View Full Version : Scared to have another colicky baby?

February 12th, 2013, 03:36 AM
I have 2 sons. My first was very, very, very difficult the first months of his life. The first 4 months he only slept 90 minute stretches (on me), screamed and cried constantly (every picture series of him there is at least one where he is crying), and just seemed to hate being on planet earth. We took him to a sleep specialist, the pediatrician, my midwife, a chiropractor, and a osteopath and they all agreed that yes he was definitely fussy and nothing really seemed to work besides just waiting it out. Of course things got better and the sleep dramatically improved so that he was STTN by 9 months, and as soon as he was mobile he was a much happier baby- now of course he is just as sweet as can be!

However my 2nd baby has been the opposite and it is so AMAZING. I can set him down and he is fine to just chill out and look around, he rarely cries and when he does he isn't very loud, he has been able to put himself to sleep without nursing since he was born, he doesn't sleep perfectly but he does sleep much better then his brother did at this age, I've only baby worn him twice just because it hasn't been necessary, etc.

So now I am terrified that if I can convince DH to have a 3rd that there is a chance that she :) would be colicky like our first. Before I knew how it could be I actually didn't mind having a colicky baby that much but now that I have seen how much nicer it can be, I would really hate to spend the first months with the baby so miserable.

Did any of you with 3 or more go through a similar experience? What did you do if you were unlucky? Was it better then dealing with colic the first time?

February 12th, 2013, 07:36 AM
My 4th was very difficult. My second was hard but number 4 was really hard. Had he been born first, he may have been an only child!

My DH helped. Had he not, I would have lost my mind so I understand you fear. It's just a risk we take because there is no crystal ball.

We made it through like you say. Just had to wait for him to grow up!

February 12th, 2013, 10:39 AM
Maybe you can blame it on him being a little boy :D :D But like you say at least they grow out of it no matter what!

February 12th, 2013, 11:17 AM
My first was the most happy baby on the planet, and my second seemed to hate it here.... But, i red the Baby Bond of Linda Palmer so i was keeping in mind all the time that maybe he reacted on the cow's milk protein in my milk.... By the tenth week it came down to the point i triee everything else with no real results and i went on a soy and dairy free diet. Within 2 days he became a happy, painfree baby! So if all the physical therapy doesn't work i would def recommend you to go on diet!

Hope she/he will be as happy as she/he can be!

February 12th, 2013, 11:26 AM
I was spoiled with my 1st. He was an angel baby and at 7 is still my angel child. My second was harder but he was premie and so I can blame that. My 3rd was so unbelievable hard. He nursed constantly for the first three months any hated visiting people. He would just hide under his blanket. Still at 2.5 he only sometimes sleeps through the night and gets over stimulated easily. My 4th from the night she was born in the hospital she refused to sleep in her own bed, had to be with me. She wasn't as hard as DS3 though. Now at 13 months she starts off in her bed but ends up with us still and she is a little social butterfly:) I hope number 5 mimics number 1.

The Anchor
February 12th, 2013, 02:32 PM
I think it's true that they all kinda grow it out of it...I think 9 months is the magic point in time :)

February 12th, 2013, 05:53 PM
My first had silent reflux... It mimicked colic but we eventually figured it out and got him the right medication. He was a different baby after that! I'm also afraid #2 will be hard... But this time around I won't just try to weather through. Now I know I need to look for causes of colic, whether it's silent reflux or a dairy allergy or whatever it may be. I think a lot of people just call it "colic" and don't realize they could make their baby feel better by getting to the root of the discomfort.

February 15th, 2013, 03:36 AM
Yeah for us it really was colic unfortunately- he didn't have a milk allergy or anything like that we made sure to test for it. Hopefully you won't have any problems with number 2 :)