View Full Version : BCP question

February 1st, 2013, 07:28 AM
Hi Ladies,

I'm new around here and was hoping to sway
girl this late Spring/early Summer. I already
Have a dd (she's my oldest) and 2 DS. When
I conceived my dd I had been on birth control
for one year. After stopping, I got pregnant
on the second cycle. I'm just wondering if
it would improve my chances of getting a girl
if I go on the pill for a few months? I would want to
do the diet as well.

February 1st, 2013, 07:51 AM
in theory it could, but dependent on the pill. BCPs can increase SHBG (which makes sex hormones (androgens) less active in your body) and this doesn't always return to normal for a couple of years after stopping so would sway pink.

fertility can take a while to return to normal after stopping BCPs and we think that low fertility can sway pink

some BCPs are anti-androgenic but others do the opposite.

also, some find that symptoms of high T are worse after stopping than they were beforehand, and that high T symptoms can return "instantly" after stopping

if you're taking the same pill as before your DD, I'd give it a try again

February 1st, 2013, 08:52 AM
Any thoughts on the mini-pill, the "progestin only" pill? Is that worth going for 9 months before my sway attempt?

February 1st, 2013, 12:46 PM
Any thoughts on the mini-pill, the "progestin only" pill? Is that worth going for 9 months before my sway attempt?

I did seriously consider it for my sway, but I remember when coming off cerazette before (which is an anti-androgenic minipill, which would be good for swaying) my cycles were messed up and that could make the swaying cycles/attempts very stressful. however, cerazette is one of those where T-symptoms have been reported to be worse after stopping it than before taking it

personally I think it's a bit of a gamble sway-wise, as I only think it would properly sway if you conceive whilst still on it. However, I think that has risks of it's own and would be stressful too, so have decided against it

February 1st, 2013, 09:11 PM
Thanks Rainbow! I took orthotrycyclin with
my dd. the down side with it was that I would
get horrible migraines. I'm need to visit my
OB for my annual and will ask for a prescription
So I have it! Thanks again for your thoughts!

atomic sagebrush
February 7th, 2013, 08:12 PM
Great thread thanks