View Full Version : Gender scan around 14 wks what to expect?

March 5th, 2013, 08:49 PM
Hi all,
I called a private u/s company to book a gender scan after 15 weeks and they
told me they could do it today (at 14 wks 2 days) because they are booked out for another 2.5 weeks. I was told that they are confident they would be able to accurately tell the gender at this stage of pg. I know that nub guessing is only accurate til week 14. What gender clues will they be looking for in pg just over 14 wks?
I saw an obstetrician this morning and she did a quick scan and I am pretty certain I saw a
nub. Could you lovely ladies please give me a tip on what they will be looking at tonight -
a nub, or a potty shot?

March 6th, 2013, 06:21 PM
Just to answer my own question in case anyone else is having an early gender scan after 14 weeks, it's the three lines that they are able to see at this stage. Had a wonderful experience, great pics, knowledgable tech who was 100% sure.

Butterfly Spirit
March 6th, 2013, 06:25 PM
Both. A nub and a potty shot. The tech at my 14 wk 4 day scan could only get a nub shot. There was a point we all saw the crotch shot but she didn't take pictures of either one so we had a free pass to return a week later. And when we went to that there was no doubt.

Good Luck :luck:

March 6th, 2013, 06:47 PM
Congrats! Glad your scan went well. Both nub and potty shots are ideal to have during the 14th week.

March 6th, 2013, 08:57 PM
In my case the tech concentrated on the potty
and immediately saw the 3 lines. When I asked her
about the nub, she showed it to me, but it looked
more like lips, not like a forked stick. She based her
decision on the potty shot though. I am just fascinated
how early a scan can tell you the bub's gender and it's
not guessing but actually telling. Here is one of the pics.