View Full Version : Anyone have gender-predicting dreams?

March 22nd, 2013, 09:34 AM
I will have my last ultrasound in a few weeks. Lately I've had two dreams that I'm having my fourth boy. Earlier in the pregnancy I've felt that it was a girl but now I'm more convinced that it's a boy. A friend of mine, who also has three boys, just had a little girl. I know more people who have three boys who have gone on to have a girl, but I just don't think it will be me.

Earlier in my pregnancy I had two dreams that it was a girl - so I guess it's a wash. Ha! Part of me still doesn't want to find out, but it's probably for the best that I do.

March 22nd, 2013, 12:33 PM
I had dreams about having daughter during early weeks but 1 day before 20 weeks ultra sound, I had a dream that i got an email saying its a boy and someone indicating at me saying she has a DD and a DS, on ultrasound night I had some pink dream..and we are having a daughter. so I don't know what to make of dreams other than dream gave me hope and made my GD worst.
Also my 3 year old kept saying the entire time - baby is a boy.

March 22nd, 2013, 12:45 PM
Its hard to say. I never had a gender dream with my first two pregnancies. They were both boys. I rarely dreamt at all with them, or at least I never remembered them.

With my third, I had three gender dreams...all of which involved a girl. One of which she was the antichrist! But they did appear accurate.

However, I know my good friend had tons of girl dreams with her fourth child. The only boy dream she had was one where he was deformed and it was scary. But she ended up having a boy after all. I have heard that some women dream opposite all the time. And some dream accurate. So it seems it's not something to really hedge your bets on.

I was voting my third was my third boy. But was wrong. I was wrong with my second as well. So my track record is not that great! Lol.

March 23rd, 2013, 03:38 AM
i never had gender dreams of any sort at all when pregnant with my last 6 boys
this time just before i found out i was pregnant i had reoccuring flashes of the words "it's a girl" and an ultrasound screen. i thought nothing of it until i had a face to face reading with a psychic and she had told me to pay attention to me dreams as they have psychic messages.
i have had very vivid dreams in the past few weeks of gender and what my baby looks like as a newborn and a toddler and we have named it etc
i hope and pray like crazy that they are right but of course they are dreams and dreams can have lots of different meanings
i have a strong gut feel this is my girl but i feel for my sake as well as my family i need to keep these dreams and my feelings to myself

Pink rose
March 23rd, 2013, 05:30 AM
I always dreamed about the baby being born and no one was able to tell me what it was. I was at a fortune teller who didn't know I was pregnant and told me my next baby would be a girl - silly I know but I took her word as gospel and subconsciously thought I was having a girl. I choose not to find out at the ultrasound because I wanted to keep hoping it was a girl. I think this made my gd worse. When I look back now my dreams were probearly right I was avoiding finding out the sex i didnt want anyone telling me. This is how I really felt I just lived in hope for 40 weeks and although I loved my ds I felt crushed and hopeless because choosing the sex of my baby was beyond my control.

March 27th, 2013, 11:25 AM
I have had very vivid dreams each time I was pregnant that I was having a boy....I have three girls.

I put no stock what-so-ever into dreams, psychics, etc because ultimately, it is Mother Nature who decides what gender we get. Swaying can help, but we all know it is beyond our control unless we go IVF/PGD.

April 2nd, 2013, 04:48 PM
Right before I got my BFP with this pregnancy, I had a very vivid dream that I had twin girls named Laila and Aria. I had a couple more dreams about having one daughter or twin daughters after getting my BFP. I had another one right before I found out we were having a girl. I woke up expecting her to be in bed next to us (we cosleep). That's how vivid it was. I also knew in my gut we were having a girl. I didn't want to believe it tho bc we have 3 little boys and I never thought it would happen. My dreams (except the twin ones) and my gut feeling were right. But that could have been a coincidence! I know how you're feeling. I just didn't think it would happen. Especially since we didn't sway. But it happens all the time and you could very well have a girl in there :) .

April 5th, 2013, 09:13 PM
I think for some people dreams can be accurate.

I have always dreamt the gender of each baby correctly before I even know I am pregnant. That is usually a big clue to me to test. I have only ever had boy dreams with the exception of the baby girl I miscarried. I dreamt she was a she at 6 weeks pregnant very vividly but the nurse told me I would miscarry. In my dream I remember reading in my folder at the hospital the miscarriage was a DNA issue. I miscarried her at 11 weeks due to Turners syndrome.

I have just miscarried again at 11 weeks but don't know what it was yet. My dreams told me boy again.

April 14th, 2013, 05:31 AM
With my boys (I also have 3) when I dreamed about the baby it was always that I'd just given birth and people were refusing to tell me the gender. Or I was off doing something normal but had a baby girl in tow. As I say I had boys.
I've not had any dreams yet about the gender but I started off with the feeling I was having a girl and now at 13 weeks am convinced it will be my 4th boy.
I've seen people who post on facebook about having a girl after 3 boys and I just think that wont be me. I think of the odds of it being me and I've seen 2 or 3 people post on facebook over the last couple of months (I use groups on there so don't know them personally) Someone has got to be the one to have all 4 haven't they.

April 16th, 2013, 12:56 AM
With DS1 I dreamed about a generic baby in yellow until the night after I was told I was having a girl. In my dream I had just given birth and was all upset that my room was all blue and green and I was screaming I needed pink for my girl. They told me I had a boy. I woke up crying and sobbing hysterically. Several weeks later, sure enough, baby boy. The lab tech checked the wrong gender box on my amnio report. DS2 I had no dreams at all, but felt he was a boy from early on. With DD I had this obsessive compulsion to go out and buy a bunch of baby girl clothes and cut out a bunch of fabric for girly diapers right around O time. The night before I found out I was pregnant I dreamed DH handed me a box from under the Christmas tree. I unwrapped it and inside I found a pretty new baby girl with little strawberry blonde pigtails and pink hair bows. I got my BFP that morning when I got up. I haven't had any other gender dreams during this pregnancy, but I am having a girl this time. I have, however, dreamed I've given birth to a black and white spotted pig and, ironically, the only profile shot we could get of her face is with her swallowing and it looks like she has a pig snout. LOL