POAS expert, something comes along to throw you for a loop. :(

I still just can't get over the hcg of 7. I told my dad who is a doc and of course he said to believe the lab. :eyeroll:

February 1st, 2013, 04:55 AM
Something is really throwing up a red flag for me and I would want more bloodwork and investigation if I were in your shoes. Two things that maybe could be going on with funky HCG levels (that I totally hope are not in your case) are an ectopic pregnancy or a molar pregnancy. I would not be comfortable just ignoring it or waiting. I would be pushing for more bloodwork and probably an ultrasound.

Good luck. My heart goes out for you!

February 1st, 2013, 07:00 AM
Sihaya, the issue here is that the HPT's don't reflect on the lab. I agree that wonky levels could mean problems in some cases, but here we're talking about conflicting hcg test results. No matter what, bhcg levels are always higher than urine hcg, and there's just no way that THAT many HPT's are all showing positive (of urine at least 20miu+) and blood's showing 7?

Harley, I'm starting to really think there was a lab mixup or error. Mistakes happen all the time. Can you get your blood redrawn? I assume you will be going back to the doc soon anyways. It's far too early for an u/s to show anything. You could also try to find one of those digital HPT's that reflect how far along you are, that'll at least give you an idea if your hcg levels in your urine are high enough to show your expected dates.

February 1st, 2013, 08:07 AM
LacePrincess, Since you are not the OP's physician, you don't know what the issue is here. I offered encouragement for her to seek more help and not let her doctor brush off her concerns. I did not make a diagnosis, just shared the things I would be concerned about if I were in the same situation. I agree that a lab mixup or error is likely and was concerned that if it wasn't human error, that the tests were giving an incorrect result due to some kind of unexpected situation.

February 1st, 2013, 09:13 AM
LacePrincess, Since you are not the OP's physician, you don't know what the issue is here. I offered encouragement for her to seek more help and not let her doctor brush off her concerns. I did not make a diagnosis, just shared the things I would be concerned about if I were in the same situation. I agree that a lab mixup or error is likely and was concerned that if it wasn't human error, that the tests were giving an incorrect result due to some kind of unexpected situation.

No I'm not the OP's doc, and I would never give her a diagnosis over the internet. Not anyone's place on these boards. :) My point was, let's not jump to any wild conclusions about anything horrible quite yet without any evidence or symptoms. Ectopics and molars are incredibly rare, I don't want Harley to freak out over such an unlikely occurrence without any other symptoms. I know you also did not make a diagnosis, but as we all tend to catastrophize and overstress over this TTC and pregnancy thing it's best not to assume the worst.

I too have encouraged Harley to go back to her doc and get more tests done. But there really is no point in an ultrasound at this point, but another bhcg is definitely in order to confirm what's going on.

February 1st, 2013, 09:23 AM
Your HCG had to have been 25 to show up on a digital. I know blood is more accurate but they do make mistakes. At 16 weeks pregnant I was told my levels were at 1800 and I was having miscarriage. Doctors words were "it sucks but it happens" so I left that emergency and went to another hospitals emergency. This time the nurse found the heart beat and told me the other doctor left off a zero on my levels...that was my DS3 and he was and is perfectly healthy. LAb reports/doctors do make mistakes.

February 1st, 2013, 11:11 AM
Lace princess...I have never heard of such a digital. What store are they usually carried in, do you know?

I"m going to wait till my appt on Tuesday to see what is going on. I know this not may make much sense but I need to re-group and monitor the poas so I am prepared for anything. Yesterday I was NOT prepared to hear "7" and I just need to see what happens over the weekend before I go back. I'm a chicken, I know. My period is not even due till Tuesday which is why this is so weird.

Its like on one hand, I'm worried my levels are too high (due to how early and strong I tested on Wed and I've read this can mean DSyndrome etc) and the other hand tht they are too low (lab test). I did talk to a friend who had a m/c and her hcg was a 6 in blood but she still had a + hpt.

So i am just going to carry on, keep poas (maybe try and find that fancy digital but not counting on finding that around here!! I can barely find a FRER) and go back Tuesday. I do have some slight spotting which is prob due to an exam and I'm in a bit of a dilemna if I should continue tthe progesterone, which they told me stop so maybe that will be somthing I call about today. I don't think they believe me I have a + hpt with an hcG of 7 so I already have a rep for a crazy person ;) But what can you do.

February 1st, 2013, 12:15 PM
:hugs: Harley, this sucks!

It's impossible to really know for sure the detection levels of your HPT's. I know the box will say 25miu or whatever, but there's still a range in the individual tests, some might test very low and some might test higher, and some might have a touch more dye in them, etc etc.

But with 3 different brands, it seems a pretty solid result to me!

There's also a huge range of bhcg levels that are considered 'normal'. It's not the level of hcg that matters, it's the rate of doubling. I know everyone thinks higher is better, and while higher is more reassuring higher doesn't necessarily mean a healthier pregnancy. You can have lower beta numbers and still have a perfectly viable pregnancy, as long as it doubles properly every 2-3 days. But you're unlikely to get so many labs drawn without a history of m/c or fertility issues.

And, you are still so early......unfortunately there's nothing to do but wait. However, I would definitely NOT stop taking that progesterone for sure no matter what the doc's office said! Because, if they are wrong or the lab simply pulled the blood levels too early, then you could trigger a m/c by stopping the prog. There's no harm in continuing except that it'll hold off AF longer if you're not truly preggo, so I'd definitely keep taking the prog until you see the doc on Tues and get more labs done.

The dated digitals are by Clearblue and they're like ridiculously expensive. I don't know if they're still around, but I used one 3 years ago and got them at any regular drugstore (I'm in Ontario, Canada).

February 1st, 2013, 12:38 PM
Well, my digital this morning says Not Pregnant. My Answer brand is very bold positive.

OMG....I think I will try and get new blood drawn today because this is ridiculous.

The Anchor
February 1st, 2013, 12:44 PM
I hope you get some answers!

February 1st, 2013, 01:06 PM

I really hope you can get your labs done today. Not knowing is just terrible.

The digitals are pretty reliable if they're the Clearblue ones though.....I'm really wondering if it was a very very early chemical (assuming you keep getting BFN's), and the box of Answer ones you have are super sensitive or something.

Still, so frustrating!!

February 1st, 2013, 01:18 PM
I'm really sorry you're going through this. I actually went through something similar a couple years ago, forgot all about it until I saw this thread. We were TTC my DS and I took a test (cheap dollar store test) that came up positive. In fact, several of them did. I don't remember how many dpo I was at the time. I went to the clinic and had a blood test, which came out negative (hcg less than 10, unsure of the exact number). The doctor explained to me that sometimes it can stick around in your urine longer than in your blood, so you might still get positive pee tests until it clears. The situation is confusing since you're only like 10dpo now, but if I had to guess I would say that maybe the egg fertilized but just didn't stick. I'm no doctor though. Hope you get some real answers.

February 1st, 2013, 10:55 PM
My only update is I did try and call for a new blood test but the nurse said that the doctor will see me Tuesday and to hang on till then. Which is fine. I wouldn't know the results till Monday anyway.

Used my last digital this afternoon and it said PREGNANT :rofl:

February 2nd, 2013, 01:36 PM
There's just no possible way you could have all these tests be positive. And if you're labs were accurate, you'd assume they would have fallen even more in which case you definitely wouldn't be getting a positive test. I have high hopes for you! :)

February 2nd, 2013, 04:55 PM
Thank you :)

I am starting to think we should just go back to the old rabbit test LOL...these digitals and labs just didn't help me much this cycle :) Just added mass confusion and questions for me.

February 2nd, 2013, 08:03 PM
Sorry to hear you are still going through ups and downs. Not much longer until Tuesday and you get some answers. Just 'try' and relax until then. I know it's hard! Been thinking of you.

February 2nd, 2013, 08:23 PM
Thanks Violet :HH:

February 2nd, 2013, 10:57 PM
hi just wanted to add the ept tests are very sensitive, i did one with my last son and beta the next day was 16, so they can pick up very early
good luck my fingers are crossed for you. Also if you were only about 8dpo then i would expect your numbers to be very low. CBE digis are not as sensitive as EPT!

February 2nd, 2013, 11:53 PM
I just really hope for good news. Will be interesting to see what numbers are.

Just can hardly believe some tests are that sensitive. Mine was the EPT digital. I have new respect for that test as well as Answer! Move over, FRER!!!

February 6th, 2013, 02:01 AM
Any update on this? Hope all is working out okay.

February 6th, 2013, 11:35 AM
Thanks Violet. I did have my appt yesterday and it didn't really go so well. The Dr kinda looked at my chart and at me, and said in not so nice terms that due to my age and history, it may be time to just move on from baby-making.

Unfortunately, I have been spotting quite a bit and I shouldn't of told her that because she then decided I was going to lose the baby and there was no point in doing bloodwork because I would know one way or the other anyway. :sigh:

She went on a bit about how at my age the ovaries just don't make adequate progesterone to sustain a pregnancy. She told me if I don't get AF by Monday, to start the progerterone suppositories at that time because if I started that now, it would just make things hang on a bit longer than necessary.

SO..now I wait. Besides have pre-noravirus anxiety disorder (LOL) I don't feel pg at all, zero symptoms so I just don't know. Usually for me, things fail quite quickly so I think I should know in a week or so if things will stick. I hope to settle into the pg rather than be a nervous wreck the entire time.

The Anchor
February 6th, 2013, 11:42 AM
JEEZ harley, what a nightmare! Sorry you have to go through this. I had a doctor actually refer to me as a "senior mom" (not my regular GP) and I just about lost my mind.

I've had zero symptoms for the first 4 weeks of pg with both of my kids. And spotting at week 4 with DS, for 2 weeks. Stay strong girlfriend.

February 6th, 2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks...I think the pre-noravirus anxiety disorder may actually be pg symptoms because after I eat anything, I'm just convinced I'm going to barf. Every growl my stomach makes...I"m positive its nora. If its a girl, may just have to call her Nora...its THAT bad!!! ;)

February 6th, 2013, 12:16 PM
harleyquinn sorry you had to go through that! I've dealt with some nasty Dr's in the past. They should really need to be tested for bedside manners before being allowed to practice. Like you really need there stress!

I hope everything works out I spotted for months with my first DS fingers crossed that everything works out for you! I think Nora is a perfect name by the way its tops on my list if we have another DD!

February 7th, 2013, 02:51 AM
Yep, I wouldn't be impressed by that doctor! Hope things become clear within the next week for you.