View Full Version : Budget friendly boy swaying???

April 11th, 2011, 09:12 AM
Hubby and I are on a budget for shopping and stuff like that.

Anyone have any tips for budget friendly swaying??? Whether it be food, supplements....anything you can think of. :wink:

April 11th, 2011, 09:58 AM
For my family... I have always wanted to provide meat, veggie, fruits, and pasta at normal set times. It is very hard but we have a system and we saved a lot of money. First most meats, fruits, veggies, and bread can be frozen for up to 6mths. Buy bulk meat, fruits and veggie in season, and everything else when the sales are great. Wrap meats and produce in a double layer of plastic wrap and then place in zip lock bag. We eat 2 chicken breast for normal dinners (with a little for hubbies lunch) so if we waited for it to be 99c-1.99 a lb, bought about 20-30 pieces of chicken, divided them into servings with plastic wrap, and froze them (all place in 1 large ziplock) we save a ton. Since we eat a lot of pasta we wait for the good (Italian mom-in-law aproved) pasta to go on sale and buy enough for the year, about 60 1lb boxes for $1 each and they are normally $3 each. Same for Organic Tomatoes and paste for our sauce, $1-$2 on sale.

Buying in bulk has it's problems... with storage and fears of wasting. My rule for shopping is making sure we have at least 3-6oz of meat a night, pizza making stuff for every friday, pasta making stuff for every sunday, seasoned fruits and veggies, a few canned soups for snow days, and junk food is a party thing. After doing the math on what we really need to provide balanced meals I realized that we would be saving 1/2 the money and not wasting anything. We don't buy stuff like premade sauces to flavor food even if it is on sale but since we normally have Ketchup and mustard I can use it for there normal use but also mix it together with some honey and use it as BBQ sauce and it taste better. We do have 2 frigs and a large pantry but I make sure everything is organized to prevent forgotten/lost items.

Our average shopping trip will be $50-$60 a week... buying sale items. A few weeks ago we bought 6 racks of baby back ribs for $40 it was an amazing deal and we were able to buy double the amount of ribs we would normally eat in the year. We are going to replace a few steak dinners with ribs.

So... plan your year ahead for things that can be frozen or placed in the pantry. Look in adds for the deals and coupons. Stock up on the sale items. Make smaller meals to prevent wasted leftovers.

April 11th, 2011, 10:08 AM
Which country are you in MMS? I am sticking with the basics for a budget blue sway. I am doing the TW style sway so am buying fruit and veg from the market. I am eating mainly minced/ground beef and chicken which are both great for blue and the cheapest meats available. Supps I am hunting down on ebay. ACV bought from the pet food shop.

Plus I'm doing at home weight training using things around the house, paint tins, stairs, small/medium sized children, which saves on gym memberships.

I am sticking with the basic foods, potatoes, tomatoes, nuts, cheese, meat and aggs and just making sure that everything counts:agree:

April 11th, 2011, 02:24 PM
Thanks yall for the tips

ELP-I live in the US.

atomic sagebrush
April 11th, 2011, 06:27 PM
Do you guys have Costco there? They have nuts, V-8 juice, and tons of other boy-friendly stuff for cheaper.

I think that by prioritizing what is really most important, you can do a budget sway for sure. I've conceived 2 boys eating mostly cheap foods like eggs, ramen, milk, hamburger, and pancakes and one boy eating straight off the boy diet so I know you have a lot of wiggle room. (and one boy swaying pink LOL)

April 11th, 2011, 09:33 PM
I agree buy meats in bulk and go for the cheaper meats like ground beef. Also, buy chicken on the bone - I roast a chicken once a week, it's really, really easy. Whole chickens are much cheaper. Or you can get breasts bone-in, skin-on for much cheaper than boneless/skinless. You can debone them yourself if you really want or just bake the meat on the bone. Eggs are very inexpensive and good sources of protein and iron.

Check around, too. I have found that our grocery stores will "loss lead" chicken and that it's best to wait for that and stock up. Beef prices are insane right now and I have found Walmart tends to have the best price on ground beef in my area. Sam's Club has the best prices on roasts but you have to buy bigger roasts to get it... I buy 6-8lb eye of round roasts but I am cooking for a family of six. One roast makes us roast beef with a gelatin-based gravy/reduction sauce and then beef stew later that week (and some cold roast beef for the hubby to snack on here and there)

Some supps like potassium/ACV/BS, etc. that are pretty inexpensive. Those are what I did for my boy sway along with gelatin. Those boy supps and lots of meat/nuts/salt along with regular salads. I did some V8 too. We also ate lots of rice and potatoes. My hubby can't have wheat so it was rice and potatoes for us!

April 11th, 2011, 10:51 PM
Which country are you in MMS? I am sticking with the basics for a budget blue sway. I am doing the TW style sway so am buying fruit and veg from the market. I am eating mainly minced/ground beef and chicken which are both great for blue and the cheapest meats available. Supps I am hunting down on ebay. ACV bought from the pet food shop.

Plus I'm doing at home weight training using things around the house, paint tins, stairs, small/medium sized children, which saves on gym memberships.

I am sticking with the basic foods, potatoes, tomatoes, nuts, cheese, meat and aggs and just making sure that everything counts:agree:

LOL! Small to medium sized children! I LOVE this!!! Keep at it and soon you can lift the big ones :-)

April 11th, 2011, 11:39 PM
LOL! Small to medium sized children! I LOVE this!!! Keep at it and soon you can lift the big ones :-) see now I know I need sleep. I thought you said "small to medium sized chicken" Blah......1 1/2 hrs left of work.

April 11th, 2011, 11:45 PM
I rarely have take away and IF I do, I have a $2.00 hamburger from McDonalds LOL and wait till I am home to eat.
When I started my sway - I bought 1-2 supps each pay to save forking it all out in one big hit, plus give my body time to adjust to just one or two a time! I buy them in bulk as it is cheaper (plus lasts alot longer!)
I shop around for my meat and buy in bulk. My main guidline is to have mince twice a week (beef mince) as it is cheaper and so versatile! Chunk eye steak 2-3 times a week and the other 2 days a week I have "easy days" something meaty but not too fussy on having a good quality meat (like the steak) so things like cottage pie, sausage rolls, sausages etc are cheap.
I always shop with a list!!
I buy as much as I can so I don't have to back track as often to the shops, save fuel AND works out cheaper too!
Cereal... I buy weetbix and then add some fruit to it like peaches or saltanas.. cheaper than buying a cereal like "fruit bix" same thing just HEAPs cheaper to have it this way ;)
Frozen vegies can sometimes be cheaper and last longer too.